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A Zabbix Believer’s Story……

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Presentation on theme: "A Zabbix Believer’s Story……"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Zabbix Believer’s Story……
Jayesh Thakrar Chief Architect, Mikoomi making enterprise monitoring virtual

2 Topics 1. Introduction 2. Comparison : Nagios v/s Zabbix
3. Zabbix : Architecture Overview 4. Zabbix : Browser based GUI 5. Mikoomi : Open-source Value-Add Agents & Consulting Services

3 Introduction

4 How It All Began….. Needed to monitor IT systems - 24x7
Are applications, web servers, databases and other services up? Needed insight into performance Visibility into current and historical performance and load Quantifying, charting and trending of load, performance and utilization Tool for HelpDesk (Level-1 Support)

5 Choices: Commercial Players

6 Choices: Nagios & Derivaties

7 Choices: Other Open Source

8 Top Contenders: Nagios & Zabbix

9 Nagios: Brief Overview
Pros Popular and well-known Basis for many other open source systems Template-based and object oriented inheritance Based out of Minneapolis, US Boost (?) by RedHat announcement

10 Nagios: Brief Overview
Cons Requires significant effort for setup Setup, admin and configuration = text file based Monitoring data stored in single flat file (or via pipe into database) High I/O on data file from monitoring and UI Configuration change require reload “Primitive” graphing and monitoring UI

11 Zabbix : Brief Overview
Pros Agent and agent-less monitoring SNMP support Template based Scalable, distributed architecture Built-in UNIX, log-file, SNMP and URL monitoring Easy to extend with plug-ins or agents Active development Database based monitoring data storage Thresholds and alerting separate from monitoring

12 Zabbix : Brief Overview
Pros Multiple items or attributes per monitored entity Different items of an entity can be monitored by different mechanisms Can define alerts based on comparison of current item value with historical values, averages, etc. Can build dependencies between monitored entities Pre-canned (template-based) graphs as well as ad-hoc graphs on any monitored item User-defined maps, screens and slide-shows

13 Convinced that N to Z is more than Just a 90° rotation ??
Nagios to Zabbix N Z Convinced that N to Z is more than Just a 90° rotation ??

14 Zabbix Architecture Overview

15 Zabbix Distributed Architecture
External monitoring data collectors Zabbix OS Agents Zabbix Node (Central) Web Server Zabbix Server Zabbix Distributed Nodes Zabbix Database External Scripts Proxy Servers or Proxy Agents

16 Inside the Zabbix Server
Poller Processes watchdog housekeeper alerter poller httppoller pinger db_config_syncer db_data_syncer nodewatcher timer discoverer escalator Zabbix Server Processes

17 Zabbix OS Agent OS-level agents for most popular platforms
Linux AIX, HP-UX, Solaris MacOS Windows OS agents can run external programs to complement / enhance monitoring

18 Zabbix Monitoring Approach
Templates Define new or modify existing templates Contains monitoring data elements called items Contains thresholds (triggers) and actions on item Collection of pre-defined graphs using items Hosts Hosts = monitored entity e.g. hosts, applications, databases, etc. Define new hosts and link to template Customize triggers and actions if necessary Data Collection – by Server, Agent or Proxy

19 Zabbix: Built-in Templates

20 Zabbix: Template Items

21 Zabbix: Item Configuration

22 Zabbix Browser based GUI

23 GUI: Login Page

24 GUI: Dashboard

25 GUI: Dashboard – Favorites

26 GUI: Dashboard – Minimized

27 GUI: Menu Options

28 GUI: Monitoring Data Display - Tabular

29 GUI: Monitoring Data Display - Tabular

30 GUI: Monitoring Data Graphs - Adhoc

31 GUI: Data Graphs – Pre-canned

32 GUI: Data Graphs – Custom

33 GUI: Templates and Triggers

34 GUI: Trigger Definitions

35 GUI: Alert Listing

36 GUI: Alert s

37 GUI: User & Group Administration

38 GUI: Group Security

39 enterprise monitoring made virtual

40 About mikoomi Mikoomi, the company -
Develops, distributes and supports open-source monitoring solutions Provides custom development and consulting around monitoring and high availability Strong believer in open-source – as a consumer and as a producer

41 mikoomi Products & Services
Mikoomi Monitoring Agents Services & Support Mikoomi value-add Zabbix Monitoring Framework

42 mikoomi Products - Appliance
Mikoomi Monitoring Appliance Appliance = virtual machine template Contains Zabbix + Ubuntu + best practices Zabbix = Best open source monitoring Ubuntu = One of the best Linux variants Quick, easy & flexible to deploy Up and running in less than 60 minutes

43 mikoomi Products – Agents
Mikoomi Monitoring Agents Add-on monitoring capabilities for databases, application servers, software components, custom apps Embed deep product-specific expertise and monitoring best practices Covers key health and performance data Open-source makes them extensible Minimally “intrusive” on monitored entity Java JVM and DB2 released WebSphere, Tomcat, SQL Server, Oracle, ActiveMQ and others planned for release

44 mikoomi Services Services Deployment, implementation and training
Consulting & custom development Develop custom monitoring for software vendors to help operations and monitoring of their products

45 mikoomi: Sizing and Capacity
Single node (appliance) with 2 CPUs + 2 GB memory supports monitoring a “sizable” IT environment - 10 – 20 servers + 20 – 40 databases or instances + 20 – 40 application instances Scales horizontally and vertically

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