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WELLY FITRIA CSIRO, Aspendale May 22 2009.  BMG (Meteorologycal and Geophysical Agency)  LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space)  Department.

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Presentation on theme: "WELLY FITRIA CSIRO, Aspendale May 22 2009.  BMG (Meteorologycal and Geophysical Agency)  LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space)  Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELLY FITRIA CSIRO, Aspendale May 22 2009

2  BMG (Meteorologycal and Geophysical Agency)  LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space)  Department of Agriculture  ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology)  IPB (Bogor Institute of Agriculture)

3 BMG Observation (Calibration, Instrumentation, and Comunication Network) Data and Information System Research and Development Centre Education and Training Centre Meteorology Climatology Geophysics

4 Research and Development Centre  HyBMG ○ Wavelet Transformation ○ Anfis (Adaptive-Network- Based Fuzzy Inference System) ○ Arima (Autoregressive integreted with Moving Average)  MM5  TAPM  CCAM


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