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Groove Time October 29, 2013  What part of the world did the Vikings come from?  What did Vikings do during the 9 th and 10 th centuries?  What was.

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Presentation on theme: "Groove Time October 29, 2013  What part of the world did the Vikings come from?  What did Vikings do during the 9 th and 10 th centuries?  What was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Groove Time October 29, 2013  What part of the world did the Vikings come from?  What did Vikings do during the 9 th and 10 th centuries?  What was valued in Viking society?  Who were the first settlers of North America and when did they arrive?

2 The Crusades October 29, 2013

3 The Crusades  Religious conflicts between Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages  War against the “infidels” or unbeliever

4 Knight Templars  Most skilled Christian fighters  Protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land  Provided both knights and money to fund the Crusades

5 First Crusade, 1096-1099 CE  Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asked Pope Urban II for help against the Turks in 1096  Mostly French  Attracted by religion, adventure and wealth  Holy city of Jerusalem taken by army


7 Second Crusade,1147-1149 CE  Cities recaptured by Muslims  The Church calls for another “crusade”  Total failure for Christians

8 Third Crusade, 1189-1192 CE  Reaction to fall of the Holy City of Jerusalem in 1187  Led by leaders of Germany, England and France  Ended with agreement that Christians are allowed access to city but city remained under Muslim rule

9 Fourth Crusade, 1202-1204 CE  Set out to reclaim Muslim-controlled Jerusalem  Got distracted in Constantinople  Sacked the (Orthodox) Christian city “There was never a greater crime against humanity than the Fourth Crusade.”

10 Children’s Crusade, 1212  Nicholas of Cologne says God has told him to lead a Children’s Crusade to Jerusalem  Thousands of young people follow to Italy

11 Effects of Crusades  Helped stabilize European society  Development of centralized governments  Monarchs began to expand their powers  Growth in religious enthusiasm  Laid the groundwork for the Inquisition

12 Effects on Relations  Solidified schism between Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians  Merchants were more inclined to trade with Middle East

13 Ottoman Empire October 30, 2013

14 Intro  Late 13 th century, a group of Turks in the NW corner of Anatolia Peninsula begin Ottoman Empire.  Expand to Western Asia, North Africa and Europe  Reached its height under Süleyman (1520- 1566)



17 Ottoman Rule  “Gunpowder empire” – outside conquerors unified the conquered regions  Successful due to military strength/technology  Sultan: supreme political and military leader  Hereditary  Advised by imperial counsel  Pashas: local rulers

18 Religion  Sunni Muslims  Sultan responsible for guiding flock and maintaining Islamic law  Tolerant of non-Muslims  Paid taxes but allowed to worship

19 Society  Ruling class  Merchants  Artisans  Peasants  Pastoral peoples  Sultan owned all the land

20 Culture  Exchange of Western and Ottoman ideas  Patrons of the arts  Textiles, arms/armor and architecture (Mosques)

21 Fall of Ottoman Empire  Trade with Europe led to weakened Ottoman economy  Military failure in Vienna shows weakness  Expanding divide between upper and lower classes

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