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English Reading and Writing Dr. Peih-ying Lu Fall 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "English Reading and Writing Dr. Peih-ying Lu Fall 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Reading and Writing Dr. Peih-ying Lu Fall 2011

2 Syllabus Topic 1: Education Topic 2: Health and Self-image Topic 3: Human Conflict Topic 4: Society & the Individual Topic 5: Back to Education

3 Topic 1: Education Introduction – Starting a New Life Becoming a doctor (Essay) A Beacon in the Night (Short story, Australia)

4 Topic 2: Health and Self-image Barbie doll (Poem) Heavy judgment (Essay) Group Presentation

5 Topic 3: Human Conflict Mending wall (poem) Birthday party (short story) Mother tongue (Essay) A Rose for Emily

6 Topic 4: Society & the Individual Daddy Tucked the Blanket Shame His Son’s Big Doll

7 Topic 5: Back to Education Making the Grade Why Grades Go Up (Excellence Without a Soul)

8 Introduction This course aims to enhance freshman English reading and writing abilities. We will use social issues as the framework for critical thinking, and offer opportunities to let students express their ideas in English. We will have lecture, group discussion, and invited speeches in class. After class, students are required to join Intercultural Reading group to exchange ideas with students from UK and Argentina.

9 Each group has to give two oral presentations in class and submits papers Internet learning resources play a crucial role in this course. Students are asked to register in the course website, and also the website of Intercultural Reading group.

10 Intercultural Reading group is formed by students of this course and Glasgow School of Arts. Students from different countries will read the same materials and then share ideas on the website.

11 By the discussions of the articles, students could practice writing skills and get to know different ideas from different cultures. From the intercultural discussions, we wish to promote student’s English skills and develop their critical thinking.

12 Forum and Intercultural Reading Group 1. Break the Ice: Please introduce yourself here. 2. Reading Materials: you could download the reading materials here. 3. Share your Ideas: Share your opinion about the article here. Please register as well (the same id with the course website)

13 Moodle http://arts. moodle.

14 Assignment Personal essays:Choose one topic from the four thematic concerns of this course and write personal essay ( you have to hand in 2 essays this semester) Group report:oral presentation and written papers. In-class discussion:the instructor will design the questions.

15 Assessment Midterm Exam 25% Final Exam 25% - 50% Participation, group report and individual assignments. (45 – 50 %)

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