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“IP Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR,

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Presentation on theme: "“IP Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey DISSEMINATING IP KNOWLEDGE IN TURKISH UNIVERSITIES «IP Awareness Campaign»

2 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey in cooperation with European Patent Office (EPO), Turkish Patent Institute (TPI), OHIM, with Ege University Science and Technology Center (EBILTEM) as the national coordinator. Turkey is one of the pilot countries selected by EPO in order to create IP Awareness Campaign to promote the dissemination of IP Knowledge in Universities,

3 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Road Maps to promote the dissemination of IP knowledge in Universities: Goals; current level of awareness and knowledge Raise the current level of awareness and knowledge on Industrial Property Rights (IPR) in Turkish Universities. Integration of IP courses at different levels into university curriculums Integration of IP in knowledge transfer activities of the universities Establishment and improvement of IP Offices and TT Offices within the universities.

4 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Target Audience: Universities, University students, Researchers (PhD, post-docs and other researchers), Academic staff, Technology Transfer Office staff, Patent Information Center staff.

5 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Road map when implemented is expected to achieve the following results: Substantial increase of the critical mass of IP specialists and teachers in universities; Increase of number of students in Law, Economics, Business, Engineering and Science receiving IP education / training during their University studies; Enhanced networking and cooperation between university IP Teachers and and between Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) both at European and national level.

6 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED SO FAR?

7 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey A Steering Committee has been set-up. STRUCTURE of the Steeting Committee 40 members including Chair of the Steering Committee (TPI President) National Road Map Coordinator (EBILTEM, Ege University) 4 representatives from TPI 1 representative from the Council of Higher Education 7 Regional Coordinators 26 Regional Representatives

8 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY STEERING COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Regional Coordinators Regions EBILTEM TPI President Chair National Road Map Coordinator Aegean Mediterranean Marmara Central Anatolia Blacksea Eastern Anatolia South E. Anatolia Ege Univ. Regional Representatives Çukurova Univ. Regional Representatives Boğaziçi Univ. Bilkent Univ. Karadeniz Univ. Gaziantep Univ. Fırat Univ. Regional Representatives

9 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey STEERING COMMITTEE MAP Circles: Regional Coordinators Stars : Regional Representatives

10 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey By-laws defining the operational principles and the working procedures of the Steering Committee have been written. The “1st Steering Committee Meeting” was held at the Turkish Patent Institute on 21st of September 2011 The list of “Volunteer Trainers” from Universities has been collected “EPO Teaching Kit”.

11 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey “Due Diligence Survey on Industrial Property Rights (IPR) in the Turkish Universities” was prepared over the system. A notice was distributed to all University Rectorates to be completed by the Heads of Departments. 2985 responses have been received up. Analysis of the survey will be finished by mid - June.

12 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Milestones of the Road Map The main headings of the “Revised Road Map for Turkey” are as follows: M0: Steering/Road Map Management Committee M1:Sharing of Best Practices, Coordination of Inter-University Communication for Building on Experiences and Supporting Excellence M2:Establishment of IPR Policy and Increasing Awareness of IPR at Universities M3: Establishment of Short Training Modules (Certificate Programmes) M4: Establishment of Multidisciplinary Advanced Programmes Leading to IP Specialists M5: Capacity Improvement of TT/IPR Offices and Infrastructure Building for New Ones M6: Simplifying the Procedures for the Commercialization of Inventions Generated By Universities (Including the Establishment of Spin-Offs) “Revised Road Map” has been finalized.

13 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY 22 Awareness events have been organized. 17 January 2012Ege University - IzmirSenate Presentation 26 January 2012Pamukkale University - DenizliAwareness Event 20 February 2012Mustafa Kemal University - HatayAwareness Event 21 February 2012Gaziantep University - GaziantepAwareness Event 7 March 2012Adnan Menderes University - AydınAwareness Event 9 March 2012Ege University - IzmirAegean Region Universities Platform 12 March 2012Sinop University - SinopAwareness Event 13 March 2012İBoğaziçi University - IstanbulAwareness Event 20 March 2012Giresun University - GiresunAwareness Event 21 March 2012Ordu University - OrduAwareness Event 23 March 2012Zonguldak Karaelmas University - ZonguldakAwareness Event 28 March 2012Rize University - RizeAwareness Event 29 March 2012Bayburt University - BayburtAwareness Event 30 March 2012Karadeniz Teknik University - TrabzonAwareness Event 05 April 2012Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University - TokatAwareness Event 09 April 2012Artvin Çoruh University -ArtvinAwareness Event 17 April 2012Mehmet Akif Ersoy University - BurdurAwareness Event 17 April 2012Süleyman Demirel University - IspartaAwareness Event 26 April 2012Hitit University - ÇorumAwareness Event 3 May 2012Ege University - IzmirAwareness Event 04 May 2012Gümüşhane University - GumushaneAwareness Event

14 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey IP AWARENESS CAMPAIGN

15 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey www.

16 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey

17 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Visual Materials

18 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Dissemination via Social Networks Events News /patentvadisi

19 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Short-term Plans: IPR Survey Analysis Study completed, to prepare the report on the state-of- the-art. Organizing “Train the Trainers” with “EPO Teaching Kit” – at least one in each region. Organizing Trainings for M.Sc. and Doctoral Students on “Writing Patent Documents” and “Patent Analyzing”,

20 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Mid-term Plans: Preparing a template “University IPR Policy”, compatible with the legislation of state Universities, Developing short Training Modules for different levels and disciplines, Introducing IPR Introduction topics and courses into the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate programs, Including IPR issues into the Engineering Programmes’ Accreditation Criteria of the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs’ (MÜDEK), Developing suggestions for improving the capacity of existing “Patent Information Centers” and “Technology Transfer Offices” within the universities, Completing the infrastructure preparations for establishing new “Technology Transfer Offices”, Proposing a new system to increase the effect of patent applications in academic promotions,

21 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Long-term Plans: Initiating Multidisciplinary Advanced Graduate Programmes Leading to IP Specialists Establishing Lifelong Learning and distance learning programs with international cooperation, Initiating procedures for the accreditation of the developed Programmes, Creating and disseminating career opportunities for IP oriented profiles in Turkey and Europe, Simplifying the procedures for the commercialization of inventions generated by Universities (Including the establishment of Spin-Offs)

22 “IP Management @ Universities” Istanbul, May 16 to 18, 2012 Albert Long Hall, BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY EPO Road Map Implementation in Turkey Mr. Mustafa ÇAKIR, Patent &Technology Transfer, EBİLTEM, İzmir, Turkey Thank you! For further questions, feel free to contact with us:

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