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The Ontario Curriculum Business Studies BBB 4M BBB 4E.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ontario Curriculum Business Studies BBB 4M BBB 4E."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ontario Curriculum Business Studies BBB 4M BBB 4E

2 Emphasis On … Descriptive course titles International Business Fundamentals International Business Essentials No change to destinations Remove prerequisite for BBB4M Generally - decreasing the number and length of expectations Examples - updated and increased number Developing business communication techniques

3 Emphasis On (continued) Canada Geography Numeracy skills Ethics Increasing need to access computer labs Descriptors for the 4E course: Identify vs. analyse

4 EXPECTATIONS CourseStrand OESE BBB4M Current51872 Revised51657 BBB4E Current41356 Revised41551 Numbers may vary as a result of final revisions

5 BBB 4M International Business Fundamentals STRANDS Current The Global Environment for Business Business and Trade Factors Influencing Success in International Markets Marketing Challenges, Approaches, and Distribution World Markets and Careers Revised Business, Trade and the Economy The Global Environment for Business Factors Influencing Success in International Markets Marketing Challenges, Approaches, and Distribution Working in International Markets

6 Business, Trade and the Economy Vocabulary and terminology International trade, multinational, export, competitive advantage Business communication techniques Business reports, presentations International Interdependence Evolution of Canada’s relationships

7 The Global Environment for Business Impact of globalization On businesses, people, consumer choices Trends Production, standardization, labour Technology use Calculations of currency, Internet

8 Factors Influencing Success in International Markets Expanded list of examples in this strand Cultural Ethics, values, language Diversity and competitive advantage Political Avoiding Mistakes Canada’s success in international markets

9 Marketing Challenges, Approaches, and Distribution Ethical issues removed from this strand Provide more and updated examples Marketing approaches include: Focus on e-commerce, e-distribution

10 Working in International Markets Focus on Ethics Partnerships and Alliances Education and Training Incorporated careers and skills throughout the course

11 BBB 4E International Business Essentials STRANDS Remain Unchanged Canada in the Global Marketplace International Markets Conducting International Business International Careers and Skills

12 Canada in the Global Marketplace Focus on Advantages and disadvantages of IB for Canada Barriers Evolution of International Business in Canada More describe and identify descriptors

13 International Markets Fewer expectations Develop numeracy skills Converting and comparing currencies Impact of currency fluctuations on strategies

14 Conducting International Business Shortened some expectations Added focus on ethics

15 International Careers and Skills Added specific expectations that address: Border Issues The role of the border services agencies The impact on study, travel and employment The international events such as 9/11 and SARS Expanding vocabulary, concepts and communication

16 Suggestions Back at the board level.

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