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Presented by Jim Farmer at The Pan-European Portals Conference Thursday, April 24, 2003 University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland JA-SIG and uPortal.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Jim Farmer at The Pan-European Portals Conference Thursday, April 24, 2003 University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland JA-SIG and uPortal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Jim Farmer at The Pan-European Portals Conference Thursday, April 24, 2003 University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland JA-SIG and uPortal

2 JA-SIG Collaborative The larger JA-SIG community JA-SIG (North America) JA-SIG United Kingdom Codex-SE Sweden “sharing common goals and technology”

3 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG Conferences and communications – the exchange of information and learning Collaboration – within the community and between the community and standards agencies and vendors Contributions – open source software developed by members of the community Clearinghouse – exchange of software

4 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG collaborations XLIFF (OASIS localisation) WSRP (OASIS remote channel) RSS (news feeds) Mozilla (MathML rendering) Apache Jetspeed (portal) Liberty Alliance (security) and Commercial portal vendors

5 uPortal 2.2

6 JA-SIG Collaborative New features version 2.2 Internationalization Framework language preference XLIFF file support Translation channel Aggregated layout “Grouped” channels (layout fragments) Shared User/Publisher layout preferences and priorities “Pushed” content (layout fragments) Additional channel types

7 The following examples are from the im+m test site: Peter Kharchenko, Chief Architect Jon Allen, graphics and channels Michael Ivanov, aggregated layout Justin Tilton, lead XSLT and design April 22, 2003

8 JA-SIG Collaborative Current uPortal 2.0 interface Standard Viewing Page

9 JA-SIG Collaborative New uPortal 2.2 development Standard Viewing Page

10 JA-SIG Collaborative Text and icon detail version 2.2 Current uPortal 2.0New uPortal 2.2 Fixed Tab Height Fixed Channel Header Height Fixed Icon Sizes Fully Compliant with i18n All Text and Icon Areas and Borders are Fully Expandable Horizontally and Vertically Backwards Compatible with Current CSS, Skins and Themes

11 JA-SIG Collaborative Current uPortal 2.0 interface Preferences Page Detached, Representative Interface Largely Text Based Actions

12 JA-SIG Collaborative Preferences “mode” version 2.2 Framework Built Around the Current User Interface Largely Iconic Actions Channel Icons Change to Reflect Preferences Mode Actions All Buttons are Fully Expandable to Accept Any Font or Icon

13 JA-SIG Collaborative Preferences and aggregated layout Selecting a Channel, Column or Tab to be moved will activate the marking nodes showing the places to where that element may be moved.

14 JA-SIG Collaborative Aggregated layout in action This Demo of Aggregated Layouts Shows the Marking Nodes Active to Move the Selected Tab. Open Aggregated Layout Development at Login: Demo Password: Demo

15 JA-SIG Collaborative Layout fragment configuration Vsem fragmentam fragment! Students Developers

16 JA-SIG Collaborative RSS version 1.0 channel

17 JA-SIG Collaborative RSS version 1.0 channel In-line HTML Streaming Audio and Video

18 JA-SIG Collaborative uPortal and XLIFF Both Languages Side-by-Side

19 JA-SIG Collaborative uPortal and XLIFF English Only German Only

20 JA-SIG Collaborative uPortal and MIT Open Courseware

21 JA-SIG Collaborative uPortal and MIT Open Courseware

22 Emerging Enterprise Architecture

23 JA-SIG Collaborative Enterprise Information Services DirectoryAuthenticationAuthorization Administration (ERP) Virtual Learning Environment(Learning Management System) Library Portal Interface

24 JA-SIG Collaborative Enterprise Information Standards DirectoryAuthenticationAuthorization Administration (ERP) Virtual Learning Environment(Learning Management System) Library Portal Interface EduPerson, HR-XML DSML SAML HR-XML,PESC NISO IMS WSRP,WSUI,RSS

25 JA-SIG Collaborative XML/SOAP/XSLT Architecture The XML content is delivered to the portal as a SOAP message and portal-based XSL stylesheet transformations are used to develop the XHTML used for presentation. The user’s role can be used by the portlet (channel) to select the appropriate XSLT and presentation for that class of user.

26 JA-SIG Collaborative Preferred portal interface TechnologyTypical Use SOAP/XSLTPreferred for new applications WSRP New applications where portal installation of code or stylesheet is not possible or desirable HTMLFor legacy applications iChannel When the application must run under the portal or requires capability not available in WSRP or SOAP/XSLT

27 JA-SIG Collaborative Data integration standards Administration (ERP) Virtual Learning Environment (Learning Management System) Library IMS NISO NISO, NDSL Scott Wilson, Joint Information Systems Council, 18 Nov 2002

28 The End Jim Farmer uPortal Project Administrator

29 More on JA-SIG

30 JA-SIG Collaborative Permissions JA-SIG publications are in the public domain, but may contain material reproduced with permission of the Copyright owner. Users are requested to comply with any copyright restrictions and to appropriately reference any materials that are used in their own works.

31 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG Java Architecture Special Interest Group Conferences biannually Clearing house Collaborative projects

32 JA-SIG Collaborative Goals The JA-SIG's goals are to: Nurture communication of best practices, new technologies, and innovative methodologies and projects related to Java Increase peer review, collaboration, and group discussion related to institution- developed Java administrative applications Broaden Java technology cross-fertilization between firms and schools on both a functional and geographic basis

33 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG Activities Conferences Annual conferences Winter – Java Technology Summer – uPortal United Kingdom – JA-SIG UK Europe – Portals Europe Technology Training program (in conjunction with the annual conferences in North America) Participant Projects Collaborative facilities Developers list Portal list Web site The JA-SIG Clearinghouse - a place on the Web to facilitate the sharing of Java components.

34 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG Participant Projects [1] uPortal – University of Delaware* Content Management System – Columbia University* Library Catalog Access (Z39.50 2001) – Oxford University Security: Central Authentication System (CAS) – Yale University Security: Athens and Shibboleth – University of Hull WSRP (Web Services Remote Portal) Compliance – Interactive Business Solutions and Unicon, Inc.* RSS 1.0 + Modules – instructional media + magic, inc.*

35 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG Participant Projects [2] Meteor Student Loan Information Prototype – National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs eTranscript exchange – California community colleges eMail – University of British Columbia Web proxy – Memorial University of Newfoundland Note: The projects listed are available as uPortal channels (portlets). Because of open standards, they also can be used by for other standards-compliant portals and, with adaption, installed on traditional Web pages. This list does not include commercial portlets (channels) for uPortal such as those of Unicon Inc., or products that have been adapted locally. *Projects contributing to the uPortal framework as well.

36 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG, The Reality Several hundred programmers working collaboratively at more than 100 colleges and universities on projects important to higher education. A community that shares knowledge and experience; resolving problems, sharing design suggestions, and testing and improving each others work. IT managers who are working aggressively to make the most effective use of available resources. And, with a converging perspective on enterprise architecture, representing a substantial part of higher education in discussions of new and changed systems, especially those that share information in real-time.

37 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG, The Future Projects, such as uPortal, that advance the use of open-standards as well as serve the colleges and universities. Support of such efforts as WS-Interoperability, Liberty Alliance, W3C and OASIS by implementing the standards at a number of colleges and universities. Make available to developers recommendations on available standards and their applicability to higher education. Coordinate with other groups such as HEKATE. Evolve an enterprise application integration strategy, based on Web services, and demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness

38 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG, The Future In conjunction with the Joint Information Systems Committee, implement standards, such as IMS, that facilitate the exchange of learning objects across national boundaries. Recognize and encourage the internationalization of software serving higher education. Create an international version of uPortal. (Efforts now underway for Celtic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese, and Welsh). Demonstrate the use of the XLIFF standard in developing multiple-languages portlets (channels) with advice from the OASIS Translations Technical Committee.

39 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG, The Future Encourage the adoption of information technologies that meet the diverse needs of higher education, especially Java, XSLT, and Web Services Continue the JA-SIG NA training program Facilitate the exchange of experience and expertise Demonstrate by example implementation, the effectiveness of these technologies Communicate the experience within the community and to others

40 More on uPortal

41 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG uPortal

42 JA-SIG Collaborative JA-SIG uPortal

43 JA-SIG Collaborative The Cal-Poly Experience “We've used a mix of staff, contract, and volunteer/external developers to achieve the level of content we now enjoy. We've grown over the past two years from about 1.5 to about 3.5 FTE engineers (counting part-time contractors and student assistants).” “Considerable additional development has been done by other groups such as the Library and Admissions; perhaps totaling another 1 FTE annually.” “… these are not "new“ positions per se, but instead the reallocation of developer resources who's priority is now portal development as opposed to stand-alone Web application development..” e-mail Chris Stavros to Mike Jones, Cardiff University, 29 April 2003.

44 JA-SIG Collaborative The Cal-Poly Experience Students Headcount Fall 2002 17,880 Registered users25,000 Additional temporary users 10,000 – 15,000 Logins per day4,000 – 10,000 Concurrent users500-1,500 “uPortal rocks and we would not change our strategy for the world.” Chris Stavros in his 24 April 2003 e-mail response on the JA-SIG developers list

45 Some uPortal Implementations

46 JA-SIG Collaborative University of British Columbia

47 JA-SIG Collaborative University of California, Irvine

48 JA-SIG Collaborative CalPoly San Luis Obispo

49 JA-SIG Collaborative CalPoly San Luis Obispo

50 JA-SIG Collaborative Columbia University

51 JA-SIG Collaborative Cornell University

52 JA-SIG Collaborative University of Delaware

53 JA-SIG Collaborative Denison University

54 JA-SIG Collaborative Illinois State University

55 JA-SIG Collaborative Universidad de Lima

56 JA-SIG Collaborative Yale University

57 JA-SIG Collaborative Ringling School of Art and Design

58 JA-SIG Collaborative Red Universitaria Nacional

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