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236 U Stephan Winkler (Univ. of Vienna). Production of 236 U (n,3n) Main Production channel in thermonuclear devices is (n,3n) of 14MeV neutrons on 238.

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Presentation on theme: "236 U Stephan Winkler (Univ. of Vienna). Production of 236 U (n,3n) Main Production channel in thermonuclear devices is (n,3n) of 14MeV neutrons on 238."— Presentation transcript:

1 236 U Stephan Winkler (Univ. of Vienna)

2 Production of 236 U (n,3n) Main Production channel in thermonuclear devices is (n,3n) of 14MeV neutrons on 238 U. (Sakaguchi et al) Main Production in Reactors via (n,γ) of thermal neutrons on 235 U, Wellington, NZ, 2011

3 236 U inventory Natural Uranium ore: 236 U/U typ. 4×10 -11. In U ore recoverable: 1.5 kg 236 U. Typical deep lithosphere: equilibrium 236 U/U = 2...5×10 -14 Inventory of the topmost 1000 m: ~22 kg 236 U Cosmic radiation: ~0.5 at 236 U cm -2 yr -1 (half of this in the upmost 1 m) Equilibrium inventory: 10 kg. Total transfer to rivers would rise the ratio in rivers by +5×10 -14 Signature of river water: 1...10×10 -14 also valid for the global oceans (U residence time: several 10 5 years, well mixed) Natural 236 U inventory in oceans: 0.2 kg (!) Anthropogenic 236 U produced by nuclear power reactors: ~10 6 kg (!) Global fall-out from nuclear weapons testing ~10 3 kg Leakage by reprocessing plants (e.g. Sellafield)

4 The HMF-1 236 U and 14 C record

5 Ocean Water Data So Far Depth profiles from Atlantic Northern Seas Sea of Japan

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