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The Fundamental Model. Straight thinking (about business or anything else) A B We will be considering relationships among/between actions, happenstances,

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Presentation on theme: "The Fundamental Model. Straight thinking (about business or anything else) A B We will be considering relationships among/between actions, happenstances,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fundamental Model

2 Straight thinking (about business or anything else) A B We will be considering relationships among/between actions, happenstances, presumably related events, and other such observables…so, For OUR purposes (whole classes are devoted to this…) CAUSALITY (saying this caused that, A caused B) requires: * Temporal precedence * Covariance * No feasible alternative explanation

3 AND… When we talk about ‘information’… Data Information Intelligence Insight Intuition Knowledge Wisdom Philosophy

4 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

5 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

6 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

7 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

8 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

9 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

10 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

11 VISION The Fundamental ‘Model’ STRATEGYOPERATIONSTACTICS VALUE Loyalty/LoveBelief/BehaviorCustom/Habituation Build FOCUS and “Mind Share” Build TRUST and “Access Share” Build CAPABILITY and “Market Share” Build FRANCHISE and “Heart Share” Process ServiceBranding Value Indicator IT/IM Research/DDDistribution/Logistics Segmentation Macro/Micro Methodology Targeting Size Dynamic LeveragePositioning Reason for Being Offering Five P’s (Concept/Creativity) Product/Promo/Price Place/People Selling (Capture) B2B (Buyer-Seller/Promo) B2C (Advertising) C2C (Buzz/Virus/Referral)Differentiation Content (What) Context (How) Infrastructure (Enables) Value creation and destruction Value culture

12 Value can be expressed several ways. Three of the clearest are: Benefits (total ‘get) Value = ---------- … or more specifically, Price (total ‘give’) Fb + Eb Value = --------- … where, P + Oe Fb =Functional benefits (utility) Eb =Emotional benefits (psychology) P =Price (charged) for acquisition Oe =Other expenses/costs of acquisition … and finally Value =You answered my question! Solved my problem!

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