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Synchronization of polymer molecules

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1 Synchronization of polymer molecules
23 april 2017 Synchronization of polymer molecules Andriy Hlod \ dr. R. Koopmans dr. ir. J. den Doelder dr. J. Claracq The Dow Chemical Company, Terneuzen prof. dr. J. Molenaar dr. ir. A.A.F. van de Ven Eindhoven University of Technology

2 Outline Synchronization Flow instabilities Problem description
Model of polymer molecules Model of moving molecules Conclusions Recommendations

3 Sync. (discovering) Christiaan Huygens (1665)
Mutual synchronization of two pendulum clocks Coupling through beam or wall

4 Sync. (examples) Applause in theater Male fireflies flashes
Circadian rhythm

5 Sync. (definition) Synchronization: Adjustment of rhythms of oscillating objects due to their weak interaction

6 Sync. (polymer molecules)
Polymer molecules are oscillators Polymer molecules are coupled, they can influence oscillations of each other Can polymer molecules be synchronized?

7 Flow instabilities (extruder)

8 Flow instabilities

9 Flow instabilities (videos)
flow stress birefringence images from Christelle Combeaud, from CEMEF, France for the 3PI project

10 Problem description Is it possible that the dynamics of the polymer molecules show synchronization? If the answer is positive, is there a relation with flow instabilities in polymers?

11 Model of a polymer molecule
Elastic dumbbell (two beads and Maxwell element) Kicks to compensate energy dissipation

12 Model of a polymer molecule (kicks)

13 Model of two molecules - Maxwell element

14 Result (model of two molecules)
Is it possible that the dynamics of the polymer molecules show synchronization? Synchronization is possible for this specific configuration of polymer molecules. Still to answer: Is there a relation with flow instabilities in polymers?

15 Moving molecules (flow)
Shear flow Small region with two parallel layers of molecules

16 Moving molecules

17 Moving molecules (model)
cFE – finitely extensible spring

18 Moving molecules (model)
D - dash-pot

19 Results (synchronization for small V)

20 Results (oscillations increase for large V)

21 Results (energy) small V Edissipation + Eoscillations = Einput
larger V Edissipation + Eoscillations = Einput

22 Results (energy for large V)

23 Results (influence of V)
Synch Chaos E oscillations V Vcritical Is there a relation with flow instabilities in polymers? Vcritical indicates the onset of instabilities in the model of moving molecules.

24 Conclusions Polymer molecules show synchronous behaviour
Model of moving molecules shows instabilities for V> Vcritical

25 Recommendations Continue research
Use real parameters for the model of moving molecules

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