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An Overview of interpreting History of Interpreting as a Profession It was internationally recognized as a profession only around the turn of the 20th.

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2 An Overview of interpreting

3 History of Interpreting as a Profession It was internationally recognized as a profession only around the turn of the 20th century. The Paris Peace Conference in 1919 marked the official recognition of consecutive interpreting ( 连续 / 交替 传译 )as a profession.

4 The introduction of SI (Simultaneous Interpreting ( 同声传译 ) was shortly before the Second World War. Its first experimental implementation (in whisper form) was at Geneva in 1927. It was first used in English, French, Russian, and German during the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi war criminal.

5 国际翻译工作者联合会 [ 简称国际译 联,FIT(Federation Internationale des Trducteures] 是法国等 六个欧洲国家翻译协会 在 1953 年发起, 1954 年 正式成立的

6 Definition Interpreting (or interpretation) is an activity that consists of establishing, either simultaneously or consecutively, oral or gestural communications between two or more speakers who are not speaking (or signing) the same language. ------ wikipedia Interpreting is the process of facilitating oral communication from one language to another. It is performed by an interpreter. ---- Interpreting deals with the spoken word at meetings both face to face and over the telephone, in situations when both you and your customer need to understand clearly what is said.

7 Types of Interpreting Basically Consecutive Simultaneous

8 Consecutive interpreting is rendering statements made in a source language into statements in the target language after a pause between each completed statement in the source language. anniversary Ceremony of a company Banquet

9 Simultaneous interpreting The interpreter is sitting in a booth. When the speaker is giving his/her speech, the interpreter must continuously interprets the spoken words into the target language. Simultaneous interpreting is intended to be heard only by the person receiving the interpretation and is usually accomplished by speaking in whispered tones or using equipment specially designed for the purpose.


11 Sight interpreting Sight translation is a hybrid type of interpreting. The interpreter reads a document written in one language while translating it orally into another language. It is sometimes called sight interpreting. The interpreter is required to interpret simultaneously written speeches which have been delivered to him/her in advance.

12 Question: what are the differences between consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting?

13 Main features of interpreting Extemporaneous Stressfulness Independence Comprehensiveness miscellaneousness

14 Interpreting Criteria Faithfulness; expressiveness; elegant --proposed by Yan Fu in 1898 Accurate; smooth; quick “ 准顺快 ” -- 方凡泉 Faithful; fluent; quick “ 忠实、通顺、及时 ” 原则 -- 仲伟合

15 Danica Seleskovitch :the interpretive theory (le théorie de l’interprétation) A very famous veteran interpreter and the first president of 巴黎高等口 笔译学院( ESIT ) Interpreting for. International Conferences. Washington, DC:. Pen & booth. Steiner, George ( 1975 )

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