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Native Americans -Land Bridge last Ice Age -Hunting and Gathering -Agriculture develops -Ancient civilizations -adapted to their environments -close relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans -Land Bridge last Ice Age -Hunting and Gathering -Agriculture develops -Ancient civilizations -adapted to their environments -close relationship."— Presentation transcript:


2 Native Americans -Land Bridge last Ice Age -Hunting and Gathering -Agriculture develops -Ancient civilizations -adapted to their environments -close relationship to the land communal ownership -belief in universal spirit -Tribal communities

3 Africa -Western Africa -based on trade across the Sahara -African civilizations Songhai, Benin, Kongo -different type of slavery in Africa

4 Europeans -Crusades -Renaissance -Reformation -commerce grows -nationalism begins

5 Explorers -Renaissance -Exploration Portugal Vasco Da Gama Colombus 1492 San Salvador Amerigo Vespucci Vasco Balboa Ferdinand Magellan Conquistadors

6 Impact of Contact -Colombus ’ impression -colonization by force -effects of disease -importation of Africans -Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal

7 Impact of Contact -Colombus ’ impression -colonization by force -effects of disease -importation of Africans -Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal

8 Impact of Contact -Colombus ’ impression -colonization by force -effects of disease -importation of Africans -Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal

9 Colombian Exchange -transfer of goods between societies -Americas sent corn, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, peanuts, tobacco -Europe sent horses, cows, pigs, coffee, vanilla, chocolate, and technology

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