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WorldFish Center A member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Provides expertise on Fisheries and Aquaculture Mission:

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Presentation on theme: "WorldFish Center A member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Provides expertise on Fisheries and Aquaculture Mission:"— Presentation transcript:

1 WorldFish Center A member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Provides expertise on Fisheries and Aquaculture Mission: Reduce hunger and Poverty while protecting natural ecosystems. Understanding Fisheries within a broader context; social, economic and ecological Established in 1977 with HQ in Penang, Malaysia Zambian office opened in 2006 (Country office, Nepad, COMESA, SADC)


3 WorldFish Center and HIV/AIDS  Held an International workshop in February 2006  To address the elevated HIV prevalence and high morbidity and mortality among fishers  Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture for HIV/AIDS hh’s in Zomba area of Malawi  Profits increase six-fold  1500 kg’s of fish per hectare per year  Water from ponds used to irrigate other crops



6 Background 1: Factors of vulnerability –Mobility and migration –Demographics (youth, male dominated) –Pronounced gender inequality –Social marginalisation of fisherfolk –Physical isolation –Cash-rich, opportunity- poor economy

7 Background 2: Factors of resilience 200 million people in Africa depend on fish - these benefits need to be safeguarded and where possible increased vulnerable populations earn income from Fisheries and aquaculture when other opportunities close down – these benefits can be significantly increased

8 Investing in Sustainable Solutions  SIDA-funded project in Southern and West Africa  To strengthen the contribution of the fisheries sector to overcoming HIV/AIDS  Collation of available data (medical and socio- economic)  Case studies to identify key risk factors  Targeted research to compliment existing knowledge  Action Research projects in pilot learning sites to identify entry points  Policy Advisory Group  Development of guidelines and policy recommendations

9 Pilot Learning Sites  Nacala Corridor (Lower Shire; Nacala- Lake Malawi route  Kafue Flats (Zambia)  Lubumbashi (DRC)  Lake Victoria Corridor (The area linking Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania  Abidjan- Lagos Corridor (Benin, Lagos State and Cross river State  Lake Chad Basin


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