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Zaira antunez Polar Bears Zaira Antunez. What do polar bears eat? A polar bears diet consists of seal. Mostly ringed and bearded seals. One way the.

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Presentation on theme: "Zaira antunez Polar Bears Zaira Antunez. What do polar bears eat? A polar bears diet consists of seal. Mostly ringed and bearded seals. One way the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zaira antunez Polar Bears Zaira Antunez


3 What do polar bears eat? A polar bears diet consists of seal. Mostly ringed and bearded seals. One way the polar bear catches its prey, is when the seal surfaces threw holes in order to breath.

4 What hunts polar bears? The one major thing that hunts polar bears are us humans. We use them for decoration for example, rugs. The way there hunted. The human take teams of dogs, so they could distract the polar bear. When the polar bear isn't looking the hunter shoots it. From a closer area, for a better aim.

5 Some disease that polar bears can encounter… Polar bears have high levels of persistent organic pollution. One example would be, chlorinated pesticides. The polar bears body is one of the more contaminated bodies of all the arctic mammals. This causes some birth defects, and immune system deficiency.

6 How does having this organism affect our environment? They eat seals and it lowers the amount of seals left in the environment. So then seals will later on in time end up being extinct.

7 What is being done to protect the polar bears? The US government has noticed that the polar bears habitat is melting because of global warming, so what they are planning to do is, lower global warming, so there habitat doesn’t melt all away.

8 How did the polar bear become endangered? To much global warming, causing the temperature to rise. It makes the polar bears habitat melt, because they do live in ice. So high temperature causes there habitat to melt.

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