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Aldo Mazzaferro, CFAGoldman, Sachs & Co. Steel Manufacturers Association Annual Board of Directors Meeting – Phoenix,

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1 Aldo Mazzaferro, CFAGoldman, Sachs & Co. Steel Manufacturers Association Annual Board of Directors Meeting – Phoenix, Arizona The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. February 16, 2007 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Customers of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. in the United States can receive independent, third-party research on the company or companies covered in this report, at no cost to them, where such research is available. Customers can access this independent research at or can call 1-866-727-7000 to request a copy of this research. For Reg AC certification, see page 36. For other important disclosures, see page 38, go to, or contact your investment representative. Analysts employed by non-US affiliates are not required to take the NASD/NYSE analyst exam. Outlook for 2007: A successful test of market discipline

2 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research2 Sustainability is key Discipline = Confidence = Higher valuations Investors fear volatility and surprises from rapid steel price change, supply swings, unpredictable earnings Investor’s express their comfort level by the multiple they pay for earnings or cash flow (i.e. P/E, or EV/EBITDA) Developing market recovery is building confidence and valuation multiples are rising. Continuing test for other key issues: Will discipline hold LT and will it be global? Will China’s production continue to exceed demand? Will too higher US prices trigger a large supply response? What about LT risks from greater capacity in other markets?

3 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research3 Steel’s virtual improvement cycle We see higher valuation multiples ahead PE ratios should continue to widen as earnings recover by mid-year and HRC prices make another higher low. And balance sheet gains also help financial earnings and stock valuations Steel sector self-renewal process: Global consolidation leads to production discipline, …which allows better fine tuning of supply and demand, …which reduces cycle volatility further, …which leads to more EPS stability and better valuations, …which boosts management confidence further and drives more consolidation

4 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research4 Logical progression from sustainability to higher valuations Investor confidence is difficult to define, discern and predict, but it is crucial to valuation. Some factors that might increase investor confidence: Balance sheet improvement, lower net debt or higher net cash High free cash flow, which drives balance sheet gains Continuing supply/demand balance Simple math: Cash accumulation + constant EV/EBITDA ratio = higher PEs Bonus: Steady free cash flow + improving balance sheet should raise the EV/EBITDA ratio, which would raise the PE even further

5 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research5 Steel mill free cash flow yields Highest to lowest Source: Goldman Sachs Research estimates. *WOR, CHAP,STTX, CMC, SCHN, MM estimates are calendarized Best: Ryerson, Worthington, and Reliance Steel

6 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research6 Steel mill price/earnings ratios Lowest to highest Best: US Steel, Reliance steel, Gerdau Ameristeel *WOR, CHAP,STTX, CMC, SCHN, MM estimates are calendarized Source: Goldman Sachs Research estimates.

7 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research7 Current climate of supply, demand and pricing looks promising Supply: Domestic production cuts and lower imports Americas – production, imports, inventories all declined Global – biggest source of supply ultimately is Chinese output Demand: Auto production a concern, housing much less so Automotive – expect production schedule to stay soft Non-res Construction – expect demand to remain strong Capital Goods – continuing along with solid demand Pricing: 4Q dip in pricing starting to reverse; higher by 2Q’07 Bottom at higher lows, we guess HRC low is about $500/ton Where is normalized? Our latest $475 estimate might be low Key risks: Chinese production growth and global demand Imports should decline, but China’s production is a concern Consumer sentiment softer, and auto weakness will hurt

8 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research8 Supply-side trends showing the best improvement Imports are sharply lower, and we expect further significant declines Domestic production was cut in 4Q, and should rebound as order books improve Key variable is that US pricing remains too low to attract import supply Imports should stay down and lead to sharper inventory decline on better seasonal demand

9 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research9 The decline in US imports has already been sharp, and we expect further declines Source: US Census Bureau.

10 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research10 Imports of Flat Rolled and Rebar are both down significantly in the past few months Imports of Hot Rolled Coil Imports of Rebar Source: American Iron & Steel Institute.

11 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research11 Service center inventory shows only slight decline so far due to seasonal factors, but much more to go on downside Source: Metals Service Center Institute.

12 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research12 Inventories of Flat Rolled are not down as much as inventories of Carbon Bar Service center inventories of carbon flat rolled Service center inventories of carbon bar Source: Metals Service Center Institute

13 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research13 Discipline cut about 400K tons from weekly US production between September and the lows in December – rebounding now Source: American Iron & Steel Institute.

14 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research14 Narrower US steel price premiums are the biggest reason to expect lower imports Source: Purchasing Magazine, Metals Bulletin, Steel Business Briefing.

15 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research15 China’s steel production continues to grow while other major regions are more steady Source: International Iron & Steel Institute.

16 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research16 Global production would slow down a lot if China’s production growth matched demand Source: International Iron & Steel Institute.

17 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research17 Encouraging: China growth rate of steel production has slowed somewhat to 21% Source: International Iron & Steel Institute.

18 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research18 Not encouraging: China’s net exports show no signs of slowing yet Source: China Customs Statistics.

19 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research19 Demand-side trends a little softer, but not as important as supply Demand appears to be off 2%-3% since September, but that is much less than supply is down Non-residential construction markets have been very strong, capital goods are steady at high levels, but automotive has become very weak A weaker dollar would have two positive impacts: support steel pricing and stimulate domestic manufacturing

20 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research20 Non-residential construction has become very strong after bottoming in 2005 Source: Department of Commerce.

21 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research21 Non-defense capital goods has continued strong, although momentum has slowed Source: US Census Bureau.

22 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research22 Industrial production continues to indicate broad-based underlying demand strength Source: Federal Reserve Board.

23 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research23 Auto sales weakened in 2006, but the latest monthly comparisons are flat Source: Automotive News.

24 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research24 Auto production is down sharply year to year, although comparisons should flatten Source: Automotive News.

25 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research25 Steel pricing trends – third successive higher low in pricing since 2002 Source: Purchasing Magazine, American Iron & Steel Institute, American Metal Market.

26 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research26 Testing discipline: HRC metal spreads Lowest readings in February since 2004. Will they recover? Source: American Metal Market, Purchasing Magazine.

27 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research27 Long product spreads also testing the lows Source: American Metal Market, Purchasing Magazine.

28 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research28 HRC pricing: We expect stability going forward after a 1Q 2007 bottom. Source: Purchasing Magazine, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.

29 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research29 Plate pricing: Very resilient due to capacity tightness and strong demand $700 by 12/07 Source: Purchasing Magazine Goldman Sachs Research estimates.

30 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research30 Rebar pricing: We expect a quick recovery after an early 2007 dip Source: Purchasing Magazine, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.

31 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research31 Beam price: We expect relative stability to prevail in beams due to tight supply Source: Purchasing Magazine, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.

32 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research32 Price risk? Price versus 25-year average. Plate, scrap most extended, HRC least Source: American Metal Market, Purchasing Magazine.

33 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research33 ISM Index: Showing signs of a slowdown Source: Institute for Supply Management.

34 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research34 Currency trends – the dollar has risen vs. the Yen but has fallen against the Euro Source: Bloomberg.

35 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research35 Summary: Supply lower, demand slower. Pricing off now, but recovery expected. Supply: Production discipline and lower imports are positive Demand: Auto production should remain softer, while non-residential construction and capital goods should be offsetting positives US steel pricing: We expect the correction underway to last into late 1Q, but for the supply reductions to cause a sharp recovery in 2Q. Key opportunity Re-rating of the PE as cash flows remain strong, balance sheets improve and investors become more confident about sustainability.

36 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research36 Analyst Certification I, Aldo Mazzaferro, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.

37 Disclosures February 6, 2007

38 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research38 Disclosures Coverage group(s) of stocks by primary analyst(s) Compendium report: please see disclosures at Company-specific regulatory disclosures Compendium report: please see disclosures at

39 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research39 Disclosures Distribution of ratings/investment banking relationships Price target and rating history chart(s) Compendium report: please see disclosures at

40 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research40 Disclosures Regulatory disclosures Disclosures required by United States laws and regulations See company-specific regulatory disclosures above for any of the following disclosures required as to companies referred to in this report: manager or co ‑ manager in a pending transaction; 1% or other ownership; compensation for certain services; types of client relationships; managed/co-managed public offerings in prior periods; directorships; market making and/or specialist role. The following are additional required disclosures: Ownership and material conflicts of interest: Goldman Sachs policy prohibits its analysts, professionals reporting to analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the analyst's area of coverage. Analyst compensation: Analysts are paid in part based on the profitability of Goldman Sachs, which includes investment banking revenues. Analyst as officer or director: Goldman Sachs policy prohibits its analysts, persons reporting to analysts or members of their households from serving as an officer, director, advisory board member or employee of any company in the analyst's area of coverage. Distribution of ratings: See the distribution of ratings disclosure above. Price chart: See the price chart, with changes of ratings and price targets in prior periods, above, or, if electronic format or if with respect to multiple companies which are the subject of this report, on the Goldman Sachs website at Additional disclosures required under the laws and regulations of jurisdictions other than the United States The following disclosures are those required by the jurisdiction indicated, except to the extent already made above pursuant to United States laws and regulations. Australia: This research, and any access to it, is intended only for "wholesale clients" within the meaning of the Australian Corporations Act. Canada: Goldman Sachs Canada Inc. has approved of, and agreed to take responsibility for, this research in Canada if and to the extent it relates to equity securities of Canadian issuers. Analysts may conduct site visits but are prohibited from accepting payment or reimbursement by the company of travel expenses for such visits. Hong Kong: Further information on the securities of covered companies referred to in this research may be obtained on request from Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. India: Further information on the subject company or companies referred to in this research may be obtained from Goldman Sachs (India) Securities Private Limited. Japan: See company-specific disclosures as to any applicable disclosures required by Japanese stock exchanges, the Japanese Securities Dealers Association or the Japanese Securities Finance Company. Korea: Further information on the subject company or companies referred to in this research may be obtained from Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch. Russia: Research reports distributed in the Russian Federation are not advertising as defined in Russian law, but are information and analysis not having product promotion as their main purpose and do not provide appraisal within the meaning of the Russian Law on Appraisal. Singapore: Further information on the covered companies referred to in this research may be obtained from Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. (Company Number: 198602165W). United Kingdom: Persons who would be categorized as private customers in the United Kingdom, as such term is defined in the rules of the Financial Services Authority, should read this research in conjunction with prior Goldman Sachs research on the covered companies referred to herein and should refer to the risk warnings that have been sent to them by Goldman Sachs International. A copy of these risks warnings, and a glossary of certain financial terms used in this report, are available from Goldman Sachs International on request. European Union: Disclosure information in relation to Article 4 (1) (d) and Article 6 (2) of the European Commission Directive 2003/126/EC is available at

41 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research41 Disclosures Ratings, coverage groups and views and related definitions Buy (B), Neutral (N), Sell (S) – Analysts recommend stocks as Buys or Sells for inclusion on various regional Investment Lists. Being assigned a Buy or Sell on an Investment List is determined by a stock’s return potential relative to its coverage group as described below. Any stock not assigned as a Buy or a Sell on an Investment List is deemed Neutral. Each regional Investment Review Committee manages various regional Investment Lists to a global guideline of 25%-35% of stocks as Buy and 10%-15% of stocks as Sell; however, the distribution of Buys and Sells in any particular coverage group may vary as determined by the regional Investment Review Committee. Regional Conviction Buy and Sell lists represent investment recommendations focused on either the size of the potential return or the likelihood of the realization of the return. Return potential represents the price differential between the current share price and the price target expected during the time horizon associated with the price target. Price targets are required for all covered stocks. The return potential, price target and associated time horizon are stated in each report adding or reiterating an Investment List membership. Coverage groups and views: A list of all stocks in each coverage group is available by primary analyst, stock and coverage group at The analyst assigns one of the following coverage views which represents the analyst’s investment outlook on the coverage group relative to the group’s historical fundamentals and/or valuation. Attractive (A). The investment outlook over the following 12 months is favorable relative to the coverage group's historical fundamentals and/or valuation. Neutral (N). The investment outlook over the following 12 months is neutral relative to the coverage group's historical fundamentals and/or valuation. 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In-Line (IL). We expect this stock to perform in line with the median total return for the analyst's coverage universe over the next 12 months. Underperform (U). We expect this stock to underperform the median total return for the analyst's coverage universe over the next 12 months Coverage views: Attractive (A). The investment outlook over the following 12 months is favorable relative to the coverage group's historical fundamentals and/or valuation. Neutral (N). The investment outlook over the following 12 months is neutral relative to the coverage group's historical fundamentals and/or valuation. Cautious (C). The investment outlook over the following 12 months is unfavorable relative to the coverage group's historical fundamentals and/or valuation. Current Investment List (CIL). We expect stocks on this list to provide an absolute total return of approximately 15%-20% over the next 12 months. We only assign this designation to stocks rated Outperform. We require a 12-month price target for stocks with this designation. Each stock on the CIL will automatically come off the list after 90 days unless renewed by the covering analyst and the relevant Regional Investment Review Committee.

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