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JK August ANS Standards Board Vice Chair November 29, 2012 ANSI Office, Washington, DC.

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1 JK August ANS Standards Board Vice Chair November 29, 2012 ANSI Office, Washington, DC

2  Definition  Reasons for Using Voluntary Consensus Standards  ANSI Introduction  National Standards  ANSI SDO process  SDO Value  Nuclear Standards Priorities  ANS Standards  Current Interests  Nuclear Facilities Safety Committee (NFSC)  ANS/ASME JCNRM (Risk/PRA) Consensus Committee  Concerns  (Excel Integrated SDO Priorities List) 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization2

3  An established norm or requirement about technical systems (Wikipedia)  Something established for use as a rule or the basis of comparison for measuring or judging…. (Webster’s)  A document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context (ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996, definition 3.2) 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization3

4  Standard operating procedure: a step-by-step instruction to achieve a desired result  Standardization: the process of establishing technical standards  Open standard: a standard that’s publicly available  Standards organization: an entity concerned with developing and maintaining standards  International standard: standards suitable for worldwide use 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization4

5  Simplify guidance  Promote safety  Certify quality  Promote interchangeability; standardization  Provide confidence  Control costs  Develop common specifications (for contracts, etc.)  Help non-informed users  Foster innovation and sharing  Help manage diversity, fairly  Spread knowledge 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization5

6  Founded in 1918 by five engineering societies and three government agencies  Administrator and coordinator of the United States private sector voluntary standards system  A private, nonprofit membership organization supported by a diverse constituency  Private and public organizations  ANSI represents roughly 1,000 company, organization, government agency, institutional and international members 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization6

7  Facilitates the development of American National Standards (ANS)  Accredits procedures of standards development organizations (SDOs) ◦ An ANSI-accredited organization standards developer is an "ANSI Accredited Standards Developer" or an "ASD."  SDOs work cooperatively to develop voluntary national consensus standards  ANSI Accreditation signifies that procedures used meet openness, balance, consensus and due process requirements 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization7

8  Total number of standards setting bodies in the U.S. today estimated in hundreds of “traditional” standards developing organizations  The 20 largest SDOs produce 90% of the standards - hundreds more “non-traditional” standards development bodies, such as consortia, exist.  Individual experts committees comprise groups addressing the technical requirements of standards within their specific area of expertise  About 200 standards developers accredited by ANSI; with more than 10,000 American National Standards (ANS). 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization8

9  Governs the consensus development process  Assures due process ensuring that ANSI standards are developed in an equitable environment  Make SDOs accessible, accountable to stakeholders and responsive to their requirements  Develops and approves standards using an open process ◦ By a recognized body (ANSI member)  ANSI “openness” refers to an approval process that is ◦ collaborative ◦ balanced, and ◦ consensus-based 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization9

10  Consensus reached by representatives from interested parties  Standards undergo public reviews  Comments must be responded to in good faith  Provides an appeals process  Due process requirements  Approval verifies ◦ openness and due process principles have been followed, and ◦ a consensus of all interested stakeholder groups has been reached 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization10

11  Bring focus/work smarter  Help the Federal Government’s Nuclear Sectors achieve goals  Load Resources  Do what’s needed, first  Use limited resources wisely ◦ Doing the most important standards first ◦ Resources? ◦ Who?  Resources: Government, NIST, NRC, DOE; Industry, AEs, NSSS, Operating Entities; SDOs  How will priority be used? ◦ for whom? ◦ by what Criteria?  Go back to NTTAA/OMB A-119 reasons supporting standards 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization11

12  ANS maintains a Standards Organization  Work depends on projects foreseen ◦ Yucca Mountain, NRNG/ANS-53.1 Gas Reactors, SMRs, etc….  Fukushima  New designs and construction  Work tends to avoid new LWR issues  ANS Participants support new standards  Organizations that want standards lead ANS projects: ◦ Example: General Atomics, MHRs/ANS-53.1, Safety Process for MHRs  Four ANS Consensus Committee (CC)Areas ◦ Nuclear Facilities Safety Committee (NFSC) ◦ Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management (JCNRM)--jointly with ASME ◦ Criticality Safety CC N16: no concerns ◦ Special Facilities CC N17: no concerns 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization12

13  Existing Standards ◦ Seismic Flooding Siting ◦ Emergency Planning  New Standards ◦ Risk ◦ Fukushima bias 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization13

14 ◦ ANS-2.3 (Reg Guide 1.76; 1.221), Standard for Estimating Tornado and Extreme Wind Characteristics at Nuclear Power Sites, Historical ◦ ANS-3.11 (Reg Guide 1.23), Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities. Current ◦ ANS-2.17 (Reg Guide 1.206), Evaluation of Subsurface Radionuclide Transport at Commercial Nuclear Power. Production Facilities, current ◦ ANS-3.11, Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities, Current ◦ ANS 2.26, Categorization of Nuclear Facility Structures, Systems, and Components for Seismic Design, Current ◦ ANS 2.27, Criteria for Investigations of Nuclear Facility Sites for Seismic Hazard Assessments, Current ◦ ANS 2.29, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) for the design and construction of nuclear facilities 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization14

15  PRA: all levels, 1 – 3  Organizations can prioritize as they want, if they are funded ◦ NESCC can reprioritize, comment or suggest guidance ◦ “Short List” summary results ◦ Complete, allows us to see what’s missing (if anything) ◦ Basically, the list is based on what the SDOs report they are going to support, and do 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization15

16  PRA: all levels, 1 – 3  JCNRM Standards next two years ◦ Standard for Low Power Shutdown PRA Methodology ◦ Standard for Severe Accident Progression and Radiological Release (Level 2 PRA) Methodology to Support Nuclear Installation Applications ◦ Standard for Radiological Accident Offsite Consequence Analysis (Level 3 PRA) to Support Nuclear Installation Applications ◦ Standard for PRA for Light Water Reactors in the Design and Construction Stages ◦ Standard for PRA for Non-LWR Power Reactors 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization16

17  Organizations can prioritize as they want, based on their funding  NESCC can reprioritize, comment or suggest guidance  ‘Short List’ summary results  As a ‘complete list’, it allows us to see what’s missing (if anything)  Basically, the list is based on what SDOs report they are going to support, and do 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization17

18  Non SDOs worry new standards will open areas already “solved”  Manufacturing trade organizations generally not accredited by ANSI, typically not SDOs: ◦ Cooling Tower Institute (CTI)  SDOs have their priorities (See Excel List) ◦ ANS, ASME, IEEE, ACHE, ASQ, ASTM  Priorities skewed towards current crises ◦ balanced by strategic nuclear vision  ASME offering, separately ◦ PRA issues (jointly ANS/ASME) JCNRM  Users’ needs (NIST, NRC, DOE -- industry) ◦ Are we covering New Plants adequately? 11/29/2012 ANS NESCC Standards Prioritization18

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