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Chapter 8: Early Christian. Warm-up 12-5-14 Ch.8 L1 Early Christian Respond to the Following: 1.What is ‘iconography?’ Give 2 examples. 2.How did the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8: Early Christian. Warm-up 12-5-14 Ch.8 L1 Early Christian Respond to the Following: 1.What is ‘iconography?’ Give 2 examples. 2.How did the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8: Early Christian

2 Warm-up 12-5-14 Ch.8 L1 Early Christian Respond to the Following: 1.What is ‘iconography?’ Give 2 examples. 2.How did the Jewish religion begin? (who? What?) 3.Take out your KWL chart on Christianity. Obj: SWBAT describe Christian Iconography HW Reading: Ch 8 Pg. 232-248 Test Corrections due Monday 12/8 PAST DUE: Chapter 16 China, Cue Cards Due

3 Iconography Definition: the visual images and symbols used in a work of art

4 Crash Course Video Christianity 1. what did the Jews believe that was different from those before them? Where do they come from? The Jews believed in in one god, Monotheism. They are also called Hebrews. They come from the middle east/Mesopotamia. 2. How did they Jewish religion begin? What do they believe? Abraham/Abram engaged in the ‘covenant’ (agreement) with that god, promised he would have kids, prosperous descendants, & land. Abraham and his descendants must practice Circumcision. Abraham and his descendants are the “chosen people.” 3. What is the nature of the Hebrew god? God is transcendent, does not take ‘human’ form.

5 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Winter Break Homework Cue Cards: Ch. 11 Medieval Ch. 12 Romanesque Ch. 17 Japan Due Thursday 12/11: Cue Cards Ch. 8 (4 cards) and 9 (5 cards) Quiz on Ch. 8, 9 & 16 Due Monday 12/8: Test Corrections PAST DUE: Chapter 16 China Cue Cards HW Reading: Ch 8 Pg. 232-248



8 Crash Course Video Christianity 4. Who is Jesus? What did he preach? The son of God, messiah to the earth. He redeemed the world, He “undid” the Jewish covenant-- Allowed people to be followers without circumcision, sacrifices. Preached love, peace and social justice. Spent time with down-trodden (poor, prostitutes, criminals). 5. Who killed Jesus? Why? The Romans, because his ideas were threatening to the Roman power. 6. What is the meaning behind the “Jesus Fish?” Why was this invented? “Ichthys”, meaning ‘fish’, was an acronym for Christ. This allowed people to talk about Christ without others knowing; it was a code word.




12 12 Europe and the Near East in Late Antiquity

13 13 Chapter 8 The Art of Late Antiquity Theme: TRANSFORMERS (born again, appropriation) Dates: 4 th and 5 th centuries CE EARLY Christian Art

14 14 Early Christian Art Chapter 7 Historical Background 200-300 years after Christ – Constantine issues Edict of Milan, & sponsors the building of Christian churches (Constantinople  capital of Eastern R. empire Problem - How to depict God?- borrow motifs / symbols from pagan (Roman) art. Churches based on Roman basilica, w/ mosaics to teach the new converts. Goal of Churches = attract, teach and maintain converts By 410, Visigoths sack Rome, Ravenna becomes capital of Roman Empire What Happened in Art? simplistic and more abstract. “Types” not individuals APPROPRIATION Early Christian art combines classical & Christian motifs Theme: TRANSFORMERS (born again, appropriation) Dates: 4 th and 5 th centuries CE

15 Good Shepherd, Orants, Story of Jonah Catacomb of Pietro and Marcellino, Rome, Italy early 4th century fresco

16 Good Shepherd Catacomb of Pietro and Marcellino, Rome, Italy early 4th century fresco

17 17 The Good Shepherd, the story of Jonah, and orants, painted ceiling of a cubiculum in the Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, Rome, Italy, early fourth century. CATACOMBS Christ Good Shepherd 4 th c. CE M: fresco F/L: catacombs (underground burial chambers). Narrative/Figures: Episodes from biblical story of Jonah Left-Sailors throw Jonah from his ship Right-He emerges from the whale Bottom-Jonah on land contemplates salvation and mercy of God Prefiguration of Christ who died and rose from the grave Orant (hand up in prayer) figures in between—Christian family Central figure—Christ as the good shepherd, with sheep Rescued sinner/redemption

18 18 The Good Shepherd, the story of Jonah, and orants, painted ceiling of a cubiculum in the Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, Rome, Italy, early fourth century. CATACOMBS Christ Good Shepherd 4 th c. CE M: fresco F/L: catacombs (underground burial chambers). Style: Lunettes—semicircular frames Orant figures - People w/ hands up in prayer Early images of Christ  youthful. CONTENT / CONCEPT: Christ w/ lamb – appropriated from classical motif. Sheep symbolizes sinner who has been rescued.

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