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The CSUP/PDS Partner District/ AVID Alliance. A structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure.

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Presentation on theme: "The CSUP/PDS Partner District/ AVID Alliance. A structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CSUP/PDS Partner District/ AVID Alliance

2 A structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure for students in the academic middle A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by nearly 4,500 schools in 47 states and 16 countries A professional development program providing training throughout the U.S. What is AVID?

3 The AVID Student Profile Students With Academic Potential Average to high test scores 2.0-3.5 GPA College potential with support Desire and determination Meets One or More of the Following Criteria First to attend college Historically underserved in four-year colleges Low income Special circumstances

4 Why AVID Works  Accelerates under-achieving students into more rigorous courses  Teaches academic skills not targeted in other classes  Provides intensive support with in-class tutors and a strong student/teacher relationship  Creates a positive peer group for students  Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination

5 The Foundation of the AVID Curriculum W W I I C C R R riting nquiry ollaboration eading Skilled questioning, Costa’s levels of thinking, Socratic seminars, tutorials Philosophical chairs, group activities/projects, service learning projects Deep reading strategies, graphic organizers, summarizing, reciprocal teaching Cornell notes, learning logs, quickwrites, reflections, process & authentic writing

6 Daily or Block Schedule AVID Curriculum includes:  Writing Curriculum  College and Careers  Strategies for Success AVID Tutorials Include:  Collaborative Study Groups  Writing Groups  Socratic Seminars A Sample Week in the AVID Elective MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday AVID CurriculumTutorialsAVID CurriculumTutorialsBinder Evaluation Field Trips Media Center Speakers Motivational Activities (within block) Combination for Block Schedule Combination for block schedule Handout page 6

7 The AVID Essentials 1.Students are selected from the middle and would benefit from AVID support to improve their academic records and begin college preparation. 2.Student and teacher participation is voluntary. 3.The school is committed to full implementation: AVID is scheduled as an academic elective. 4.AVID students are enrolled in a rigorous curriculum.

8 The AVID Essentials 5.A strong, relevant writing and reading curriculum is a basis for learning in the AVID elective class. 6.Inquiry is used as basis for instruction in the AVID classroom. 7.Collaboration is used as a basis for instruction in the AVID classroom. 8.Trained tutors regularly facilitate student access to rigorous curriculum using AVID methodologies.

9 The AVID Essentials 9. Program implementation and student progress are monitored through the AVID Data System and results are analyzed to ensure success. 10. The school or district identifies resources for program costs, supports the Essentials, participates in certification, and commits to AVID staff development. 11. Active interdisciplinary site teams collaborate on issues of access to and success in rigorous college preparatory classes.

10 Completion of Four-Year College Entrance Requirements

11 AVID/PDS Alliance Adoption and Implementation Process  “Partnerships” article on pages 10-11  AVID Summer Institute Training July/Aug 2011  AVID Tutor Training, September 10  Site Team Summit #1, September 29, 8 am – 3 pm  AVID District Director Training, October 5-7  Site Team Summit #2, February 2, 8 am – 3 pm.  Site Team Summit #3, May 2, 8 am – 3 pm

12 District Director role AVID Fidelity and Certification  At AVID Summer Institute training, each site completed a Self-Study Continuum  The Self-Study required them to assess their site on each of the 11 Essentials and focus on three of the Essentials as their 2011-12 objective(s)  The Self-Study will serve as the base for the District Director’s assessment of each site.

13 The District Director role  St. Peter, Le Sueur Henderson, Sibley East and Waseca are contributing to a District Director Recompense that funds my role as their site’s AVID District Director; Mankato and Faribault are utilizing their own personnel  DDs oversee each site’s AVID system: monitor and certify each site using a rubric for each essential, collect student data, and serve as conduit between the site and AVID

14 Research and Data Collection  Collectively, we will have data to demonstrate the impact of the AVID System on: <Student achievement (everyone’s ultimate goal) <Teacher efficacy (Does AVID pd result in more effective teaching strategies in K-12 and Higher Ed?) <School culture (Does the Site Team make a building- wide impact?) <Teacher preparation (Do AVID tutors do better in teacher ed?) <Other research options?

15 A P-20 System of College Readiness: challenges and opportunities ElementarySecondary Post- secondary AVID  CSUP  K-12 PDS Districts: St. Peter, Le Sueur Henderson, Sibley East, Faribault, Waseca, Mankato Minnesota State Mankato

16 Getting the message out!  AVID’s Educational Journal, ACCESS, will feature an article about our CSUP/PDS District/AVID Partnership in their fall 2011 issue: 4500 schools!  MnSCU Board of Trustees  AVID National  National, Local and state conferences  Other platforms?

17 Sustainability  “One-time” University Reinvestment  Continued proposal and resourcing developments/sources  K-12 Partner involvement

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