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“ The holy [place] …which is now held by unclean peoples, and the holy places … are treated with dishonor and irreverently befouled with their uncleanness…Set.

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Presentation on theme: "“ The holy [place] …which is now held by unclean peoples, and the holy places … are treated with dishonor and irreverently befouled with their uncleanness…Set."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ The holy [place] …which is now held by unclean peoples, and the holy places … are treated with dishonor and irreverently befouled with their uncleanness…Set out on this journey [to save this place] and you will obtain the remission of your sins and be sure of the incorruptible glory of the kingdom of heaven.”

2 Those who pray

3 AKA Europe as Christendom Age of Faith

4 The Church in Public Life Continuity with Rome Apostolic set-up/Organization –The secular clergy

5 Pervasiveness Social Life Marriage Rules Cult of Mary Crucifix Tithe Eternity!

6 Pilgrimages For example, The Canterbury Tales or Santiago de Compostela

7 The Crusades Grab a text book from the back bookshelf, read pages 177-180 on the Crusades. Stop at the heading The Pontificate of Innocent III. Answer these questions in your notes about the Crusades. –How many Crusades were there? –Which ones were successful? –What were the lasting effects of the Crusades? –Can you think of a possible NEGATIVE effect the Crusades had on Europe that the book does not mention?

8 The Literal Center of Life

9 CONCRETE representation of importance

10 Romanesque Churches




14 Gothic Cathedrals








22 The Cloistered Life Seriously, those who pray, regular clergy Social Outlet Sign of Commitment

23 Normal Day in a Monastery/Convent Vespers (at the end of the day) Compline (upon retiring) Vigils (sometime during the night) Matins (at sunrise) Prime (during the first hour of daylight) Terce (at the third hour) Sext (at the sixth hour) None (at the ninth hour) Vespers (at the end of the day) In each service, they would have –Lamplighting ritual (lucernare) –Hymn of light with opening prayer –Psalm 140/141 with incensation –Other psalms –Intercessions and collect –Concluding prayer (blessing)Dismissal

24 Their Other Focus Continuity and education

25 Do a Google image search for “Illuminated manuscripts”



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