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Why Choose Languages at Exeter?. Stop Press! When you applied through UCAS there was no formal way of choosing either Chinese or Portuguese at Exeter.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Choose Languages at Exeter?. Stop Press! When you applied through UCAS there was no formal way of choosing either Chinese or Portuguese at Exeter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Choose Languages at Exeter?

2 Stop Press! When you applied through UCAS there was no formal way of choosing either Chinese or Portuguese at Exeter. Full pathways are now available from first year through to final year, with a combination of language and culture modules. Both streams start at beginners level. If you think you might be interested in one of these languages, in combination with your other A Level language(s), go along to one of the talks this afternoon: 2.15 or 3 p.m.Portuguese room 1A Chinese room 1F

3 Our students: Are passionate about language learning and want to understand what makes other cultures unique and complex. Have a wide range of academic interests and find there’s plenty of choice within BA Modern Languages. Get involved in language activities outside class: language societies, Tandem partnerships, liaison work in schools. Come back from their Year Abroad transformed! Engage in an ongoing dialogue with the Department about what students need / want.

4 Our graduates: Are confident and persuasive communicators Are adaptable, having studied across a range of disciplines that train different skills Have not just learnt a language but have learnt how to learn languages Can achieve their goals even in unfamiliar cultures

5 The Department French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Chinese Approx. 1200 students Strong reputation in both teaching and research Wide range of links with partner universities abroad


7 BA Modern Languages: A Flexible Degree Most students on the BA Modern Languages study either: A major language and a minor subject (75%/25% of time) Two languages in equal proportion A small number study three languages (ideal for particularly talented linguists)

8 BA Modern Languages: A Flexible Degree To adapt your degree to your career plans or personal strengths, you can: – add and subtract languages in years 2 and 4; – shift emphasis between language and culture; – introduce new subjects from outside DML. Your degree title will reflect what you have studied.

9 Course Content Language study is core for all. Plus: Visual Culture Linguistics Literature/Thought History / Heritage Information about degree programmes Further information about what we offer

10 Teaching and Assessment Methods Language tuition from trained native speakers Skills of critical analysis applied to text and images Skills in mounting arguments using evidence from relevant library or electronic resources Broad range of assessment methods – coursework and examination

11 Lectures / Contact time Modern Languages expects to exceed the University’s commitment of 10 contact hours in the first year Total student study time = 40 hours per week (usually 10 hours per 15-credit module) Timetable typically 10-12 hours taught and 28+ set aside for private study each week Combinations of lectures, seminars, one-to-one feedback sessions, study groups, etc. Excellent language resources in the Foreign Language Centre

12 Teaching Intranet Our teaching intranet (ELE) provides information and resources for each module you take.

13 Teaching Intranet Accessible information, wherever you are / whenever you need it. Organises complex information. Week-to-week instructions on reading / preparation. Helps visual learners Makes materials more varied (audio / video / quizzes / forums) Access to courses you aren’t even taking!

14 Personal Tutor System Regular scheduled meetings with tutor Personal Development Plan: chance to talk through progress towards achieving goals at university Further support/advice from AccessAbility, Counselling Service, Student Advice Centre, Chaplaincy. System is overseen by a Senior Tutor.

15 Year Abroad Studying at a University Teaching English (British Council) Work placements Choose from: Special arrangements for Russia and China Opportunities in Latin America

16 Careers University of Exeter Modern Languages graduates have an excellent reputation with employers across a range of sectors Negotiating the challenges of spending a Year Abroad is seen as proof of your adaptability, independence and resourcefulness 6 months after graduation 90.2% were in work or further study (DLHE 2011/12) In the past 12 months all of these employers have visited campus specifically to recruit our Modern Languages students: GCHQ; Thomson Reuters; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; European Union; MI5; Teach First; Deloitte

17 Graduate Destinations Our graduates progress to a broad range of job roles as well as postgraduate study. Here are just a few ideas of what our recent graduates are doing now: I am currently working as a researcher for BBC News in the foreign news department. I am training as a broadcast journalist and producer … My degree from Exeter and my language skills made my application stand out. In fact, my manager has since said that it was an asset that influenced his decision to hire me. (Will Vernon, BA Russian, 2008) Editorial Assistant Associate (Management Consultancy) German Content Expert Digital Marketing Executive PR Internship Language Assistant (British Council) PGCE (MFL) Graduate Diploma in Law MA Translation MA European Politics MSc Social Policy MA Marketing Management

18 Our website specifically for you – College of Humanities offer-holders. You can: Find out even more about your subject Hear from current students and staff Find useful tips about how to prepare for university Ask any further questions All you need to log in to YourExeter is your email address and date of birth. YourExeter

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