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1. 2 3 Lab Bench Assignment--See your PI. Fume hood--Ask those with experiments in hoods about potential for unsafe conditions (incompatible chemicals,

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 Lab Bench Assignment--See your PI. Fume hood--Ask those with experiments in hoods about potential for unsafe conditions (incompatible chemicals,"— Presentation transcript:

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3 3 Lab Bench Assignment--See your PI. Fume hood--Ask those with experiments in hoods about potential for unsafe conditions (incompatible chemicals, temperature, etc.) Do not use another lab without the lab PI’s permission (see safety plan for more information). Lab Bench Assignment--See your PI. Fume hood--Ask those with experiments in hoods about potential for unsafe conditions (incompatible chemicals, temperature, etc.) Do not use another lab without the lab PI’s permission (see safety plan for more information).

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13 13 What?—Place where chemicals that people no longer need are placed. Where?—3219 Pulp and Paper Labs What?—Place where chemicals that people no longer need are placed. Where?—3219 Pulp and Paper Labs

14 14 How do I get a chemical from there?-- Check the inventory on the Excel spreadsheet on the computer in 3219. Take from the Cabinet Number listed in the inventory, and type your name in the check-out column. How do I return a chemical?—Remove your name from the check-out column and return the chemical to the Cabinet Number listed on the inventory. How do I get a chemical from there?-- Check the inventory on the Excel spreadsheet on the computer in 3219. Take from the Cabinet Number listed in the inventory, and type your name in the check-out column. How do I return a chemical?—Remove your name from the check-out column and return the chemical to the Cabinet Number listed on the inventory.

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