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Lesson 37 A Material World

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1 Lesson 37 A Material World
“who wants to be a millionaire? I don’t,”says Charles gray 单位:广东中山市民众中学 作者:熊烽

2 Lesson 37 A Material World
adj. 物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的 Opposite 反义词 spiritual

3 Teaching steps: 1. Warm up
Introducing the background for you , and discuss with you. 2. Develop Learning The news words and phrases: pronunciation and meaning 3. Fast reading 4. Reading comprehension 5. Discussion 6. homework:

4 Vocabulary Ex-millionaire Ultimate Dream up Make sure
Professor Fortune Caravan Turn one’s back on Second-hand Furniture Sign Tragedy Be tired of Choice Give away

5 Warm-up: Would you like to be a millionaire?
Why or why not? Tell the class. 李嘉诚 Bill Gates

6 Listening: True or false or no information
Now, listen to the tape recorder carefully. then, finish the below questions: True or false or no information 1. Charles Gray was a rich businessman. 2. He hasn’t got a TV in his caravan. 3. He has got a vegetable garden. 4. Charles gave his money to poor people. 5. People thought he was crazy when he gave away small bank notes in the street. 6. He was happier when he was rich. F IN T T IN F

7 Scanning and skimming reading
before now house money furniture garden clothes something Six-bedroom house caravan $ 2 million/too much a little Second-hand furniture a small garden From charity shops From charity shops

8 Reading comprehension:
1 1. What is the ultimate goal for a lot of people? 2.For some millionaires what they continue to do when they become rich? 3. What’s the living conditions of Charles now? 4. Is Charles satisfied with his present lifestyle? Reading comprehension:

9 Reading comprehension:
2 5. What was he tired of ? 6. How did Charles gray deal with his money, and where? Reading comprehension:

10 Match the important phrases:
1. to give away a) to return 2. to drop out b) to stop doing something 3. to give up c) to change or leave a lifestyle 4. To go back d) to give someone something you don’t need

11 Discussion: Do you hold the opinion that money makes you happy?
Are there more important things than it? Example : A: what are you? Are you happy? B: I’m a student, yes A: now, imagine if you won a million dollar in the lottery(彩票), do you think that you feel much happier? B: of course, A: why? B: because I can buy a lot of things which I want to buy, secondly, I can help a lot of poor people,… … …

12 Homework: 1. Remember the vocabulary of lesson 37.
2. Finish the exercise 5/6/7 on page 9. 3. And read the whole text for three times.

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