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WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope OCEANS AND SEAS.

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Presentation on theme: "WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope OCEANS AND SEAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope OCEANS AND SEAS

2 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope The 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered of water, But only the 1% of the water is good to drink, because the most is salty or frozen. Oceans contains 1,350 million Km 3 di H 2 O, and 28 million are frozen in the polar caps.

3 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope With the word “ocean” we intend the largest extents of water between the Continents

4 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope In the past there was only a continet (PANGEA) and an ocean (PANTHALASSA). Than started the “continental drift” and mainlands began to move and to split in different continents and Tethys in different oceans

5 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope The nowadays layout of continents and oceans is dated about “only” 10 - 20 million years ago

6 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope The extenions of oceans is different between northern and southern hemispheres: in the north they fill the 61% of the total surface, in the south the 81%

7 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope Oceans have different denomination, depending on the area of the word we are: Pacific Ocean, the one between America Asia and Australia, is the largest and deepest of the Earth. The Philippine’s Trench is 11,516 m deep.

8 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope Atlantic Ocean, is situated between America, Europe and Africa; it includes also shallow seas, such as Caribbean Sea, Mexican Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.

9 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope Indian Ocean, is situated on the south of Asia and it’s the smallest one.

10 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope With the word “sea” we intend smaller basins with shallower water, such as Mediterranean Sea or Red Sea; but we also call “sea” some closed, salted, basins like the Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea Red Sea

11 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope Every ocean and sea has a different amount of solved mineral salt. The average concentration is about 35% 0 The sea with the highest concentration in the Earth is the Dead Sea (35% - 10 time more than the others), and because of this, consent an easy floatage The Dead Sea

12 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope The geographic and geological difference between oceans and seas depends on the kind of the sea bed: the basament of the “sea” is made of continental crust, on the contrary the basment of “ocean” is made of oceanic crust SEAOCEAN

13 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope Oceans are full of life, they regulate the climate, provide us food and different kinds of resources, and on their good health depends also our life. So we MUST DEFEND this ecosystem as we defend fresh water

14 WATERHOLIC - A drop of water a drop of hope THANK YOU

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