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Team 1 Hang Xie.  Utilization of integrated peripherals pwm, uart, i2c, atd  Computer vision library OpenCV or SimpleCV.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 1 Hang Xie.  Utilization of integrated peripherals pwm, uart, i2c, atd  Computer vision library OpenCV or SimpleCV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 1 Hang Xie

2  Utilization of integrated peripherals pwm, uart, i2c, atd  Computer vision library OpenCV or SimpleCV

3  MicroController part: PWM done UART transmitting done UART receive part not done ATD not done I2C not done  Intelligent part UART done Simple CV not done Atom Motherboard

4  Register initializations required PWM UART I/O OCxCON1 U1BRG TRISB OCxCON2 U1TXIPx OCxR U1STA OCxRS MODE PSS register




8  Port names/addresses: Programming port: RP1, RP0,VSS,VDD,MCLR PWM1: RP6 PWM2: RP7 PWM3: RP8 PWM4: RP9 PWM5: RP14 PWM6: RP29 UART_RX: RP11 UART_TX:RP12 I2C_SDA : RP10 I2C_SCL: RP17 I/O: RP3, RP4, RP30, RP16, RP23

9 Shareware sources  pySerial : Serial(port,9600), flushInput(), read(), write()  Raspbian  SimpleCV  OpenCV My own modules  pwm_init( )  pwm_con( )  uart_init( )  uart_get( )  uart_put( )  atd_init( )  Init_all( )



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