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Crusades and Trade Towns Fight for Jerusalem. 2/22/10 Basecamp: Reflect on the Egg Joust, why did we do it, and what did you learn from it. Mission: To.

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Presentation on theme: "Crusades and Trade Towns Fight for Jerusalem. 2/22/10 Basecamp: Reflect on the Egg Joust, why did we do it, and what did you learn from it. Mission: To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crusades and Trade Towns Fight for Jerusalem

2 2/22/10 Basecamp: Reflect on the Egg Joust, why did we do it, and what did you learn from it. Mission: To understand how the Crusades would affect the Medieval period and how Europe would develop back into an area of learning. After Class: Review Notes for Quiz Wednesday

3 2/23/10 Basecamp: How might the growth of towns lead to problems for medieval Europe? Mission: To analyze the causes for turmoil in late medieval Europe After Class: Review Notes for Quiz Wednesday

4 Pope Urban Calls for a “holy war” Pope Urban calls for a military “crusade” to kick the Muslims out of their holy capital, Jerusalem Nobles, Knights, Peasants and Women set out for the arabian peninsula to free it from Islamic rule All seeking a spot in heaven, more lands, and power “God wills it!” was their battle cry

5 Crusades are a flop! Crusaders did not know the geography or climate of the middle east, did not know the Arabs culture or technological advancements, or have a good plan for the war. 1st and 2nd Crusades were successful in capturing Jerusalem, However they were not able to hold the city from Saladin. The 3rd and 4th Crusades were unsuccessful to recapture Jerusalem.

6 Trebuchet! Watch Out Medieval Technology was purpose driven Learned how to use physics and mathematics to create siege weapons Trebuchet

7 Effects of the Crusades Failure of the Crusades caused... trade between Europe and Asia and Africa bitterness and hatred between Muslims and Christians seeking of another trade route to India and China

8 Food is good! Using Horses instead of oxen for plowing Increased food production Three Field System enabling farmers to grow in all seasons allow fields to fertilize itself

9 Guild System Apprentice - assistant to a master Journeyman - work for many masters, work for wages could become a master once created a masterpiece Master - member of a guild who were experts at their field

10 Trade and Towns Grow Trade drove people back into towns Waste disposal and Water use was not controlled populations would grow in Europe people would not wash or worry about germs

11 Magna Carta Magna Carta was a document that guaranteed certain basic rights Nobles wanted to safeguard certain basic rights, and limit the King’s power. No taxation without representation, jury trial, and protection of the law. US Bill of Rights, British Common Law

12 Parliamentary System British Parliament was a step back to representative democracy Nobles formed a model parliament to advice King on taxes and decisions Commoners would later form their own house of parliament, called the house of commons

13 France Separates From England Kings looked for ways to increase their power Feudal territories bonded together Kings started to gain power over their lords and matched power against other Kings

14 Church divided Pope and Kings collide over power Great Schism (division) in the Church John Wycliffe says only JC is head of church Clergy should own no wealth Bible alone was final authority

15 Bubonic Plague 1/3 of European Population died 25 million dead Trade brought the plague to Europe from Asia Nicknamed Black Death for spots Jews became a scapegoat because they were merchant traders Fewer workers meant more jobs in cities

16 100 year war and Joan French vs England English Longbow technology Teenage peasant girl said that God had sent her to rescue France She helped lead France to independence Burned at the stake by British in 1431

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