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No More Tears About the Tiers Presented by Leigh Croyle, Lisa Downard, and Roger Ward Linden Elementary School, Oak Ridge City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "No More Tears About the Tiers Presented by Leigh Croyle, Lisa Downard, and Roger Ward Linden Elementary School, Oak Ridge City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 No More Tears About the Tiers Presented by Leigh Croyle, Lisa Downard, and Roger Ward Linden Elementary School, Oak Ridge City Schools

2 Introductions Leigh Croyle - School Counselor Lisa Downard - Assistant Principal Roger Ward - Principal

3 Teachers? Principals? Support Personnel? Central Office Staff? Elementary School? Middle School? High School? Who Are You?

4 Demographics Linden Elementary - Our Story



7 TCAP / TVAAS Linden Elementary






13 Name that acronym!

14 PLC…

15 “...educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve. Professional learning communities operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators (DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many, 2006).” Professional Learning Community

16 CFA...

17 “ assessment FOR learning, a tool used to inform both the teacher and the student about the student’s current level of achievement, to guide the teacher’s instructional practice, to help the student understand what steps must be taken to further his or her learning, and to motivate the student to take those steps.” (Wiliam & Thompson, 2007) Common Formative Assessment

18 RTI 2...

19 “The RTI 2 Framework is a model that promotes recommended practices for an integrated system connecting general and special education by the use of high-quality, scientifically research-based instruction and intervention.” (Tennessee Department of Education, 2013) “The RTI 2 framework is a three-tier model that provides an ongoing process of instruction and interventions that allow students to make progress at all levels, particularly those students who are struggling or advancing.” (Tennessee Department of Education, 2013) Response to Instruction and Intervention

20 ❏ Three tiered support system ❏ Tier 2 level supports in place for behavior ❏ PLC and building-wide systematic referral process for requesting support PBIS paved the way to RTI 2

21 Anticipated a need for intervention time in our schedule





26 Check-In/ Check-Out One Commonly used Tier 2 Intervention:


28 ❏ Parent Involvement ❏ School Staff Involvement ❏ Student Involvement First steps after Referral

29 Brochure

30 Parent Permission and Contract

31 ❏ General Information about Intervention ❏ Alert all involved ❏ Teacher expectations ❏ On-going support Staff Involvement

32 Teacher Expectations Supporting Students on PAWS Dear staff, As we work together to support students on the PAWS program we need to adhere to certain criteria to promote their success. Please review the following expectations: ____ Review and provide feedback to students on a frequent basis (every 30 minutes- 1 hour) ____ Provide positive feedback to students about behavior expectations they are meeting ____ Provide feedback on student behavior that needs changing (“work on raising your hand before speaking to be respectful”, “remember to keep you hands and feet to yourself to be safe”) Thank you for all of the support that you are giving to our students! Staff Involvement

33 Staff Feedback

34 Daily Forms

35 Home Report

36 ❏ Currently 11 Students report to a designated area before school ❏ Expectations are taught for the check-in process ❏ Video Example Check-In Process

37 ❏ Monitor Data ❏ Review forms (teacher feedback, areas of concern) ❏ Communicate with all stakeholders about modifications to plan Okay, now what?

38 Data

39 ❏ Raise student’s percentage goal ❏ Move student to self-monitoring phase ❏ Modify plan to address main areas of concern ❏ Decrease student’s percentage goal Modifications for Continuing Support

40 Involving all Stakeholders


42 Video Example Self-Monitoring

43 Graduation or..

44 PBIS helped Linden lay the groundwork for a 3 tier system of support. This has made the move toward Tennessee’s RTI 2 model much clearer.

45 Questions ??????????????

46 ❏ Anyone having a birthday today? Closest upcoming birthday, not already past ❏ Who has been teaching the longest? ❏ Who is the newest to the profession? ❏ Anyone who had a birthday on 11/12/13? ❏ Anyone at the conference for the first time? ❏ Who traveled the farthest to get here today? Special Gift Giveaways:

47 Thank you so much for coming to our session: “No More Tears About the Tiers!” Enjoy the rest of the conference!

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