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1 Common Core Implementation… Next Steps Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2 2 Instructional Shifts Demanded by the Core 6 Shifts in Mathematics Focus Coherence Fluency Deep Understanding Applications Dual Intensity 6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary 2

3 ELA/Literacy Shift 4: Text Based Answers What the Student Does…What the Teacher Does… Find evidence to support their argument Form own judgments and become scholars Conducting reading as a close reading of the text Engage with the author and his/her choices Facilitate evidence based conversations about text Plan and conduct rich conversations Keep students in the text Identify questions that are text-dependent, worth asking/exploring, deliver richly Spend much more time preparing for instruction by reading deeply 3 Principal’s Role: Support and demand that teachers work through and tolerate student frustration with complex texts and learn to chunk and scaffold that text. Provide planning time for teachers to engage with the text to prepare and identify appropriate text- dependent questions. Hold teachers accountable for fostering evidence based conversations about texts with and amongst students. Principal’s Role: Support and demand that teachers work through and tolerate student frustration with complex texts and learn to chunk and scaffold that text. Provide planning time for teachers to engage with the text to prepare and identify appropriate text- dependent questions. Hold teachers accountable for fostering evidence based conversations about texts with and amongst students.

4 ELA/Literacy Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary What the Student Does…What the Teacher Does… Use high octane words across content areas Build “language of power” database Develop students’ ability to use and access words Be strategic about the new vocab words Work with words students will use frequently Teach fewer words more deeply 4 Principal’s Role: Shift attention on how to plan vocabulary meaningfully using tiers and transferability strategies Provide training to teachers on the shift for teaching vocabulary in a more meaningful, effective manner. Principal’s Role: Shift attention on how to plan vocabulary meaningfully using tiers and transferability strategies Provide training to teachers on the shift for teaching vocabulary in a more meaningful, effective manner.

5 Mathematics Shift 1: Focus What the Student Does…What the Teacher Does… Spend more time on fewer concepts Excise content from the curriculum Focus instructional time on priority concepts Give students the gift of time 5 Principal’s Role: Work with groups of math teachers to determine what content to prioritize most deeply and what content can be removed (or decrease attention). Give teachers permission and hold teachers accountable for focusing on the priority standards immediately. Ensure that teachers have enough time, with a focused body of material, to build their own depth of knowledge. Principal’s Role: Work with groups of math teachers to determine what content to prioritize most deeply and what content can be removed (or decrease attention). Give teachers permission and hold teachers accountable for focusing on the priority standards immediately. Ensure that teachers have enough time, with a focused body of material, to build their own depth of knowledge.

6 Major Areas of Work: P-2 6 GradeMajor Areas of Work K Counting and Cardinality Know number names and count sequence Count to tell the number of objects Compare numbers Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers 11-19 to grain foundations for place value 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. Work with addition and subtraction equations. Number and Operations in Base Ten Extend the counting sequence. Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Measurement and Data Measure lengths indirectly by iterating length units. 2 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Measurement and Data Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. Relate addition and subtraction to length.

7 Mathematics Shift 6: Dual Intensity What the Student Does…What the Teacher Does… Practice math skills with an intensity that results in fluency Practice math concepts with an intensity that forces application in novel situations Find the dual intensity between understanding and practice within different periods or different units Be ambitious in demands for fluency and practice, as well as the range of application 7 Principal’s Role: Reduce the number of concepts taught and manipulate the schedule so that there is enough math class time for teachers to focus and spend time on both fluency and application of concepts/ideas Principal’s Role: Reduce the number of concepts taught and manipulate the schedule so that there is enough math class time for teachers to focus and spend time on both fluency and application of concepts/ideas

8 Shifts in ELA Assessments Shifts in InstructionShifts in Assessment Shift #1Balancing Informational & Literary Text Authentic Passages Balance in types of text Shift #2Knowledge in the DisciplinesKnowledge Based Questions on Info gained from Text Shift #3Staircase of ComplexityGrade Level Complexity Per the CCSS Shift #4Text-Based Answers Students being asked to marshal evidence from text Shift #5Writing from Sources Shift #6Academic VocabularyDirect and indirect questions on pivotal, common terms 8

9 NYS Assessment Transition Assessment2011-122012-132013-142014-15 ELA Grades 3-8 Aligned to 2005 Standards Aligned to the Common CorePARCC 1 Grade 11 Regents Aligned to 2005 Standards Regents Exam Aligned to the Common Core 2 Regents Exam Aligned to the Common Core / PARCC 1, 2 Math Grades 3-8 Aligned to 2005 Standards Aligned to the Common CorePARCC 1 Algebra I Aligned to 2005 Standards Regents Exams Aligned to the Common Core 2,3 Regents Exams Aligned to the Common Core / PARCC 1, 2, 3 Geometry Algebra II Aligned to the 2005 Standards Additional State Assessments NYSAA 4 Aligned to 2005 Standards Aligned to the Common Core NCSC 5 NYSESLAT Aligned to 1996 Standards Aligned to the Common Core 2012-13: the content of the grade 3-8 tests will be aligned to the Common Core 2013-14 some Regents Exams will be aligned to the Common Core 2014-15 remaining Regents transition 2014-15 transition to PARCC pending BoR approval

10 Thinking Like a Psychometrician… You will need The Mildred D. Taylor excerpt The Reading Standards for Literature for 6 th Grade (2,3,4,5,6,11) The Frederick Douglass excerpt The Reading Standards for Informational Text for 8 th Grade (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 10

11 Thinking Like a Psychometrician In Pairs, one excerpt at a time 1.Read the text 2.Choose 4 standards you want to work with 3.Thinking outside the box and forgetting assessments you’ve seen in the past, devise 4-6 questions multiple choice (“items”) which a)Get at the HEART of the standard b)Capture the knowledge, skill, and ability articulated by the standards you’ve chosen c)Require students to actually read and comprehend a full paragraph or the entire passage d)Be sure that there are no viable alternative answers than the one you have in mind e)Embed quality distracters using aspects of the text 11

12 Giving Each Other Feedback Review your colleagues’ work. Do the items… a)Get at the HEART of the standard? b)Capture the knowledge, skill, and ability articulated by the standards you’ve chosen? c)Require students to actually read and comprehend a full paragraph or the entire passage? d)Contain no viable alternative answers than the one you have in mind? e)Embed quality distracters using aspects of the text? 12

13 Sample Items – How Can We Use Them? 13

14 The Principal’s Approach to Implementation Common Messaging – Shifts Framework Understanding and Planning for shifting assessments/ timeline Relentless Messaging, Relentless PD (shifts, content) Guiding Coalition – Turnaround Mentality Clear the Path – Plans for curriculum (Modules – Good and Free) Protect the heart of the standards; the vision in this work Walk the walk vs. talk the talk – being willing to burst bubbles Tri-State Rubric Parents’ Awareness 14

15 15 as of 3/5/12; subject to revision NYSED is delivering Curricular Modules Aligned to the Core in ELA & Math Scope and Sequence available in July 2012 P-8 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in August. 9-12 Modules begin arriving in quarter-length chunks beginning in October. Modules: ELA & Math

16 Tri-State Rubrics – Math & ELA/ Literacy 16 collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, facilitated by Achieve which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials collaboratively built tools informed and approved by the authors of the CCSS, facilitated by Achieve which evaluate the Common Core alignment of curricular materials

17 17 6 Shifts in Mathematics Focus: learn more about less Build skills across grades Develop speed and accuracy Really know it, Really do it Use it in the real world Think fast AND solve problems 6 Shifts in ELA/Literacy Read as much non fiction as fiction Learn about the world by reading Read more challenging material closely Discuss reading using evidence Write non-fiction using evidence Increase academic vocabulary 17 Shifts for Students Demanded by the Core

18 ELA/Literacy Shift 4: Discuss Reading Using Evidence Students Must…Parents Can… Find evidence to support their arguments Form judgments Become scholars Discuss what the author is “up to” Talk about text Demand evidence in every day discussions/ disagreements Read aloud or read the same book and discuss with evidence 18

19 Leadership in the Common Core Stand Up and Don’t Move Together We Are Stronger We Have Shifts Too Anxiety We Are All There Is. 19

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