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Welcome! 02-18-2010 Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti- social.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 02-18-2010 Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti- social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 02-18-2010 Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti- social personality disorder is. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. Read pgs. 669-682

2 Schizophrenia Disorganized thinking, delusions, disturbed perceptions, inappropriate emotions and actions.

3 Delusions Hallucinations False beliefs-  not part of the person's culture  believed even after proven wrong  may appear bizarre, or claim that they’re being persecuted When a person sees, hears, smells, or feels what no one else can see, hear, smell, or feel. "Voices" are the most common. Symptoms

4 Disorganized Thinking Emotions & Actions Trouble organizing & linking thoughts Word Salad  Sentences with no meaning, distracted by everything.  “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” Express wrong/inappropriate emotion or no emotion at all. Catatonic  Person does not move or respond for hours Symptoms

5 Positive-Presence Negative-None Hallucinations Unsuitable emotions Word Salad Disorganized thoughts Toneless voice Expressionless face Catatonic or rigid body Subtypes

6 Recovery Chances Better, because medication can help with:  Positive symptoms  Acute schizophrenia Worse for:  Negative symptoms  Chronic schizophrenia

7 The Brain Dopamine- 6x as many receptors, which intensifies positive symptoms. Ventricles are larger & they tend to have less gray matter.

8 Prenatal Influences If the mom-to-be:  Lives in a country with a flu epidemic  Gave birth in the months following fall-winter flu season  Experiences the flu  Lives a highly populated area Then:  There’s a higher risk to the child for schizophrenia.

9 Genetics Environmental Normally: 1 in 100 Parent/sibling: 1 in 10 Twins: 1 in 2 There are none. No single environmental factor alone even remotely produces schizophrenia in someone. Factors

10 Predictive Behavior Mother with severe or long lasting schizophrenia Birth complications Separation from parents Short attention span & poor muscle coordination Disruptive or withdrawn behavior Emotionally unpredictable Poor peer relations & solo playing

11 Personality Disorders Persistent behavior pattern that impairs social functioning Antisocial Personality Disorder- a person displays a lack of conscience for wrong doings (even for family and friends).  Even before age 15, begin lying, stealing, displaying, unrestrained sexual behaviors.

12 Genetics and Factors Genetically vulnerable because of: fearless approach to life, have lower levels of stress or anxiety, reduced activity or tissue in the frontal lobe. 2 Main Factors: childhood mal- treatment & a gene that alters the neurotransmitter balance. Some are predisposed to be more sensitive to maltreatment.

13 Predictors Unconcerned with social rewards Impulsive Uninhibited Low in anxiety BUT, it can be channeled for good- ex.) a surgeon.

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