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Therapeutic Electrical Modalities

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1 Therapeutic Electrical Modalities

2 Learning Objectives Be familiar with the characteristics of electric modalities that are applied for therapeutic purposes Identify physiological and therapeutic effects of electric modalities Be familiar with contraindications and precautions in using electric modalities Identify adverse effects for each modality

3 Learning Objectives Cont’d . . .
Be familiar with the multiple uses of electrical stimulation (ES) When given a clinical scenario, be able to: Define goals of treatment with ES Choose the appropriate device Select the appropriate parameters Apply the treatment safely and competently Modify treatment if needed

4 Therapeutic Electrical Currents
The application of electrical current to the body for therapeutic purposes, such as: Pain relief Neuromuscular Electrical stimulation Tissue/wound healing Direct stimulation of denervated muscle

5 Terminology Charge Current Resistance Conductance Impedance Current:
AC DC Pulsatile/pulsed Amplitude or intensity

6 Pulsed currents Monophasic or biphasic Pulse duration Pulse frequency
- interval between pulses can be manipulated independently Modulations Frequency Amplitude Burst

7 Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation Applications
Pain Relief Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) Tissue/wound healing Iontophoresis Deinervated muscle

8 Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

9 TENS Stimulates nerve fibers for the symptomatic relief of pain
Device applies an electrical signal through lead wires and electrodes attached to the patient's skin Electrode placement varies: Typically placed in a peripheral nerve distribution Locations can be distal or proximal to pain site

10 How It Works Gate Control Theory:
Pain signals can be blocked at the level of the spinal cord before they are transmitted to the thalamus TENS stimulates large Ia myelinated afferent nerve fibers that stimulate the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord, closing the gate on pain transmission to the thalamus

11 Gate Control Theory

12 Physiological Effects of TENS
Selective stimulation of large diameter, myelinated fibres Gate Control Theory Stimulates release of endorphins Endorphin/opiate theory Stimulates release of other transmitters NA, 5-HT ?mild heating  enhanced healing? Placebo

13 Therapeutic uses of TENS
PAIN RELIEF: Acute, Subacute, Chronic & Referred Musculoskeletal Neurologic Obstetric Oncologic* Cardiac- angina

14 Modes of TENS Conventional Acupuncture Burst mode
Brief-intense/noxious level

15 Conventional TENS High-frequency, low-intensity stimulation
most effective type of stimulation Amplitude is adjusted to produce minimal sensory discomfort Pain relief begins after 10–15 minutes and stops shortly after removing stimulation Useful for neuropathic pain Duration of treatment is 30 minutes to hours

16 Acupuncture Low frequency, high intensity stimulation
Amplitude high enough to produce muscle contraction Onset of pain relief can be delayed several hours Pain relief persists hours after removing stimulation Useful for acute musculoskeletal conditions Treatment sessions last 30–60 minutes

17 Burst Mode High frequency stimulation bursts at low frequency intervals Delayed onset of pain relief Treatment can range 30–60 minutes

18 Brief-intense/Noxious Level
Hyper-stimulation High frequency, high intensity stimulation It is considered that this mode stimulates C-fibers causing counter-irritation Rarely tolerated more than 15–30 minutes

19 TENS Unit intensity timer frequency Pulse width mode

20 TENS Dosage Burst mode Brief Intense 80-125 pps 2 bursts per sec
Conventional Burst mode Brief Intense pps 2 bursts per sec 125 pps microsec 250 Comfortable tingling Muscle twitch Strong sensation Acute pain, fast relief Deep, chronic achy pain Rapid relief for intense pain

21 Modulation Modes SD: strength-duration MW: modulated width
Amplitude and width modulate alternately – subtle change in sensation Allows higher total amount of charge to be used MW: modulated width Stronger Weaker MR: modulated rate Faster  Slower CM: combination modulation Rate and width ‘Diffuse’ sensation

22 Electrode placement Single channel: Dual channel: 2 electrodes

23 Single channel Surround the pain Over the pain
Within dermatome/myotome On trigger points or acupuncture points within dermatome Spinal segment: one near spine, other over pain or trigger point within the dermatome/myotome

24 Dual channel Bracket Cross – fire Bilateral placement- both limbs
Contralateral: Phantom pain, skin irritation or wound General placement: flood the limb Overlap channels

25 Precautions Decreased sensation Pregnancy Malignancy
Decreased mentation Be careful with repeated applications and prolonged use, adhesives/tape and gel can all cause dermatitis Make sure the entire electrode has good coverage for gel and don’t use too high a current - can cause electrical burns on the skin!

26 Contraindications UNDIAGNOSED PAIN ANY electronic implant
Some Pacemakers (fixed rate ok but rate responsive are affected) Cardioverter-defribrillators Some Bladder stimulators Metal implants???

27 Interferential Current (IFC)

28 Interferential Current
Another form of TENS: Differs from TENS as it allows deeper penetration with more comfort (compliance) and increased circulation AMC (amplitude modified current) Frequencies interfere with the transmission of pain messages at the spinal cord level

29 How does it work? 2 “medium frequency” currents
Low frequency (e.g. TENS) = <1000Hz Medium frequency ,000 Hz 2 currents with different frequencies Currents ‘interfere’ with one another “Beat frequency” is the difference between the 2 currents

30 Example C1 = 5000 Hz C2= 5100 Hz fixed Beat frequency = 100 bps

31 Indications for IFC Urinary incontinence Pain relief
Blood flow/edema management May be effective due to the combination of pain relief (allowing more movement), muscle stimulation and enhanced blood flow

32 TENS vs. IFC Physiological effects: Why not TENS?
Depolarize sensory and motor nerves Why not TENS? “Medium frequency”  less skin impedance Less impedance  more patient comfort More patient comfort  tolerate higher amplitude current  deeper penetration

33 Contraindications Same as TENS Plus: With suction cup electrodes:
Bruising Cross-infection from sponges

34 IFC Application Stimulator type Electrode placement Electrode fixation
As precisely as possible so that patient feels the stimulation over the targeted area Electrode fixation Self-adhesive pads Non-adhesive taped in place Coupling medium Gel for electrode pads

35 Sweep Beat frequency is modulated Thought to prevent adaptation E.g.
C1 fixed at 5000 C2 varies Gives a VARIABLE BEAT FREQUENCY

36 Uses of sweep Sweep ranges: Pain relief 80-150 bps
Muscle rehab bps Edema 1-10 bps (intermittent muscle contractions) Selection of a wide frequency i.e 1-100Hz is less efficent + ? Counter-productive

37 Set-Up of IFC Bi-polar Quadripolar Quadripolar with scan

38 Bi-polar method “Pre-mod” 2 electrodes Single channel
Current is ‘modulated’ within the machine Similar to TENS

39 Quadripolar method 4 electrodes 2 channels
Interference occurs where the fields cross one another WITHIN the tissues Cloverleaf pattern

40 Quadripolar field

41 Quadripolar With Scan “Automatic vector scan”
AMPLITUDE is varied by the machine E.g. C1 fixed amplitude/intensity C2 variable amplitude Pattern of interference is different

42 Quad With Scan

43 IFC Scan Uses of scan: Large area of treatment Diffuse pain
Location of pain difficult to pinpoint

44 Neuromuscular Electric Stimulation (NMES)

45 NMES Consists of transcutaneous electrical stimulation for muscles with or without intact PNS, or central control More powerful than TENS unit Multiple muscles can be activated in a coordinated fashion to attain certain functional goals (ambulation, transfers)

46 Types of Muscle Contraction
Voluntary: Recruits Type I first, then Type 2 Spatial summation Recruitment of additional motor units Temporal summation Increased firing rate Gradual increase in force generated

47 Types of Muscle Contraction
Electrically stimulated contraction: Reverse pattern of recruitment Type II Type I All motor units fire at once Easy to produce fatigue Use “Ramp up” for comfort

48 Features of NMES Currents
Pulse duration Pulse rate/frequency: pps

49 Therapeutic Uses of NMES
Strengthens muscles Motor Re-education Increases ROM Enhances endurance Reduces muscle spasm/spacity

50 Strength Training Recruits maximum numbers of motor units
Used if volitional control affected by pain reflex inhibition motivation Works by overload fatigue

51 Strength Training Can improve strength but not as well as:
voluntary contraction ES + voluntary contraction “high load/low reps” Longer rest periods

52 Motor Re-Education Use NMES for:
Contraction is not readily under voluntary control (e.g. pelvic floor) Teaching a new action (e.g. tendon transfer) Injured peripheral nerve is regenerating

53 Motor re-education Demonstration to convince patient that contraction IS possible (e.g. hysterical paralysis) Enhanced recruitment or timing during a functional movement: Functional Electrical Stimulation Related to a particular task e.g. sit-to-stand, hand to mouth

54 Increase ROM Stretch contractures * Contract-relax
Facilitate tendon glide Break adhesions * *Patient may not be able to generate sufficient force

55 Enhance Endurance Use sub-maximal force over longer period of time
Similar to low load/high reps at the gym Equal work and rest periods

56 Promote circulation Muscle pump Prolonged immobilization
Prevents complications from immobility such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and osteoporosis Low load, high reps

57 Decrease spasm/spasticity
Stimulate antagonist reciprocal inhibition Stimulate agonist fatigue Stimulate both alternately

58 Contraindications and Precautions
The Big Five Carotid sinus Venous or arterial thrombosis/ thrombophlebitis Areas of skin irritation Open wounds

59 Features of NMES Currents
On time Off time Rise time/ramp up Fall time/ ramp down

60 IFC Set-Up Size matters!
Small electrodes  concentrates the charge  greater effect Larger electrodes  dissipates the charge  can tolerate greater amplitude Match electrode size to the size of the muscle

61 Set-Up Continued Conductivity matters! Skin prep Coupling medium:
Sensation testing Coupling medium: Lots of gel Cover ENTIRE electrode No gel on skin between electrodes

62 Set-Up Continued Location matters! Parallel to muscle fibers
Over motor points Farther apart  deeper penetration of current? No closer than ½ the diameter of each electrode Precision vs. overflow

63 Adverse Affects Electrical burn due to fold or poor gel technique
Skin irritation

64 Iontophoresis

65 What is it? Introduction of ions into the body using direct electrical current Transports ions across a membrane or into a tissue Painless, sterile, noninvasive technique Demonstrated to have a positive effect on the healing process

66 Continued . . . Low-level electrical current carries drug ions through the skin and into underlying tissue Type of medication used will be based on the desired effect to the treated area Most common medication is Dexamethasone

67 How it Works Electrical unit uses a direct current that is either a positively or negatively charged active electrode An oppositely charged dispersive electrode is attached The medication is placed on the active electrode so that the active electrode has the same charge as the medication

68 Continued . . . When the electrodes are placed on the skin and activated, the charge from the electrode will drive the medication away from the electrode and into the area being treated The electrical charge will push the medication through the skin and into the tissue to be treated

69 Indications Inflammation Edema Bone spurs/calcium deposits
Fungal infections Scars Wounds Muscle spasms

70 Physiological and Therapeutic Effects
Decreased edema and inflammation Pain control Tissue adhesion Decreases muscle spasm Wound healing Therapeutic: Delivers medication at a constant rate so the effective plasma concentration remains within the therapeutic window for an extended period of time

71 Therapeutic window The range between the minimum plasma concentration of a drug necessary for a therapeutic effect and the maximum effective plasma concentration (above which adverse effects may occur)

72 Preparing the Patient for ES
Sensory testing: Which sensation? Why? Skin prep Remove oil Moisten Hair Clip, don’t shave

73 Iontophoresis Generator
Intensity: 3-5 mA Unit adjusts to normal variations in tissue impedance Reduces the likelihood of burns Automatic shutdown

74 Iontophoresis Generator
Adjustable Timer Up to 25 min

75 Iontophoresis Generator
Lead wires Active electrode Inactive electrode

76 Current Intensity Low amperage currents are more effective than high currents Higher currents tend to reduce effective penetration Recommended current: 3-5 mA Maximum current may be determined by the size (surface area) of the active electrode Current may be set so that the current density under the active electrode falls between mA/cm2

77 Current Intensity Increase current slowly until patient reports tingling or prickly sensation If pain or a burning sensation occurs, current is too great and should be decreased When terminating treatment, current should be slowly decreased to zero before electrodes are disconnected

78 Treatment Time Ranges between 10-20 min
Check skin every 3-5 minutes for signs of irritation Decrease current during treatment to accommodate for decrease in skin impedance to avoid pain or burning

79 Dosage of Medication Dosage is expressed in milliampere-minutes (mA-min) Total drug dose delivered (mA-min) = current X treatment time Typical iontophoresis drug dose is 40 mA-min

80 Traditional Electrodes
Older electrodes made of tin, copper, lead, aluminum, or platinum backed by rubber Completely covered by sponge, towel, or gauze which contacts skin Absorbent material is soaked with ionized solution (medication)

81 Commercial Electrodes
Electrodes have a small chamber covered by a semi-permeable membrane into which ionized solution may be injected The electrode self adheres to the skin

82 Electrode Preparation
Shave and clean skin prior to attaching the electrodes to ensure maximum contact Do not excessively abrade the skin during cleaning Damaged skin has lower resistance to current Increased risk of burns

83 Electrode Preparation
Attach self-adhering active electrode to skin

84 Electrode Preparation
Inject ionized solution into the chamber

85 Electrode Preparation
Attach self-adhering inactive electrode to the skin and attach lead wires from the generator

86 Electrode Placement Size of electrodes can cause variation in current density Smaller = higher density Larger = lower density Electrodes should be separated by at least the diameter of active electrode Wider separation minimizes superficial current density Decreased risk for burns

87 Electrode Placement

88 Selecting the Appropriate Ion
Negative ions (medication) driven into tissues by the negative lead Accumulation of negative ions in the tissues Produces an acidic reaction through the formation of hydrochloric acid Results in hardening of the tissues by increasing protein density

89 Continued . . . Positive ions (medication) driven into tissues by the positive lead Accumulation of positive ions in the tissues Produces an alkaline reaction through the formation of sodium hydroxide Results in softening of the tissues by decreasing protein density Useful in treating scars or adhesions Some positive ions may also produce an analgesic effect

90 Selecting the Appropriate Ion
Inflammation Dexamethasone (-) Hydrocortisone (-) Salicylate (-) Spasm Calcium (+) Magnesium (+) Analgesia Lidocaine (+) Edema Hyaluronidase(+) Salicylate (-) Mecholyl (+) Open Skin Lesions Zinc (+) Scar Tissue Chlorine (-) Iodine (-)

91 Adverse Effects Chemical burns Thermal burns Skin irritations

92 Patient Preparation For All Types of ES

93 Preparing the Patient Explain what, why, how What: Why: How:
full name plus ‘translation’ of what it is Why: Pain relief, muscle strengthening, etc How: Gate control? Opiate release?

94 Preparing the Patient Sensation testing
Test/demonstrate on yourself first Check for broken leads dead batteries Sensitive dials Gain confidence of patient

95 Preparing the Patient Prepare electrodes
Plug the leads in first Use correct gel No gel BETWEEN electrodes! Moisten self-adhesive electrodes or IFC pads WELL Tape or strap electrodes securely

96 Questions??

97 Comprehension Check What are the 4 main purposes of applying therapeutic electric currents? What pain mechanism is affected by the use of TENS? What are the 4 modes of TENS? Which would be used for chronic pain? What are the contraindications for TENS? When and why is IFC used over TENS?

98 Comprehension Check How should the electrodes be set up to achieve a quadipoloar field for IFC? What are the therapeutic uses for NMES? What are the indications for iontophoresis? How is the maximum current of iontophoresis determined? What is the typical dosage of a drug for iontophoresis?

99 Answers The 4 main purposes of applying therapeutic electric currents are: Pain relief Neuromuscular Electrical stimulation Tissue/wound healing Direct stimulation of denervated muscle The pain mechanism affected by the use of TENS is the gate control theory

100 Answers The 4 modes of TENS are: Conventional Acupuncture
Burst mode (used for chronic pain) Brief-intense/noxious level

101 Answers The contraindications for TENS are: Some Bladder stimulators
UNDIAGNOSED PAIN ANY electronic implant Some Pacemakers (fixed rate ok but rate responsive are affected) Cardioverter-defribrillators Some Bladder stimulators Metal implants??? When and why is IFC used over TENS?

102 Answers IFC is used over TENS because:
“Medium frequency”  less skin impedance Less impedance  more patient comfort More patient comfort  tolerate higher amplitude current  deeper penetration To achieve a quadipolar field for IFC the electrodes from the same circuit diagonal to each other forming a box around the target site

103 Answers The therapeutic uses for NMES are: Strengthens muscles
Motor Re-education Increases ROM Enhances endurance Reduces muscle spasm/spacity

104 Answers The indications for iontophoresis are: Inflammation Edema
Bone spurs/calcium deposits Fungal infections Scars Wounds Muscle spasms

105 Answers The maximum current of iontophoresis is determined by the size (surface area) of the active electrode The typical dosage of a drug for iontophoresis is 40 mA-min

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