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The United States: Do economists have any ideas?.

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Presentation on theme: "The United States: Do economists have any ideas?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The United States: Do economists have any ideas?

2 The Great Recession: progress and prognosis Mistakes of 1930s avoided (thanks in part to economic ideas) – Monetary policy: interest rates to zero + QE – Fiscal policy: stimulus did help – Bank recapitalization – No protectionist slide in trade These efforts helped stabilize the economy and prevent a deeper collapse But growth prospects are undermined by: – high debt overhang (both private and public) – weak competitive position in global economy – large increase in income and wealth inequality

3 Are there ideas in Economics? Some concrete illustrations of programmatic proposals based on ideas from economics Infrastructure Inequality in pay Tax policy Finance

4 Reinvigorating infrastructure (Alpert, Hockett, Roubini) Focus: public infrastructure ($1.2 trillion over 5 years?) – highways, railroads, ports, air transport, energy,… – where there are great unmet needs Idea: borrowing costs are low, potential returns are high Bonus: will create jobs at a time of high unemployment Vehicle: a national infrastructure bank – Issue bonds, backed by government guarantee – Use U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as project manager and general contractor of last resort (to limit private-sector overbidding) What about public debt? – program would likely improve government balance sheet, properly valued Value of physical assets created + larger tax base due to expansion of economy

5 Addressing pay gaps (Freeman, Blasi, and Kruse) Focus: the gap between productivity and pay Idea: link employee earnings to firm performance Vehicle: tax-deductibility of incentive payments if they cover all full-time employees – Additional requirement: amount spent on bottom 80% must be as large as top 5% – Current tax laws subsidize incentive pay to few top executives thru deduction for stock-options – Can come in different forms: cash incentive plans, performance shares, stock options,… Evidence: broad-based incentive compensation systems improve firm performance and labor market performance – Less turnover, more effort, more peer monitoring – Not so with incentive schemes that apply to few workers

6 Reforming tax system (R.H. Frank) Focus: Raise fiscal revenue while reducing socially wasteful activities Idea: too much competition is harmful when individual rewards depend on relative performance (“the arms race”) – E.g., competition for relative status, or slots in good schools/top firms, luxury goods… – Adam Smith goods versus Charles Darwin goods – Need to discourage not only activities that provide direct harm (pollution, CO 2 ) but also those that generate indirect harm Vehicle: scrapping the current progressive income tax in favor of a more steeply progressive tax on consumption Bonus: no tax on saving, investment

7 Making finance safer (S. Johnson) Focus: reduce moral hazard/systemic risk created by banks that are “too big to fail” Idea: mega-banks provide no social benefit while creating large amount of systemic risk and exerting political influence – concentrated power – government had no choice but to bail them out for fear of complete collapse of financial system Vehicle: use anti-trust law or regulatory tools to break-up mega-banks and put a cap on their size – Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo … Evidence: no empirical evidence that performance correlates with size

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