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The Progressive Era “Making the World Better”. Modern Connections.

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1 The Progressive Era “Making the World Better”


3 Modern Connections

4 Progressivism Two decades Extremely optimistic Men, women, D & R, Populists, labor, business, religious figures, atheists, city politicians, teachers etc… Goal=improve the quality of life and the effectiveness and integrity of the government

5 Admissions Letters Letters and Presentations address the wide variety of individuals involved and issues addressed during the Progressive Era

6 Jacob Riis

7 Jane Addams

8 Florence Kelley

9 Frederic Howe

10 Samuel Jones

11 Hiram Johnson

12 Al Smith

13 Hoke Smith

14 Theodore Roosevelt

15 Woodrow Wilson

16 Ida Tarbell

17 Upton Sinclair

18 John Dewey

19 Louis Brandeis

20 Eugene Debs

21 Margaret Sanger

22 Booker T. Washington

23 W.E.B. DuBois

24 Lincoln Steffens

25 William M. Tweed

26 Mark Twain

27 Thomas Nast

28 Elizabeth Cady Stanton

29 Joseph Pulitzer

30 Frederick Taylor

31 Frances Elizabeth Willard

32 Robert M. LaFollette

33 Gifford Pinchot

34 Alice Paul

35 Henry Ford

36 Louis Sullivan

37 Scott Joplin

38 Irony and Paradox o Racial inequalities remained unaddressed or increased o Southern blacks o Anti-immigration o Interest groups/campaign finance o Increased executive power o Middle class movement o decline in voter participation o Introduction to a century of unparalleled brutality

39 Case Study: “Triangle Fire” Case Study: “Triangle Fire” Write down and define each reference to concepts and terms from the text mentioned in the documentary 2 point/term

40 Election of 1912 Significance: o 1) Socialism o 2) Democrats back in charge across the board o 3) Southern Democrats have a green light o 4) Republican Split (Taft & Teddy)— conservative party platform firmly established “political miracle” and “God ordained” New Nationalism (TR) vs. New Freedom (Brandeis) o Play fair regulator

41 Wilson’s Progressivism Foreign Policy o Democratic and pious idealism o “anti-intervention” o Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti, DR. o WWI “neutrality” $2 billion to Allies $27 million to Germany o 14 Points and League of Nations Group read and discussion Significance?

42 WWI—1914-1918 Election of 1916=peace platform April 2 nd, 1917 “Safe for Democracy” o British Propaganda o International trade o Unrestricted submarine warfare o Alliance w/ Mexico American Involvement o 1.5 years ( 8 months heavy fighting) o US=126,000 killed o Germany=2 million o France = 1.7 million o Russia = 1.7 million o GB = 703,000 Lusitania—(1915)128 Americans (1128 total passengers) o Motivation for plans for preparedness o National Defense Act 1916 o Troops #s 90,000 to 175,000 Wilson v. TR German cooperation and neutral commerce Progressive Tax Structure

43 Wilson’s Progressivism Domestic Underwood—Simmons Tariff (1913) o Wilson believed tariff=trusts o First decrease since Civil War o 16 th Amendment connection? Federal Reserve Act o National banking system o 12 Federal Reserve Banks o Controlled money supply o Dispersed reserves out of NYC o Controversial Clayton Antitrust (1914) o Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

44 Domestic Critics Declared “New Freedom” over by 1914 Declined federal support for women’s suffrage, child labor, opposed farming loans, sympathized with motives of the KKK to avoid the “ignorant and hostile power of black vote” and the suppression of black rights was “inevitable for the natural ascendancy of whites”

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