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Rhetorical Situation and Thesis Statements Pre-Course Class 66 USASMA.

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1 Rhetorical Situation and Thesis Statements Pre-Course Class 66 USASMA

2 Rhetorical Situation Audience: Who will be reading your essay? Who is interested in the topic? Purpose: What is the reason for writing the essay? Inform, persuade, explain Constraints: Length of paper Time allotted Knowledge of audience

3 Freewrite about these questions… 1.Why should someone visit your country? 2.What does your country have to offer?

4 With a partner, complete these tasks… 1.Exchange writing and create a reverse outline for the other’s work. 2.Write one sentence that summarizes the essay.

5 Guidelines for Thesis Statements An effective thesis statement: Includes the topic Is an opinion that someone could argue Is a declarative statement, not a question Serves as a road map to the rest of the essay Uses specific language

6 Sample thesis statement The United States of America boasts beautiful national parks, exciting national holidays and celebrations, and delicious food. Tourists should visit the US because of certain things it has to offer: beautiful national parks, exciting national holidays and celebrations, and delicious food. 1.Does it include the topic? 2.Is it an opinion that someone could argue? 3.Is it a declarative statement, not a question? 4.Does it serve as a road map to the rest of the essay? 5.Does it use specific language?

7 Fact and Opinion Fact or opinion? El Paso is a large city located in West Texas. Fact or opinion? Out of all the large cities in Texas, El Paso is the best city in which to raise a family [because of the many cultures, safety, and availability of parks.]

8 Is your thesis statement arguable? “Out of all the large cities in Texas, El Paso is the best city in which to raise a family because of the many cultures, safety, and availability of parks.” Points that someone could argue: I have friends who live there and say it’s impossible to get a job unless you speak Spanish. Is this true? Juárez is very close and I’ve heard it’s violent there. Is El Paso really safe? How can there be nice parks if it’s so hot there all the time? Is there grass? Baseball fields? Swimming pools?

9 Ask yourself these questions… 1. What is your topic? 2. What is your opinion on the topic? 3. What do you want your readers to believe or do after reading your paper? (Think of this as a “call to action.”) 4. Explain why your thesis is arguable. In other words, how might a reader dispute your thesis statement or challenge your position?

10 Homework Answer these questions and be ready to discuss tomorrow. 1.What are the differences between an informative and persuasive essay? Give examples from your essays about your country. 2.What is the significance of a thesis statement? Write a thesis statement for your persuasive essay. View and download DCL Rubric and Effective Writing for Army Leaders handoutDCL RubricEffective Writing for Army Leaders handout

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