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Solar System Large planetary system consisting of a combination of many smaller planetary systems and objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar System Large planetary system consisting of a combination of many smaller planetary systems and objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar System Large planetary system consisting of a combination of many smaller planetary systems and objects

2 Constellation of Capricorn Photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope -- is made up of one large spiral galaxy, an elliptical galaxy and at least one smaller spiral.

3 History of Astronomy

4 Milky Way Galaxy

5 Greeks and Romans Looked to the Sky for their Gods: All Planets named after Roman Gods Except Earth Identified 7-Wandering Stars: 5-Planets, Sun, Moon

6 Geocentric Model GREEKS AND ROMANS BELIEVED WE WERE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE… Ptolemy: Greek astronomer that created the GEOCENTRIC MODEL GEOCENTRIC MODEL Earth at Center of Universe

7 Heliocentric Model Heliocentric model puts Sun at Center of Universe
In 1543Polish Astronomer Named Copernicus was First to Publish his beliefs. Many people…Especially the Church were not happy!!

First to see Jupiter's moons 4- of them!! Observed Venus’s phases: Proved Heliocentric Model was Correct Observed the moons craters and “seas” Like everyone else… Galileo thought orbits were ROUND!

9 Kepler Kepler created the motion of elliptical orbits.
Elliptical orbits are oval shaped…NOT perfect circles Like many before him…His Ideas were met by non-believers

10 Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton concluded that Inertia and Gravity kept planets in orbit ORBIT: Path an object takes as it REVOLVES around another object INERTIA: tendency for an object in motion to remain in motionOR an object at rest to remain at rest GRAVITY: Force that pulls one object towards another

11 Gravity & Inertia ORBIT: Path an object takes as it REVOLVES around another object INERTIA: tendency for an object in motion to remain in motion OR an object at rest to remain at rest GRAVITY: Force that pulls one object towards another

12 Rotation vs. Revolution
ROTATION: (DAY) Spinning motion about an axis REVOLUTION: (YEAR) The movement of one object around another object

13 Terrestial Planets These planets have Solid Surfaces 3 out of 4 have Atmosphere. They are Smaller in Size and Diameter Less Dense than the Jovial Planets

14 Mercury Distance from Sun: 58 million km
Named After the Roman messenger of Gods MOST Extreme temperatures: ˚ C During Day : -170˚C at Night Very Similar to moon: NO atmosphere NO Erosion Many Craters Largest is Caloris Basin

15 Venus Distance from Sun: 108 million km
Named After the Roman God of Love HOTTER than Mercury… Green house Gases Very Similar to Earth in Size: Has Atmosphere: THICK CLOUDS Reflect a lot of Light Most Circular Orbit Retrograde Rotation Few craters: Relatively young surfaces. Due to Volcanic Activity and Weather

16 Earth Distance from Sun: 150 million km
ONLY Planet NOT Named for Roman God Moderate Temperatures Tilted 23.5° This Tilt allows us to have seasons! In summer when closest to sun In winter when farthest to sun ONLY Planet known to have life Has Atmosphere Few craters: Relatively young surfaces. Due to Volcanic Activity and Weather 1-Moon

17 Mars Distance from Sun: 228 million km
Named After the Roman God of War Due to Red Color: Iron Oxide in Soil (RUST) Mt. Olympus Largest Volcano in Solar System Valles Marineris Largest Canyons in Solar System Has Atmosphere Evidence of Water in Past Old Craters: Older Surface 2-Moons

18 Gaseous Planets or Jovial Planets These Planets are Composed of GAS All 4 have an Atmosphere. They are MUCH LARGER DENSER than the Terrestrial Planets

19 Jupiter Distance from Sun: 778 million km
Named After Zeus…King of the Gods LARGEST Storm in Solar System (Hurricane) The Red Spot Very Similar to SUN: Hydrogen and Helium Has Atmosphere 63-Moons Europa believed to have Water Visited by Voyager 1 and 2

20 Saturn Distance from Sun: 1,427 million km
Named After Roman God of Agriculture Largest and Brightest Rings in Solar System TITAN: Moon with Atmosphere Has Shepherd Moons: Moons that keep rings together Has Atmosphere Has 60 Moons and 7 Rings Visited by Voyager 1 and 2

21 Uranus Distance from Sun: 2871 million km
Named After Roman God Father of the Titans Similar to Jupiter only FROZEN made from Hydrogen and Helium Has 4-Seasons,atmosphere Rotates on its side. Known as the Windy Planet: 1100 mph Has 22 Moons and Faint Rings Visited by Voyager 2

22 Neptune Distance from Sun: 4497 million km
Named After Roman God of the Seas Similar to Uranus Has 11 Moons and Faint Rings Has Atmosphere Discovered by TWO astronomers before it was actually seen Visited by Voyager 2

23 Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Gas or
Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Gas Gas Gas Gas Atmosphere NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Moon O Diameter km km km km Rotation hr hrs hrs hrs hrs days 56min min min min hrs

24 Revolution Period (Year)
Name: _____________ Period: _____ Solar System Facts Planet Surface Distance From Sun Diameter Atmosphere Number of Moons High / Low Temperature Rotation Period (Day) Revolution Period (Year) Fun Fact Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Acronym: My very educated mother just served us noodles! Know create your own! _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

25 Comets COMETS are “Dirty Snowballs” Ice and Dust leftovers from the formation of our solar system around 4.6 billion years ago. COMETS provide us with important clues about the formation of our solar system.


27 Asteroids ASTEROIDS are rocky leftovers from the formation of our solar system around 4.6 billion years ago. ASTEROIDS are found in the Asteroid Belt found between Mars and Jupiter. OVER 90,000 Known to Exist with many more found every year

28 Meteors A METEOROID is a small piece of dust or rock flying through our Solar System. IF IT ENTERS OUR ATMOSPHERE…IT is called a METEOR…a "shooting star" IF IT REACHES THE GROUND it is then called a METEORITE.

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