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Instructional Staffing Super User Training June 16, 2008.

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2 Instructional Staffing Super User Training June 16, 2008

3 2Super User Staffing Staffing Overview

4 3Super User Staffing  Sign-on  Terminology  What’s Changing  What’s not Changing  Personal Data Infotypes

5 4Super User Staffing Accessing SAP

6 5Super User Staffing SAP ECC What is SAP? SAP – (Systems, Applications and Processes in Data Processing) is an integrated system that supports all business and accounting practices of SBBC. Why are we using SAP?  One business system  Reporting of real-time data  Increased security Currently, Broward uses SAP 4.6 b and is implementing SAP/ECC 6.0

7 6Super User Staffing SAP BRITE Website  For end users, SAP will now be accessed through the web.  For super users, SAP can be accessed through the web  On Windows-based computers, you will access SAP in Internet Explorer.  On Mac-based computers, you will access SAP in Firefox.  There will be a button to access SAP on the ERP Department web page:

8 7Super User Staffing Logging into the BRITE Portal User Login ID Entry format = P00012345 Letter “P” plus 8 digits Personnel Number 00012345 If personnel number is less than 8 digits (i.e. 12345), then leading zero(s) should be added to it Password (first time users only) Entry format= ja021956 mm = first 2 letters of birth month (ja) dd = 2-digit birth day (02) yyyy = 4-digit year of birth (1956) Case sensitive, so make sure the month letters are lowercase

9 8Super User Staffing BRITE Portal Screen  The BRITE Portals provide you access to the SAP systems  The tabs in the Portals will be customized for each user  The customization is based on the user’s role  All users will have access to the Home and Employee Self Service (ESS) tabs  SAP Access and Reports will only be available from the intranet  Employee Self Service (ESS), HR Action Processor (HRAP) & Manager Self Service (MSS) will be available from the internet Reports

10 9Super User Staffing SAP through the portal using the windows GUI. Limited staff in HRIS and Staffing will use the HR Action Processor tab to execute the HR Actions that have been approved by the manager. Super Users Options

11 10Super User Staffing SAP Access via the BRITE Portal Select the SAP Access tab Then click the ECC Production link, which will open SAP in a new window. Then click the Windows Gui link.

12 11Super User Staffing Terminology & What’s Changing

13 12Super User Staffing Key Terminology PortalA site that functions as a point of access to information on the web. Examples of a portal include Yahoo, Google, etc. SAP will be accessed through the BRITE portal. Interactive FormAn electronic form within SAP used to create/change Personnel Master Data. Becomes part of employee’s record. (Adobe Acrobat Reader software required.) Human Resource Administrative Services (HRAS) HRAS is a functionality that allows a user to create and execute HR actions, manage their work, and view employee data. Human Resource Action Processor HRAP is a role that replaces the PAF processor. This role will use the HRAS functionality to create HR Actions, Position Request and view data. Manager Self Service (MSS) Workplace for administrators to approve HR actions created/changed by the HR Actions Processor. Employee iViewSnapshot of specific pieces of employee information on the BRITE Portal.

14 13Super User Staffing What is Changing  Enterprise Structure  New Infotypes  9023 Work Exp Credit, 795 Certification, 796 Duty Assign, 9003 Out-of-field, 9020 Exit Interview, 9011 Reappointment  Exit Interview Data  Being captured on the resignation form (IT9020)  Automating Out of field Determination  Reappointment Process  Location and Staffing will Execute Actions  Staffing Departments  Additional Positions (Instructional Staffing)  Terminations

15 14Super User Staffing What is Changing  Using the Board Agenda (9010) to Create Board List  Staffing departments can execute  Online Creation and Maintenance for Positions  Instructional no longer use DOV  HR Administrative Services Functionality  Manager Self Service (MSS) Functionality  Work flow  Employee Self Service (ESS)  New look, easier navigation, more functionality  Reports

16 15Super User Staffing What is Not Changing  CAFS will continue to be used  Applicants  Transfers (location attaches 3 approvals to action)  Summer School  Declaration of Vacancy/Requisitions  Instructional continue to use DOV  Noninstructional submit hard copy  Hiring  Instructional continue to use DOV  Noninstructional fax preclearance  Leaves, Retirements, FMLA, Disability

17 16Super User Staffing Personal Data Infotypes

18 17Super User Staffing Personnel Data Infotypes 0001Organizational Assignment 0002Personal Data 0006Addresses 0016Contract Elements 0019Monitoring of Tasks 0021Family/Related Person 0022Education and Training 0024Qualifications 0025Appraisal 0028SBBC Security and Exams 0033SBBC Experience Years 0034Corporate Function (New!) 0040Objects on Loan (New!) 0041Date Specifications 0077Additional Personal Data 0105Communication 0302Additional Actions 0554Hourly Rate per Assignment 0795CertificationCertification (New!) 0796DutyDuty Assignment (New!) 9001Inservice (New Look!) 9003Out-of-fieldOut-of-field (New Look & Functionality! ) 9010 9011 9020 Board Agenda Reappointment (New!) Exit Interview Exit Interview (New!) 9023Previous Employers – Work Exp Credit Previous Employers – Work Exp Credit (New Functionality!) NOTE: Links work in Slide Show view (F5)

19 18Super User Staffing PA20: Display HR Master Data  PA20 is the simplest way to display information on an employee.  Information is stored within various Infotypes.  IMPORTANT: If you have access to PA20 and PA30 it is critical to remember to display information only in PA20. If you use PA30 you will lock the employee record so that others cannot make changes.

20 19Super User Staffing PA20: Display HR Master Data Type the employee’s personnel number and click Enter on your keyboard. 1 Click the appropriate tab to display infotypes for that functional area. 2 Click the selection button to the left of the infotype. 4 Select the period if appropriate or click All (not all infotypes will require period selection). 3 56

21 20Super User Staffing PA20: Display HR Master Data - Alternative 5 Type the employee’s personnel number and click Enter on your keyboard. 1 Select the period if appropriate or click All (not all infotypes will require period selection). 2 45 Simply type the infotype number in the Infotype field. 3

22 21Super User Staffing Infotype 0001: Organizational Assignment

23 22Super User Staffing Infotype 0002: Personal Data

24 23Super User Staffing Infotype 0006: Addresses

25 24Super User Staffing Infotype 0016: Contract Elements

26 25Super User Staffing Infotype 0019: Monitoring of Tasks

27 26Super User Staffing Infotype 0022: Education and Training

28 27Super User Staffing Infotype 0024: Qualifications

29 28Super User Staffing Infotype 0033: SBBC Experience Years

30 29Super User Staffing Infotype 0034: Corporate Function (New!) Codes:

31 30Super User Staffing Infotype 0040: Objects on Loan (New!) This Infotype generates a property pass:

32 31Super User Staffing Infotype 0041: Date Specifications

33 32Super User Staffing Infotype 0077: Additional Personal Data

34 33Super User Staffing Infotype 0105: Communication NOTE: Add 0010 to the Subtype (Sty) field to view email:

35 34Super User Staffing Infotype 0302: Additional Actions

36 35Super User Staffing Infotype 0554: Hourly Rate per Assignment New! Now you can view the org unit number and name.

37 36Super User Staffing Infotype 795: Certification Overview (New!) 1. 2. 3. 4.

38 37Super User Staffing Infotype 795: Certification Individual Certificate (New!) 1. 2. 4.5. 3.

39 38Super User Staffing Display: Duty Assignment Infotype in SAP 6.0 Infotype 796 (New!) 1. 2.

40 39Super User Staffing Display: Out of Field Infotype in SAP 6.0 Infotype 9003 (New Functionality!) 1. 2. 3. 1 2 3

41 40Super User Staffing Infotype 9020: Exit Interview (New!)

42 41Super User Staffing Infotype 9023: Other/Previous Employers (New Functionality!) Return to List 1 2

43 42Super User Staffing Knowledge Check Which transaction should I use if I want to display data? A.PA20 B.PA30 C.LSO5 D.DATA1

44 43Super User Staffing Questions?

45 Employee Self Service (ESS)

46 45Super User Staffing ESS Resident Experts Utilizing ESS Resident Experts is part of the ESS Deployment Strategy  ESS “resident experts” will form a cadre of knowledgeable individuals who will be able to assist their staff with using ESS to conduct the following actions:  Professional Development  Benefit Assignments  Time Absence Requests

47 46Super User Staffing Employee Self Service (ESS)

48 47Super User Staffing Separation of Employment: Initiated through ESS Start Employee Submits Resignation through ESS HRAP Receives and Completes Termination Process Approve SAP Termination is Processed in Background Finish Administrator Reviews Termination in MSS Coming Soon

49 48Super User Staffing Employee Self Service – DRAFT!  The employee will submit his/her resignation online.  He/she will update personal information via the Exit Interview.  The Separation of Employment form will then go to the HRAP for processing. NOTE: This is a sample and should be considered draft only. You will be notified by your location when this process is available online. You may still submit your resignation through the current procedures.

50 49Super User Staffing Demonstration: ESS Let’s play with ESS  Contact Information  Career and Job  Education  Certification  Out-of-field  Duty Assignment  Life & Work Events  Onboarding (Coming Soon)  Submit Resignation (Coming Soon)

51 50Super User Staffing Questions?

52 Process Overviews

53 52Super User Staffing HR Actions Forms that Staffing will Execute Start HRAP Initiates HR Process Administrator Reviews HR Process in MSS Approve SAP/Staffing Process is Executed Finish  Terminations  Additional Position (Inst Staffing)  Working While on Leave (Inst Staffing)

54 53Super User Staffing HR Actions

55 54Super User Staffing Interactive Form: Example 1 2 3 4

56 55Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Positions 5 6 7 8

57 56Super User Staffing Manager Self Service

58 57Super User Staffing Manager Self Service (MSS) Options Available UWL replacing SAP In - Box Sample iViews

59 58Super User Staffing Manager Self-Service – Approve HR Actions 1 2

60 59Super User Staffing Manager Self-Service – Approve HR Actions 3

61 60Super User Staffing Knowledge Check Which HR Action will the Staffing departments execute? A.Separation of Employment B.Supplements C.Termination D.One Time Payment

62 61Super User Staffing Questions?

63 62Super User Staffing Congratulations! You should now be able to:  Sign on to SAP  Understand what is changing  Display employee information using PA20  Review Employee Self Service (ESS)  Understand HR Actions & Process affecting your department  Understand Manager Self Service (MSS) Overview Summary

64 63Super User Staffing Part Two Action & Transaction Processing

65 64Super User Staffing Human Resources Administrative Services (HRAS)& Navigating the UWL

66 65Super User Staffing HR Action Processor Navigation Screen 1 2 3 4

67 66Super User Staffing Navigating the Universal Worklist – Tasks 1 2 3

68 67Super User Staffing Navigating the Universal Worklist - Notifications 4 5

69 68Super User Staffing Navigating the Worklist – Tracking 6 7

70 69Super User Staffing Interactive Forms: Search Processes 1 2 3

71 70Super User Staffing Interactive Forms: Search Processes 4 5

72 71Super User Staffing Knowledge Check Which tab in the Universal Worklist (UWL) shows items requiring your attention? A.Tasks B.Alerts C.Notifications D.Tracking

73 72Super User Staffing Employee iViews

74 73Super User Staffing At the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:  Perform a basic search for employees  Use the advanced search functionality to search for employees  Display employee information using iViews Lesson Objectives

75 74Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Overview

76 75Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Employee Search 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

77 76Super User Staffing Employee iViews: General Data 1 3 2 4 5

78 77Super User Staffing Employee iViews: 1 2 1 2 Objects on Loan Personal Data

79 78Super User Staffing Employee iViews: 1 Date SpecificationsMonitoring of Tasks 1

80 79Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Absence Days 23 1

81 80Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Education Employee iViews: Certifications

82 81Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Duty Assignment Employee iViews: Out of Field

83 82Super User Staffing Employee iViews: Salary Data 1 Salary Data Salary Wage Types 1 2 Planned Working Time 1

84 83Super User Staffing Demonstration: Employee iViews Let’s view the employee information for Consuela Stone. Specifically, let’s look at the following iViews on the HR Action Processor tab:  General Data  Organizational Assignments  Personal Data  Education  Certifications  Wage Types

85 84Super User Staffing Exercise: Employee iViews You need to verify certain information for ___________ From the HR Action Processor tab, enter the personnel number and review the following:  General Data  Organizational Assignments  Personal Data

86 85Super User Staffing Congratulations! You should now be able to:  Perform a basic search for employees  Use the advanced search functionality to search for employees  Display employee information using iViews Lesson Summary

87 86Super User Staffing Knowledge Check To perform a basic employee search, which of the following values may be entered? A.Last name B.First name C.Personnel number D.Any of the above

88 87Super User Staffing Questions?

89 88Super User Staffing Navigating the forms

90 89Super User Staffing Adobe Interactive Forms: Navigation 1 2 3 4 5

91 90Super User Staffing Adobe Interactive Forms: Navigation 2 3 4 1

92 91Super User Staffing Actions Processing – Terminations

93 92Super User Staffing Termination Types Termination Executed by the Staffing Departments Employee is terminated due to disciplinary action, performance, abandonment of position, etc. Separation of Employment Initiated through ESS (COMING SOON!) Employee submits voluntary resignation through ESS Separation of Employment Executed by the HR Action Processor Employee submits voluntary resignation letter to HR Action Processor at location

94 93Super User Staffing Termination: Involuntary Start HRAP Initiates Termination Process Administrator Reviews Termination in MSS Approve Staffing Processes Termination in Background Finish

95 94Super User Staffing Termination: Initiated by HRAP 1

96 95Super User Staffing Termination: Executed by Staffing

97 96Super User Staffing Termination: Executed by Staffing

98 97Super User Staffing Exercise: Employee iViews Access your UWL to process a termination for

99 98Super User Staffing Questions?

100 99Super User Staffing Additional Positions

101 100Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Positions Start HRAP Initiates Additional Position Process Administrator Reviews Additional Position in MSS Approve Finish Location or Staffing/HRIS Additional Position Processed in SAP

102 101Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Position 1 2

103 102Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Position 4 3

104 103Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Position Execution

105 104Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Additional Position Execution

106 105Super User Staffing Demo & Exercise: Additional Position Let’s process an Additional Position for __________:  Access your UWL and select the process  Open the form  Scroll to the rate amount and enter in appropriate amount  List any applicable comments  Send

107 106Super User Staffing Working While on Leave

108 107Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Working While on Leave Start HRAP Initiates Working While on Leave Process Administrator Reviews Working While on Leave Request in MSS Approve HRIS or Staffing Processes Working While on Leave Request in SAP Finish

109 108Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Working While on Leave 1 3 2

110 109Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Working While on Leave 4

111 110Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Working While on Leave Execution

112 111Super User Staffing Personnel Actions: Working While on Leave 6

113 112Super User Staffing Board Agenda

114 113Super User Staffing ZHPA_BOARDAGENDA: Print Board Agenda Start Board Agenda infotype created based on action Finish Run report to id employees needing Board Approval and update infoype w/ board date (ZBOARD) Maintain SAP IT9010, if needed

115 114Super User Staffing Board Agenda List

116 115Super User Staffing Sub-Central Printing Broward Certificates

117 116Super User Staffing Manually Create or Update: Certifications Infotype Infotype 795 1. 2. 3. 6. 5. 4.

118 117Super User Staffing Print Broward Certificates Transaction ZHTE_ZCER 1.

119 118Super User Staffing Print Broward Certificates (continued) Transaction ZHTE_ZCER 2. 3.

120 119Super User Staffing Display Qualifications Record in SAP 6.0 Infotype 0024

121 120Super User Staffing Certification Report Left Side of Report

122 121Super User Staffing Certification Report Right Side of Report

123 122Super User Staffing Reappointment Overview

124 123Super User Staffing Reappointment Overview Finish Runs Program and Notifies Staffing Depts HRIS Receives notification Notify locations to run Non-Instr Staffing Report (ZNSTS) Generate Board Report for appr by HR Assoc and School Bd Board Approval Non-Instr Staffing generates reappt letters Non-Instr Staffing sends out reappt letters Non-Instructional Staffing Instructional Staffing Receives notification Download info to database (Inst DB) Locations approve and send notification process is completed Schools Start

125 124Super User Staffing ZHPR_REAPPRI?: Reappointment Letters Info of next slides from Func specs

126 125Super User Staffing Reappointment Header Data

127 126Super User Staffing TRANS?: Non-Instructional Report

128 127Super User Staffing HR Reporting and Business Intelligence (BI)

129 128Super User Staffing At the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:  Distinguish between ECC and BI reports  Navigate reporting via the BRITE Portal  Execute the Flexible Employee Data report  Distinguish printing and exporting options  Establish Favorites Lesson Objectives

130 129Super User Staffing Key Terminology Business Intelligence (BI) Repository of SAP information for the purpose of reporting. Enterprise Central Component (ECC) The transactional processing system of the SAP client which runs beside the BI client and is used to process the day-to-day transactions, such as time entry and payroll processing. PortalA point of access through a website to the SAP system. Users will access both ECC and BI through Reports tab on the BRITE portal.

131 130Super User Staffing Reporting: SAP 6.0 (ECC) vs. BI Generate Reports Nightly Updates BI (read only data) BI (read only data) Enter Data SAP ECC  SAP 6.0 can be used for simple look-ups of real-time data  Data can be exported into Excel  Easier access to data requires less printing of reports Business Intelligence (BI)  BI’s reporting features offer more flexibility in queries and formatting than SAP transactions  Pre-defined Excel formats help simplify reporting  Actual data is extracted from SAP into BI nightly, so data is considered near real-time

132 131Super User Staffing Navigation: Select the Reports Tab Navigate to both ECC (real-time) reports and BI (near real-time) reports via the Reports tab in the BRITE Portal. 1

133 132Super User Staffing Navigation: Select the Reports Subfolder 2 3

134 133Super User Staffing Navigation: Subfolder Examples

135 134Super User Staffing Navigation: Select the Report 4

136 135Super User Staffing Reports: SAP/ECC v. BI SAP report can be accessed via Report Tab or enter transaction while in SAP Access BI Report – Accessed via the Report Tab

137 136Super User Staffing Navigation: Select Report Filter Criterion 5

138 137Super User Staffing Navigation: Using Matchcode for Variant Selection 6 7 8

139 138Super User Staffing Navigation: Save Variant Selection/Report Criteria 9 12 10 11

140 139Super User Staffing Navigation: Retrieving Variant Selection/Report Criteria 13 14 15

141 140Super User Staffing Display: Report Results 4 1 2 3 5

142 141Super User Staffing Display: Sorting Data 1 2

143 142Super User Staffing Display: Add or Replace Field for Viewing 4 1 5 2 3

144 143Super User Staffing Display: Changing Layout Note the changes to the Row selection:

145 144Super User Staffing Display: Additional Fields 1 2

146 145Super User Staffing Output Options: Printing and Exporting

147 146Super User Staffing Favorites: Save as a Favorite To save the layout for the report: 1 2 3

148 147Super User Staffing Favorites: Retrieving a Favorite 1 2 3 4

149 148Super User Staffing Congratulations! You should now be able to:  Distinguish between ECC and BI reports  Navigate reporting via the BRITE Portal  Execute the Flexible Employee Data report  Distinguish printing and exporting options  Establish Favorites Lesson Summary

150 149Super User Staffing Knowledge Check When executing a report in BI, you can:  Move rows  Add free characteristics  Export to Excel  All of the above

151 150Super User Staffing Questions?

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