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Who wants to be an IT Ethics Millionaire. Rules of Play You will get between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to formulate your answer You can opt out at any.

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Presentation on theme: "Who wants to be an IT Ethics Millionaire. Rules of Play You will get between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to formulate your answer You can opt out at any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who wants to be an IT Ethics Millionaire

2 Rules of Play You will get between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to formulate your answer You can opt out at any time to collect your points. You may utilize a lifeline—but only one choice per question –Lifeline choices You make poll the audience 50-50—you can elect to have two of the answers removed (for multiple choice questions only) You can call a friend

3 $100 Moral dimensions of the Information Age include: A. information rights and obligations. B. property rights. C. accountability and control. D. quality of life. E. all of the above

4 ANSWER TO $100 Question E

5 $200 Question Ethical issues raised by the widespread use of information systems include: A. Software privacy. B. Establishing information rights. C. Establishing accountability for the consequences of information systems. D. Setting standards to safeguard system quality that protect the safety of the individual and society. E. All of the above.

6 ANSWER TO $200 Question E

7 $300 Question Decisions made by individuals who are responsible for the consequences of their actions defines: A. responsibility B. ethical choices C. accountability D. intelligence E. due process.

8 ANSWER TO $300 Question B

9 $500 Question Accepting the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions one makes best describes: A. responsibility B. ethical choices C. accountability D. intelligence E. due process.

10 ANSWER TO $500 Question A

11 $1000 Question Each of the following is a key technological trend responsible for ethical stresses except: A.The doubling of computing power every 18 months B.Advances in data storage C.Advances made in telecommuting D.Advances in networking E.Advances in datamining techniques.

12 ANSWER TO $1000 Question C

13 $2000 Question This technological trend has heightened ethical concerns because it enables companies to find out much detailed information about individuals. A.The doubling of computing power every 18 months B.Advances in data storage C.Advances made in telecommuting D.Advances in networking E.Advances in datamining techniques.

14 ANSWER TO $2000 Question D

15 $4000 Question Finding out who did what to whom, and where, when, and how corresponds to the ethical analysis process of: A.Defining the conflict or dilemma and identifying the higher-order values involved. B.Identifying the stakeholders C.Identifying and clearly describing the facts. D.Identifying the options that you can reasonable make. E.Identifying the potential consequences of your options.

16 ANSWER TO $4000 Question C

17 $8000 Question Putting yourself into the situation of others, and thinking of yourself as the object of the decision corresponds to the ethical principle of: A.The Golden Rule. B.Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative. C.Descartes’ rule of change. D.The Utilitarian Principle. E.The Risk Aversion Principle.

18 ANSWER TO $8000 Question A

19 $16,000 Question Taking the action that achieves the higher or greater value describes: A.The Golden Rule. B.Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative. C.Descartes’ rule of change. D.The Utilitarian Principle. E.The Risk Aversion Principle.

20 ANSWER TO $16000 Question B

21 $32,000 Question The assumption that all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise and that the creator wants compensation for this work is called: A.Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative B.The Golden Rule C.The ethical “no free lunch” rule D.Derscartes’ rule of change E.The Risk Aversion Principle

22 ANSWER TO $32000 Question C

23 The $64,000 Question A website owner can audit the files tracking usage of a website to see the path that users take through the site by using a technique called: A.Cybersyping B.Click-stream tracking C.Spamming D.Sniffing E.spoofing

24 ANSWER TO $64000 Question B

25 $125,000 Question In the United States, the claim to privacy is protected primarily by the: A.First Amendment B.Second Amendment C.Fifth Amendment D.Sixth Amendment E.Ninth Amendment

26 ANSWER TO $125000 Question A

27 $250,000 Question The ethical issue of privacy would include: A.The development of “expectations of privacy” or privacy norms as well as public attitudes. B.The development of statutes that govern the relations between record keepers and individuals. C.Determining if a person should be informed that his or her credit history information is being used for employment screen purposes. D.The creation of new property protection measures to protect investments made by creators of new software. E.Determining what you are obliged to know about the quality of your software, its procedures for testing, and its operational characteristics.

28 ANSWER TO $250,000 Question C

29 500,000 Question The social issue of privacy concerns: A.The development of “expectations of privacy” or privacy norms as well as public attitudes. B.The development of statutes that govern the relations between record keepers and individuals. C.Determining if a person should be informed that his or her credit history information is being used for employment screen purposes. D.The creation of new property protection measures to protect investments made by creators of new software. E.Determining what you are obliged to know about the quality of your software, its procedures for testing, and its operational characteristics.

30 ANSWER TO $500,000 Question A

31 1,000,000 Question The central liability-related ethical issue raised by new information technologies is: A.The expectations that society should allow to develop around service-providing information systems. B.The speed reduction with which new information technologies can and will be introduced. C.The creation of new property protection measures to protect investments made by creators of software. D.Whether individuals and organizations who create, produce, and sell systems are morally responsible for the consequences of their use. E.The debate between information providers of all kinds who want to be relived of liability insofar as possible and service users who want organizations to be held responsible for providing high-quality system services.

32 ANSWER TO $1,000,000 Question D

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