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Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? There’s liberating clarity for you!

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Presentation on theme: "Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? There’s liberating clarity for you!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer?

3 Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? There’s liberating clarity for you!

4 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Are you a Jesus’s Disciple in Prayer? There’s liberating clarity for you!

5 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing clarity

6 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity (Chicken soup)

7 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing clarity

8 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Disciples are learners… They need teaching

9 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Liberating teaching on prayer includes areas like…

10 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Liberating teaching on prayer includes areas like… 1) The goodness of God

11 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Liberating teaching on prayer includes areas like… 1)The goodness of God 2)You don’t need many words

12 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Liberating teaching on prayer includes areas like… 1)The goodness of God 2)You don’t need many words 3) Saved by grace; pray by grace!

13 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Liberating teaching on prayer includes areas like… 1)The goodness of God 2)You don’t need many words 3) Saved by grace; pray by grace! 4)Pray in faith – which comes from God’s word

14 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Disciples are learners… They need teaching… But teaching isn’t enough!

15 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Disciples DO it! They make mistakes and get better – that’s where the best learning happens

16 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity We are Jesus' disciples in prayer!

17 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:

18 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1: Requests

19 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Be Specific

20 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Be Specific Luke 18:41 - (“What do you want me to do for you?”)

21 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request:

22 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request: Wisdom (James 1:5)

23 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request: Boldness (Acts 4:29-30)

24 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request: The Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13)

25 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request: Healing (Ex 15:26, Matt 15:30)

26 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Healing is God’s will for you!

27 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Healing is God’s will for you! (so don’t try to convince Him!)

28 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Things we can request: Prayers from the “Lord’s Prayer” Lead us not…

29 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:

30 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2: Intercession

31 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Let’s get rid of a couple of “burdens”

32 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession First burden – I can claim God’s promises for other people against their will

33 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Exception from gospels – praying for children, members of household…

34 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Second burden – I can’t intercede effectively because there is so much I don’t know…

35 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Second burden – I can’t intercede effectively because there is so much I don’t know… That’s a good place to be!

36 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Second burden – I can’t intercede effectively because there is so much I don’t know… Romans 8:26-27 – the Spirit interecedes…

37 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Pray in the spirit! Spirit? spirit?

38 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Pray in the spirit! Spirit? spirit? (yes!)

39 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Things from the Bible we can pray in intercession:

40 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Things from the Bible we can pray in intercession: 1) Prayers like Paul’s prayers: spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1)

41 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Things from the Bible we can pray in intercession: 2) Prayers like Paul’s prayers: Filled with presence of Jesus and love of God (Eph. 3)

42 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Things from the Bible we can pray in intercession: 3) God, send labourers into the harvest (Matt. 9:38)

43 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 2:Intercession Things from the Bible we can pray in intercession: 4 4) “Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong”(2 Cor. 13:7)

44 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 3:

45 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 3: Conversation

46 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 3:Conversation Col. 3:17 - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

47 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 3:Conversation Col. 3:17 - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

48 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 3:Conversation Col. 3:17 - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving than k s to God the Father through him.

49 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests

50 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Area # 2: Intercession

51 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Area # 2: Intercession Area # 3: Conversation

52 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Area # 2: Intercession Area # 3: Conversation Honourable mention: Thanks

53 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Area # 1:Requests Area # 2: Intercession Area # 3: Conversation Honourable mention: ThanKs

54 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity 1 Tim. 2:1 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--

55 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity 1 Tim. 2:1 – I urge, then, first of all, that requests, intercession, conversation with God (and do not forget thanksgiving!) be made for all people--

56 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity Now we get to pray!

57 Three Areas of Prayer – Bringing Clarity

58 Shine, Jesus Shine - Graham Kendrick Lord, the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness shining Jesus, light of the world shine upon us Set us free by the truth You now bring us Shine on me, shine on me!

59 Shine, Jesus Shine Shine, Jesus shine! Fill this land with the Father ’ s glory Blaze, Spirit blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow, river flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your word, Lord and let there be light

60 Shine, Jesus Shine Lord, I come to Your awesome presence From the shadows into Your radiance By the blood I may enter Your brightness Search me, try me, consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me!

61 Shine, Jesus Shine Shine, Jesus shine! Fill this land with the Father ’ s glory Blaze, Spirit blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow, river flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your word, Lord and let there be light

62 Shine, Jesus Shine As we gaze on Your kingly brightness So our faces display Your likeness Ever changing from glory to glory Mirrored here, may our lives tell the story Shine on me, shine on me!

63 Shine, Jesus Shine Shine, Jesus shine! Fill this land with the Father ’ s glory Blaze, Spirit blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow, river flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your word, Lord and let there be light

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