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Resident-led scrutiny: have we found something of value? Kevin Farrell, consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Resident-led scrutiny: have we found something of value? Kevin Farrell, consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident-led scrutiny: have we found something of value? Kevin Farrell, consultant

2 “How’s it going?”

3 “I’m waiting for inspiration”

4 “You need a format”

5 Keeping up with the Kardashians?

6 Eddie Stobart: Trucks & Trailers

7 CSI?

8 Practicalities

9 Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?

10 A hybrid

11 A quick show of hands

12 Questions Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? Do you want to go 50:50? Do you want to go 50:50? Do you want to ask the audience? Do you want to ask the audience? Do you want to phone a friend Do you want to phone a friend

13 A sense of proportion Q: How do you help to ensure that the model of resident-led scrutiny is proportionate? Q: How do you help to ensure that the model of resident-led scrutiny is proportionate?

14 Avoiding burn out How do you ensure that residents don’t suffer burn out? How do you ensure that residents don’t suffer burn out?

15 Succession planning Is there a plan in place when a resident(s) leaves the scrutiny group? Is there a plan in place when a resident(s) leaves the scrutiny group?

16 Costs Have you estimated the cost of supporting scrutiny? Have you estimated the cost of supporting scrutiny?

17 Performance information Is your performance information fit for purpose? Is your performance information fit for purpose?

18 Mentoring Is ongoing mentoring inevitable? Is ongoing mentoring inevitable?

19 Ready to receive Has your board worked out what it is going to do with a scrutiny report? Has your board worked out what it is going to do with a scrutiny report?

20 Let’s have a bit of a debate

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