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Welcome Families Portland Public Schools English as a Second Language ESL.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Families Portland Public Schools English as a Second Language ESL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Families Portland Public Schools English as a Second Language ESL

2 Portland Public School Students PPS serves approximately 46,983 Students 4,278 of those students are ESL students. Approximately 9.1% of all PPS. These numbers are based on preliminary October count.

3 Most Popular Languages in PPS Spanish – 2,118 Vietnamese - 583 Chinese - 257 Somali - 244 Russian - 166 These numbers are based on 10-11 SY data

4 Students move through the program at their own pace, but research says it takes between 5 and 7 years to acquire academic English.

5 ESL students also receive instruction in the core content classes using sheltered instruction strategies: Math English Science Social Studies

6 All ESL students receive, ELD English Language Development

7 Levels of ELD, Beginner Intermediate Advanced Students are placed in the levels according to a test. Movement between levels usually happens at the end of each grading period.

8 What do we do in ELD? Listen Speak Read Write

9 Are students missing anything during ELD? ELD classes are scheduled around the instruction in core subjects ( Math, English, Social Studies, Science) so students do not miss out on the core content.

10 How do students exit ESL? In January all ESL students in Oregon take a standardized state test. ELPA English Language Proficiency Assessment

11 ELPA has 5 levels Level 5 is considered a proficient score and the student should be ready to exit ESL.

12 Parents receive a letter each year to notify them of their student’s progress in ESL.

13 Exited students will be, MONITORED For the next two years to ensure they are advancing without additional ESL support.

14 Parents of ESL students should receive interpretation and translation services from their school, upon request.

15 If you are not receiving the necessary interpretation/translation services please inform: 1 st - Your child’s teacher 2 nd - Your school principal 3rd - ESL Department 503-916-6525

16 Parent Involvement Please participate ! Contact the ESL department for more information or to volunteer 503 916 6525


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