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I See! A study of John 9. The gift of sight….  Vs 1-5: We are all born blind to the things of God (generational curse from Adam) The cause of blindness.

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Presentation on theme: "I See! A study of John 9. The gift of sight….  Vs 1-5: We are all born blind to the things of God (generational curse from Adam) The cause of blindness."— Presentation transcript:

1 I See! A study of John 9

2 The gift of sight….  Vs 1-5: We are all born blind to the things of God (generational curse from Adam) The cause of blindness is not at issue; God being glorified is. We (not I) must do the works – we’re connected factor This is the first time he includes His disciples in the authority factor God often uses others as the revelation factor

3 Jesus uses everyday “stuff”  Vs 6-9: He uses dirt ( unpleasant circumstances) and spit (painful things we want to avoid) to reveal Himself Go to the pool – healing is often a journey Cleansing and revelation go hand in hand Both require acts of faith and obedience

4 Do you have an obedient heart?  Vs 8-10: When we obey, revelation (sight) comes The Hebrew mind understood that you obey first, THEN the revelation comes. Westerners have it backward When we walk in revelation knowledge, people not only notice, they ask the right questions. You can’t give answers if they haven’t asked questions

5 God offends the mind to reveal the heart  The heart of the Pharisee will always be exposed, sooner or later Vs 11-16:They could not rejoice in what God had done because it defied tradition/theology Often it’s our religion, theology or doctrine that keep people from seeing God as He really is God is after relationship

6 Questions that beg to be answered  What are my blind spots? What is God wanting to show me about myself?  Who/what does God want to use to open my eyes to see myself as He sees me?  Am I willing to let Him use the “uncomely” things to open my eyes?  Who do I fear more – man or God?

7 Insights & revelations:  Spatialization – ability to determine our body parts in relationship to one another; to determine how we fit/move in society.  Blindness: No awareness of our environment, but more importantly, no awareness of ourselves Blind people bump into things and people, hurting both themselves and others

8 Insights & revelations cont’d  Sight: Seeing ourselves for who we truly are – from God’s perspective. Seeing God/Jesus for who He truly is People who see clearly are often rejected by those who do not (vs 34) Jesus stands with the clear sighted (albeit rejected one vs 35). He does not offer sympathy, commiseration, or even advice – He offers Himself Jesus stands with the clear sighted (albeit rejected one vs 35). He does not offer sympathy, commiseration, or even advice – He offers Himself !

9 The challenge  How clear is my “vision” to see who I really am….to see who God really is?  How willing am I to go on a journey of healing to have my eyes opened?

10 Be encouraged!  “Whosoever will to the Lord may come….”  “Come to Me, all you who are weak and heavy ladened and I will give you rest” (It’s exhausting trying to navigate your world when you’re blind…..)

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