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HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience September 12-13, 2006 Waste Treatment Plant Project Bechtel National Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience September 12-13, 2006 Waste Treatment Plant Project Bechtel National Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience September 12-13, 2006 Waste Treatment Plant Project Bechtel National Inc.

2 2 HPI Training Common Themes Executive DOE/contractor management buy in is essential Joint contractor/DOE training is beneficial Facility specific and general HPI training is well received by all audiences Management participation enhances training effectiveness Need a continuing communication process to reinforce concepts and celebrate successes Interactive training (videos/exercises/role play) is more effective than lecture Different classes for different audiences is needed Field workers have less need for theory and more need for practical application

3 HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. September 12-13, 2006

4 4 CH2M HILL’s HPI training strategy is to incorporate event prevention tools and precepts throughout its processes to enhance ISMS implementation HPI Enhancing ISMS Implementation Event Prevention

5 5 Process for Integrating HPI Training Into ISMS Apply industry (INPO) best practices Initial HPI training Perform HPI Gap Analysis Identify HPI training gaps Integrate training actions into ISMS improvement plan Develop HPI Training Needs Analysis Train the trainer to facility specific processes Conduct HPI training Regularly assess effectiveness of HPI training with HPI Steering Committee

6 6 HPI (Event Prevention) Training Focus on facility specific applications allows for immediate application in field Work packages Procedures Engineering Design Work planning Walkdowns Pre-Job Briefings Work practices Post-Job Briefings Lessons Learned Management / Self Assessment Event Investigations

7 7 HPI Training Courses Practitioner Class (24 hours) Work Management Process Training and Procedures Trainers Complete (about 50 trained) Fundamentals Class (8 hours) Field Managers Subject Matter Experts In progress (about 75 trained) General Worker Orientation (3 hours) Supplemented with ongoing training In progress (about 400 trained) Introduction to Event Prevention (2 hours) All field personnel Complete (about 900 trained)

8 8 HPI Tool Provided to Trained CH2M HILL Employees

9 9 Lessons Learned INPO (benchmarked) process was effective Executive management training and buy-in is essential Management kickoff sets tone for change GAP Analysis and training needs analysis effective in determining training content and durations Facility specific, practical applications allows for immediate application Facility trainers adds credibility and sustainability Emphasis on event prevention and ISMS integration ▪Minimize use of “HPI” terminology or new initiative (flavor of day) Entertainment examples enhance training experience Use of badge card with HPI tools beneficial Procedure checklist and other tools useful for implementation Cost to develop: $30K (364 person hours) Cost to provide: $30K (374 person hours) Student cost: $350K (5100 person hours) Training took about 6 months to develop and present

10 10 CH2M HILL Improvement Cycle CH2M Prime Contractor 1999 *DART 3.6 2000200120022003200420052006 Problem Evaluation Report (PER) System ESTARS Vapor Issues Safe Work Environme nt (SWE) Culture Assessmen t Mandator y Respirator Usage in Farms ISMS Expectations 4/15/05 Human Performance Improvement Training Integratio n of SWE, ISMS & HPI Follow-up SWE Survey Accident Injury Rate PIP Addressin g OA Vapor Issues 244-CR Vault Event 7/22/04 Mission Alignment Process (MAP) SWE Mentoring IROF ISM S PIP DART 1.0 DART 0.1 IROF A-Prefix Farms – Mask Cessation WFO VPP Star Status IROF Disciplinary Process Revised *DART – Days Away and Restricted Time Not to scale – For illustration only

11 11 ISM Best Practice Workshop Aurora, CO Sept 12-13, 2006 HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience

12 12 HPI Training HPI Training Plan ▪Enhance ISM & VPP successes ▪Understand how events occur working “forward, not backward” ▪Shift the paradigm (“a new language”) Audience ▪Focus on management, supervision, and key Bargaining Unit personnel ▪Develop Work Force understanding of HPI ▪Establish HPI mentors to implement the process at the Project level

13 13 HPI Training Training Format ▪Eight Hour HPI Fundamental Course Safety Leadership 2006 – The Basics – Why HPI events occur – Error likely situations – Error precursors – Flawed defenses Over 600 managers and supervisors attended Over 100 Bargaining Unit Peer Leaders and Support Professionals

14 14 HPI Training Training Format ▪Four Day HPI Practitioners Course For those individuals “who will have responsibility for training, implementing or managing a Human Performance Process” –Three Continuing Education Units following course and essay final exam Application of HPI tools, techniques and problem solving –Focus on error precursor identification, investigation, barriers and case studies 65 FH graduates –20 scheduled for classes through CY 2006

15 15 HPI Training

16 16 HPI Training Field Pilot Implementation Pilot Implementation Plan for the Solid Waste Storage and Disposal (SWSD) Facility ▪Training ▪Precursor Issues identification ▪Observation Program Peer monitoring in the field ▪Work Planning ▪Pre Job Briefings ▪Critique Process Peer interviews Three day extension

17 17 HPI Training Field Pilot Implementation

18 18 HPI Training Field Pilot Implementation Pilot Implementation Training ▪SWSD: Ten Exempt and Bargaining Unit personnel attended the Site HPI Pilot training – Included Facility Director, OS&H Engineer and EZAC chairpersons Developed HPI project-level Steering Committee –Led / mentored by trained personnel –Initiated Work Force briefing and seminar sessions ▪Waste Stabilization and Disposition Project Twenty personnel trained in preparation for Pilot expansion –Included Vice President, several Directors, each Facility Manager and each EZAC Chair

19 19 HPI Training Field Pilot Implementation Worker briefings and seminars ▪Safety Day activities at least once each month ▪Safety meetings and EZACs ▪Discussed identification of error precursors through photos and videos ▪Use of HPI language in meetings, daily activities and Project documents

20 20 HPI Training Field Pilot Training Planning ▪Project-level training Gap Analysis ▪Identified training applicable to early stage of HPI development Focus Areas ▪HPI concept fundamentals Safety meetings and briefings – Concepts and application Interactive review of current topics (Occurrences and recent airline accident in Tennessee), for –Error precursors –Latent weaknesses ▪Employee involvement training Skits Training mock-ups Safety Meeting HPI Skit “Fly with SWSD Air”

21 21 HPI Training Field Pilot Training (Cont’d) Field Work Supervisor Competency ▪Work planning, pre-job/post-job, feedback ▪Skills inventory and improvement planning Development of Working Leads ▪Leadership training Latent Organizational Weaknesses Addressed ▪Conflict in the workplace (risk acceptance/personality styles) ▪Emotional I.Q. training ▪Development of conflict prevention skills

22 22 HPI Training Field Pilot Implementation Successes of Pilot ▪Workplace Observer Program improved by focusing on error likely situations rather than physical inspections ▪Workers self-identify barriers and errors that stall work or create error- traps ▪Additional Senior Management visibility and interaction with workers ▪Pre-job briefings focus on critical steps and defenses ▪Event investigations use HPI techniques with Peer involvement ▪Early conflict resolution process developed

23 23 Future of HPI Training FH views HPI and the next natural progression of VPP & ISM in Improving the “People Side of Safety” Expand on the pilot successes ▪Establish company level steering committee ▪Expand the Pilot to the WSD Project ▪Continue HPI Practitioner Training ▪Expand to all FH Projects Target training courses for specific application ▪Engineers, planners, critique leaders, procedure writers ▪Incorporate HPI into site training on HAZWOPER Practical - HPI Training Laboratories

24 24 River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience Phillip Keuhlen Director, Safety, Health & Quality September 12, 2006

25 25 WCH Approach to Human Performance Improvement Conceptual Framework: Toolset That Supports Integrated Safety Management Principle Focus is on Error Prevention ▪Greater cost benefit ratio than Error Detection or Corrective Action ▪Field deployable tools ▪Intuitive understanding

26 26 Tailored HPI Training Certificate Class (U of Idaho, 32 hours)* First Line Supervisor Workshop (Embedded, 8 hours)* Manager Fundamentals (8 Hours) Work Team Orientation (3 Hours) Continuing Communication Campaign * Highlighted further on following slides

27 27 Certificate Class Formal 32 hour course taught by BushCo with University of Idaho at Idaho Falls certificate Target objective is development of Subject Matter Experts (~24 graduates) ▪Management & Staff Sponsors ▪Event Investigators ▪Functional SMEs Safety Human Resources Training

28 28 First Line Supervisor Training Part of 24 hour workshop focused on enhancing key leadership behaviors HPI concepts/tools integrated into the material ▪Relationship between error rates and cognitive modes with examples from everyday life that are understood intuitively by FLS ▪Recognition of error likely situations through theory and video exercises ▪Tools for interactive pre-job briefings, task previews & “time outs” are reviewed & demonstrated ▪Role play exercises on real job situations

29 29 Error Prevention Success Stories Increased use of “Time Out” practice Deployment of HPI event investigation software in selected investigations Increased volume of procedure change requests

30 30 Lessons Learned Introduce new faces and use engaging speakers Integrate HPI under ISMS umbrella to avoid “new program of the week” Team training for general employee orientation

31 HPI Training Panel Workshop – Hanford Experience Stephen Walter Project Environmental Safety & Health Bechtel National, Inc. Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Presented September 12-13, 2006 DOE Integrated Safety Management Best Practices Workshop

32 32 Changing the Paradigm It can be hard to change the way people think

33 33 Crucial Conversation Human Performance Initiative Nuclear Safety and Quality Culture Training opened to supervision DOE HPI - Introduction Selected Participants Trained NSQI Steering Committee - Formed NSQI Steering Committee - Formed Champion Selected Gap Analysis conducted Incorporation into other training Safety Rally - ISMS

34 34 The Vision

35 35 Implementing Human Performance Human Performance training – external ▪65 trained ▪32 completed the 4 day HPI training ▪ES&H, Engineering, Construction, Quality, Employee Concerns, Human Resources, Commissioning, Procurement ▪Attended DOE HQ HP TTT ▪Sent 2 to INPO for Human Performance Lead training

36 36 Training Inclusion Safety Rally to impart NSQI/HPI vision 6 hour orientation now includes HPI fundamentals concepts Industrial Safety Training courses are being developed to include critical attribute questioning Accident Investigators are being trained to use HPI tools Partnering with Bechtel Power on HP training Learning from others

37 37 Lessons Learned With so many initiatives employees seek to understand the “why” – what’s in it for me? Abundance of resources and tools – select a focus Don’t recreate the wheel Project specific examples to show value Benchmark – learn from others successes and errors HPI will be a work in progress Implementing Human Performance is not free You don’t have to create a new program!

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