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PRESENTATION : FP6-IST- SK – Implemented + Example of STRP Framework Programme 7 Structural Funds Technology Platforms ~ Anton Lavrin, delegate /(ISTC)RI.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION : FP6-IST- SK – Implemented + Example of STRP Framework Programme 7 Structural Funds Technology Platforms ~ Anton Lavrin, delegate /(ISTC)RI."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION : FP6-IST- SK – Implemented + Example of STRP Framework Programme 7 Structural Funds Technology Platforms ~ Anton Lavrin, delegate /(ISTC)RI /TU Košice, 21. XI. 2006

2 END of 6RP ---- SK participation Only in Priority 2 – IST (Information Society Technologies)

3 FP6 IST implemented projects contribution to participants / Slovakia / [Euro] Call 1.. 2-IP/2-NoE/5;5-Par…….…………………. 283 368 Call 2.. 1-IP/2-STP/2-SSA/5;5-Par……………….. 434 902 Call 3.. 13-SSA/2-CA /8;16-Par ……………….. 738 961 Call 4.. 3-IP/2-NoE/9-STP/1-SSA /15;21-Par.. 2 752 482 Call 5.. 3-IP/4-STP/1-SSA/1-CA/7;9-Par ……. 3 260 230 Call 6 100 774 FET open + FET Proactive +Infrastructure-2 + Join Call NMP 2.. (1-IP/1-CA/1-STP/1-Inf/ 2;4-Par) ………….. 534 641 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of contribution……………………………… 8 105 358 Total budget ……………………………………..(10 177 808) cca …… O.3 % shearing

4 Účasť TUKE v 6RP Číslo projektu Akronym Názov projektu (anglicky) Príspevok Call 3 015742STAR-NETSupport to Associated Countries and New Member States82 600 016015PRO_NMSPRO Active Actions for NMS40 440 016020ATVN - EU - GP ACADEMIC INTERNET TELEVISION NETWORK SHOWCASES THE BEST OF GOOD PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 37 600 Call 4 027490KP-LabDeveloping Knowledge Practices - Laboratory562 656 027128SAKESemantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based e-Government165 960 027306ABILITIESApplication Bus for InteroperabiLITy In enlarged Europe SMEs195 500 027219DEMO_netThe Democracy Network340 000 027083FLUID-WIN Finance, Logistics and Production Integration Domain by Web-based Interaction Network 68 800 027020Access-eGovAccess to e-Government Services Employing Semantic Technologies404 400 026476SEAMLESS Small Enterprises Accessings the Electronic Market of the Enlarged Europe by a Smart Service Infrastructure 89 520 Call 5 033838DfA@eInclusionDesign for All for eInclusion47 400 034891HYDRA Networked Embedded System middleware for Heterogeneous physical devices in a distributed architecture 394 320 035147MonAMIMainstreaming on Ambient Intelligence472 200 Spolu: 2 901 396

5 Future: 7 FP will be open from 2007 to 2013




9 53, 3 BEuro


11 Financing Sub-Heading 1A  Research and the CIP are part of Sub-Heading 1A  Council agreement: 7 (5),5% increase per year for Sub-Heading 1  Particular priority for research  Research budget should increase progressively and substantially  It should reach about 75% 46% of 2006 budget in 2013  Nuclear decommissioning budget fixed  Correction foe Fp7 ~ 53,3 BEuro  Fp7 Specific Programmes – approved by EU Parliament ~ 53000


13 Fp7: 50,521 BEuro + 2,751 BEuro (Euroatom) 53,272 BEuro





18 + JRC and Euratom

19 LINK programme-fp7/article-117494 Info Days: Istanbul: 29-30. January, 2007 Koln: 1. February, 2007 _en.htm

20 The 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development The EU currently invests just below 2% of GDP in R&D (32% less than the US in 2001) and devotes only 20% of research expenditure to ICT, compared with 30% by our major competitors in the OECD. The Financial Perspective will allow the EU to take the necessary steps to achieve the 2010 target of 3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) invested in R& D. (~ 53 BEuro) Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) ~4 BEuro(20.04.2006) The CIP will among other things include the SME Guarantee Facility from which more than 200,000 SMEs have benefited so far. The European Commission aims at increasing the number to more than 300,000 for the period 2007-2013 and proposes to add risk capital instruments supporting the start, development and expansion of innovative SMEs. The Education & Training 2010 strategy will improve the quality of education and training systems in the Member States and merge COMENIUS, ERASMUS, LEONARDO da VINCI, and GRUNDTVIG into one single Lifelong Learning Programme. (~6 BEuro ) EC Financial funds, instruments and resources for development

21 R&D Funding

22 Something about ETP -- very shortly

23 European Technology Platforms / nowadays more like - 30 platforms !! DG IS and Media (coordination): 1 ENIAC - European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council (?) 2 Embedded Systems (ARTEMIS- Advanced Research and Technology for Embedded Inteligence and Systems) 3 The Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology Platform (eMobility) 4 Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI) 5 The NEM Initiative - European Initiative on NETWORKED and ELECTRONIC MEDIA 6 European Technology Platform in Robotics – EUROP 7 PHOTONICS21 - Photonics for the 21st century 8 The Integral Satcom Initiative (Mirror Group – SK participation) + AAL169 initiative; …..

24 Nanoelectronics: addressing the needs of silicon-based technologies & beyond shrinking of CMOS logic & memory devices development of value-added functions for System-on-Chip or System-in-Package solutions equipment & materials design automation Nanoelectronics: addressing the needs of silicon-based technologies & beyond shrinking of CMOS logic & memory devices development of value-added functions for System-on-Chip or System-in-Package solutions equipment & materials design automation Embedded Intelligens and Systems: ubiquitous, interoperable & cost-effective embedded systems reference designs and architectures middleware for interoperability and seamless connectivity integrated design software tools for rapid development & prototyping Embedded Intelligens and Systems: ubiquitous, interoperable & cost-effective embedded systems reference designs and architectures middleware for interoperability and seamless connectivity integrated design software tools for rapid development & prototyping PARA D ES To implement parts of the Strategic Research Agendas of ENIAC and ARTEMIS, aligning fragmented R&D efforts at European level in the fields of:

25 FP7 TPs ENIAC & ARTEMIS Industry-driven long-term vision Common pan-European SRA Overall coordination and policy alignment in ERA Joint monitoring of projects and impact assessment of programmes National programmes Joint Technology Initiative National programmes Coordinated approach to Strategic Research Agenda implementation

26 Member & Associated States support numerous activities/ policies in the two areas. Mirror Groups are intended to: –Provide for appropriate representation and input from public authorities, including the definition of the SRAs –Coordination of relevant national, regional or local programmes and initiatives in the area in view of implementing the Strategic Agenda and advancing ERA –Close the loop between technology development and policy-making, promoting a fertile innovation environment and a state-of-the art research infrastructure in the areas concerned ARTEMIS (17 members): –A, B, CZ, D, E, F, HU, I, IRL, ISR, FIN, MT, NL, PT, SE, SLO, SK ENIAC (16 members): –A, B, D, DK, E, F, GR, I, ISR, FIN, LV, MT, NL, PT, SE, UK, (SK) Mirror Groups of Technology Platforms


28 Some Technology Platforms from DG Research MANUFUTURE - Platform on Future Manufacturing Technologies Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Aeronautics and Air Transport Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry The European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (HFP) Innovative Medicines for Europe The European Space Technology Platform (ESTP) The European Construction Technology Platform(ECTP) EuMaT - European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies ERTRAC European Road Transport Research Advisory Council ERRAC European Rail Research Advisory Council The European : Steel Technology Platform + Aluminium TP SMR - Sustainable mineral resources (mining, material, metallurgy and products) The European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety Food European Technology Platform " Food for Life"

29 ~ ~ ~ Work program ICT / Fp7 / 2007 - 2008

30 ICT - Information and Communication Technologies / WP Structure ICT - Information and Communication Technologies 1Objective 2Policy and socio-economic context 2.1i2010, achieving the renewed Lisbon agenda 2.2Partnering in ICT research and development 2.3ICT in FP7: An approach focused on a limited set of challenges 2.4Funding schemes 2.5Involving SMEs and feeding innovation 2.6Developing global partnerships 2.7The socio-economic dimensions of ICT 2.8European Technology Platforms in ICT and the Work programme 2.9Joint Technology Initiatives and support to the Coordination of national programmes 2.10Co-ordination of non-Community research programmes 2.11Links with other Programmes 3Content of calls in 2007 3.1Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures 3.2Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics 3.3Challenge 3: Components, systems, engineering 3.4Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content 3.5Challenge 5: Towards sustainable and personalised healthcare 3.6Challenge 6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency 3.7Challenge 7: ICT for Independent Living and Inclusion 3.8Future and Emerging Technologies 3.9Horizontal support actions 4Implementation of calls 5Indicative priorities for future calls Annex 1: International cooperation partner countries Annex 2: Evaluation, selection and award criteria Annex 3: Funding schemes Annex 4: ERA-NET Glossary Links: !!!

31 WP ICT / 7FP ; 2007 - 2008Budget (M€)Call 1Call 2Call 3 FET Open Challenge 1: 1. The network of the future200 2. Service and software architectures, infrastructures and engineering120 3. ICT in support of the networked enterprise30 4. Secure, dependable and trusted infrastructures90 5. Networked media85 6. New Paradigms and experimental facilities40 7. Critical infrastructure protection [1] [1] 20 Challenge 2: 1. Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics19396 97 Challenge 3: 1. Next generation nanoelectronics components and electronics integration86 2. Organic and large-area electronics and display systems63 3. Embedded systems design40 4. Computing systems25 5. Photonic components and subsystems90 6. Micro/nanosystems83 7. Networked embedded and control systems47

32 Challenge 4: 1. Digital libraries and technology-enhanced learning10252 50 2. Intelligent content and semantics101 5150 Challenge 5: 1. Personal health systems for monitoring and point-of-care diagnostics72 2. Advanced ICT for risk assessment and patient safety30 3. Virtual physiological human72 Challenge 6: 1. ICT for the intelligent vehicles and mobility services57 2. ICT for cooperative systems48 3. ICT for the environmental management and energy efficiency54 Challenge 7: 1. ICT and ageing30 2. Accessible and inclusive ICT43

33 FET Open scheme65 1. Nano-scale ICT devices and systems20 2. Pervasive adaptation20 3. Bio-ICT convergence20 4. Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT20 5. Embodied intelligence20 6. ICT forever yours20 Horizontal support actions International cooperation1275 Trans-national co-operation among NCPs33 Total (9 100 MEuro)2021119749726265

34 Thank you for attention – please questions

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