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ITI Upgradation CII Project Plan April 12, 2012. PREAMBLE ► 6000 ITIs - outdated curriculum, outmoded attitude, lack of quality trainers, resulting substandard.

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Presentation on theme: "ITI Upgradation CII Project Plan April 12, 2012. PREAMBLE ► 6000 ITIs - outdated curriculum, outmoded attitude, lack of quality trainers, resulting substandard."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITI Upgradation CII Project Plan April 12, 2012

2 PREAMBLE ► 6000 ITIs - outdated curriculum, outmoded attitude, lack of quality trainers, resulting substandard output ► 5 million graduates passing out of colleges each year without skills ► Mismatch between educational system output and Industry’s manpower requirements ► Over 70 per cent of the labour force are school dropouts. ► Low levels of productivity both in public and pvt. sector ► Low skill levels among women an hindrance in their empowerment

3 Upgradation of 1396 Government ITIs through Public Private Partnership Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India 12 TH April 20123 Scheme

4 Salient Features of the Scheme Upgradation of 1396 Govt ITIs into Centres of Excellence under Public Private Partnership mode ► An Industry Partner (IP) is associated with each ITI ► IP is selected by the State Government in consultation with Industry Associations ► Institute Management Committee (IMC) is constituted / reconstituted with IP or its representative as Chairperson. It is given financial and academic autonomy. ► In IMC – 4 members nominated by IP and 5 by State Govt and Principal of ITI to be ex-officio member Secretary. ► ITI to be upgraded as a whole and/or a Centre of Excellence in a trade sector can also be started. 4

5 Salient features Contd. ► A Memorandum of Agreement is signed among the stake holders. ► Institute Development Plan (IDP) is prepared by IMC giving KPIs and financial requirements for next 5 years.IDP ► IDPs are scrutinized by State Steering Committee and sent to Central Government. ► After approval of IDPs Central Govt. releases interest free loan upto Rs.2.5 crore directly to the IMC Society. ► 300 ITIs to be taken up for upgradation every year from 2007- 08 to 2011-12 and remaining in 2012-13. ► CII associated with 370 ITIs (out of total 1227 allocated till March 2012) under this programme 5

6 ITI Excellence Program : ITI Excellence Program : CII Central & Regional Committee on Skills & Education (2012 – 13) CII’s Vision

7 Areas of Focus – To bring in uniformity in approach for all adopted ITIs to make these as centers of excellence. – Development of faculty. – To make the institutes system driven instead of person driven. – To introduce courses other than universal ones after proper study of the requirements in the area.

8 STATUS OF ITI ADOPTION BY CII MEMBERS  CII involved in up-gradation of ITIs through IMCs over last decade to address internal and external inefficiencies present in the ITIs by establishing industry-institute linkages  Total 370 ITIs adopted through CII Members under PPP Scheme (out of total 1227 allocated till 2012 under this programme) Focus / key initiatives -ITIs to be streamlined -Facilitate sustainability of ITIs -ITI Excellence Program -Focus on Quality Upgrade

9 ► Proposed Action Plan – Adoption of ‘ITIs Implementation Code’ & infrastructure improvement – Skill Gap Assessment / local area study for ITIs by a specialize Consultant. – Faculty Development Training Program – ISO Certification of ITI ► Core groups formed by CII on Skills and Education to handle the activity © Confederation of Indian Industry

10 Implementation Code for ITIs – Areas of Focus 1. Uniformity in CII adopted ITI’s for curriculum, facilities and approach 2. Faculty trainings specially in ITIs 3. Stress on practical training 4. Sensitisation of state govts. on improvements 5. To make some add on skill learnings as compulsory for awarding degree 6. To finalise a faculty training module on teaching methods and execute in adopted ITIs 7. Seminars involving policy makers and regulators focusing on industry expectations 8. To enhance institute-industry interaction 9. To study the existing regulations for suggesting transparent system 10. Align CSR towards crash courses for BPL students 11. To add modules of different trades to ensure minimum 300 students 12. To have separate teacher for each units of trade 13. Teacher to have requisite or higher qualification 14. To have provision for clean wash-rooms 15. To have canteen facility 16. To have library and library period for all 17. To make computer and language education mandatory

11 Contd….Implementation Code… 18. To ensure active placement cell 19. To participate in one sports event and two theme specific events in a year 20. To subject each faculty member to training and industry visit 21. To keep record of machine breakdowns 22. To have at least four IMC meetings 23. To constitute purchase committees for different levels of purchases 24. To have well equipped training cum conferance room 25. To organise at least one institute- industry interaction program in a year. 26. To have a annual calendar for expert faculty interaction for each trade 27. To ensure proper internship training to each student 28. Any ITI to be recognised as institute of excellence should have at least two advanced training module like CNC machining, QMS, TPM, 5s etc. as post training programs 29. To have terminal tests for students 30. Performance evaluation of teachers once a year

12 Success stories (ITI Nalagarh) DescriptionBefore PPPAfter PPP (2008) Remarks No. of trades510 No. Of units928Three shift concept Total students154546 Expenditure on Machineryexisting1.14Cr. Expenditure on Buildingexisting1.01Cr. No. of faculty, admn. staff1133 Bank deposits as on date-2.31Cr.

13 ► iti photograph.doc iti photograph.doc 13

14 14 –Resurrected the physical infrastructure of the ITI, –Got skill gap study conducted and modified our approach accordingly. –Introduced basic computer learning for all students for better employability –A new computer lab with 20 computers established for this purpose. –100% on the job training in a way that industry-institutes are both in win- win situation. This scheme covers students from 5 other ITI’s as well. –Conference cum smart class room established. –All students of technical trades get placements before completion of training through campus interviews(19LY), common placement cell started. –Arrangement of clean drinking water, hygienic toilet facilities on each floor both for boys and girls. –Started canteen facility with seating capacity of about 100 people – Training programs for teachers both in-house and outside. –Installed biometric system for attendance of teachers –80% of the furniture, electrical wiring done through students –Companies like Cadbury, P&G, Gillette, Wipro, J&J, Abott using our campus and faculty for short term training of their employees. Key achievements of Nalagarh ITI

15 Expected outcome (NR) ► This year target is to Fast Track 20 ITIs to IoE (Institutes of Excellence) across region ► Monitor, Review, Refine, Expand, and Replicate the success stories / scope to extend to all 126 ITIs in the 9 states

16 ► Initiative on vocational education in schools – GOI announced vocational education framework to be implemented after pilot implementation – CII has also initiated small project with KVs CII has also initiated small project with KVs 16

17 17 Thank You

18 Methodology ► To bring uniformity – Adopt ‘Implementation Code for ITIs’Implementation ► To sign the policy paper for ITIs, prepared for adoption after due deliberation through state level meetings of chaimen and principals of adopted ITIs – Task Groups of passionate industrial representatives formed to hand hold IMCs achieve the Milestones

19 A.Implementation Code for ITIs Implementation of Policy Document for ITIs (Implementation Code for ITIs) – Members of the Committee have co opted to assist the Committee to oversee and assist IMCs, ITIs, to look at the Institute Development Plan and translate them on the ground within this year in 20 ITIs – An Implementation Code with broad guidelines have been framed to bring uniformity in all ITIs taken for upgradation – Members of the task groups are highly experienced senior Industry representatives who have agreed to lend support to this important cause

20 B.Skill Gap Study for ITIs 1. ITI Skill gap studies conducted for ITI Chandausi (UP), ITI Nalagarh, ITI Women Nalagarh & ITI Deegal (HP) - outsourcing Dexter, a Consultancy based at Ahmedabad ► Key achievements – Resurrected the physical infrastructure of the ITI, – Added multi-skilling modular courses & introduced English speaking and basic computer learning for all students for better employability – A new computer lab was inaugurated and full fledged courses running successfully – ITI Nalagarh generated revenue of Rs.1.2 Crore through IMC  Proposed Action: - All institutes may approach CII for the proposed Study by Dexter

21 C.Faculty Training Programs Training of ITI Faculty (basic/technical field) – Committee has felt this as a weak area – ‘Implementation Code’ highlights areas and the methodology to strengthen the Faculty, upgrading their skills, knowledge and sensitizing them with the current prevailing trends in the industry

22 D.ISO Certification of ITIs Quality Management Systems ► Assist ITIs to become ISO 9001:2008 compliant and obtain external recognition through an accredited Certifying Agency – Benefits would be that ITIs would become system driven – Have consistent processes across board – Learn from each others’ mistakes – Systems would be effective to achieve the objectives of ITIs

23 This can be achieved with – – The full cooperation of state government, industry partners and ITIs of the region in a concerted manner – ITIs to improve the quality of training imparted – Industry partners to proactively add value by using ITIs to train youth on the job in relevant skills required by them – Motivate the youth of the region to take advantage of various skill development initiatives provided and become employable

24 E.Proposed Action Plan ► Conduct regional / state level Workshops / Seminars involving policy makers and regulators focusing on industry expectations ► To enhance institute-industry interaction Regional Conference on ITIs ► CII doing a Joint CII-DGE&T workshop in September 2012 for 126 ITIs adopted through CII Members across northern states ► Workshop would help review the progress and sensitize Principals & Industry Partners on fast tracking ITIs to CoE arriving at a common understanding on implementation process Study Tour to best ITIs in WR ► A Study Mission to WR ITIs planned for May 2012 for learning through best practices

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