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Bangladesh Group 6 김수진, 김나인, 배지혜, 이한별, 황아람, Rith vannarath, Chea Luong,

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Presentation on theme: "Bangladesh Group 6 김수진, 김나인, 배지혜, 이한별, 황아람, Rith vannarath, Chea Luong,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangladesh Group 6 김수진, 김나인, 배지혜, 이한별, 황아람, Rith vannarath, Chea Luong,

2 Back -ground

3 * President: Abdul Hamid (2013) * Land area: 133,911 sq km * Population 161,083,804 * Capital: Dhaka, population 10 million * Government: Parliamentary democracy * Bangladesh is part of the historic region of Bengal, the northeast portion of the Indian subcontinent. * Bangladesh consists primarily of East Bengal; plus the Sylhet district of the Indian state of Assam. * The earliest reference to the region was to a kingdom called Vanga, or Banga (1000 B.C. ). * In 1576, Bengal became part of the Mogul Empire, and the majority of East Bengalis converted to Islam. * Bengal was ruled by British India from 1757 until Britain withdrew in 1947. * In 1971, culminating Bangladesh Liberation War from Pakistan.

4 Nearly 150 million inhabitants on a landmass of 147,570 square kilometers. Half of its 160 million people still live below the poverty line, with about 80% of the poor in rural areas.




8 * Economic Support  2002. US$200 million  2011. US$120 million ( to support the development of economic zones(EZ) in Bangladesh ) Helped Things to World Bank and IDA

9 * Employment Policy  Employment Generation Program for the Poorest. IDA credit : US$150 million equivalent  Skills and Training Enhancement Project. Total Project Cost : US$ 88.00 million

10 * Other Support  Support for local power generation IDA credit : US$130 million  Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project US$75 Million

11 Results Girls 98% Primary School Secondary School Over 6million

12 Infant and child mortality reduction Vaccination nearly 80% 2/3 Since 1990 Vitamin A over 90% Children

13 Improve Rural Road more than 2500Km Female employment increased by 50% The share of farmers’ non-agricultural assets Increased 25-50% Almost doubled of poverty reduction in the project area

14 20%-30% of power generated in country are accounted 630 000 rural homes are connected 750 000 household in remote rural area have installed solar home system.

15 5. Flood-protection (flood control) About 90 flood risk rehabilitation infrastructure subprojects have been established in the flood-affected area, and potentially 30,000 families could benefit from the enhanced quality of life and risk reduction measures. 6. Credit and training boosted micro-business (micro-enterprise) About 300,000 members have accessed financial resources to launch activities that generate income. In partnership with the garment industry, Grameenphone, and G-4 Security Services, the project trained village youth prior to job placement in order to build their interpersonal and professional skills, which has contributed to their ongoing successful employment.

16 7. The poorest received a needed economic boost received a needed economic boost. Nearly 22,275 of the poorest and most vulnerable individuals have received occupational skills training and one-time grants for income generation.

17 Current Economy in Bangladesh E Early 2013 Its national main industry has been clothes industry. There are also fertilizer, paper, drug and etc industries. The economy was expected to be improved. After Building Destruction (2013.4.26) Many foreign clothes corporations began to stop subcontracting Bangladesh. Now As the main industry has been hit, the economy prospects are getting worse.

18 What are you thinking when you see this picture?



21 Improvement in Bangladesh - Reduce Agricultural population -> expand working population -liliteracy rate 60% -> “education” -chavirable productivity of agriculture -> improvement working environment -depand on foreign capital and aid -> develop national wealth

22 Thank you

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