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CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 6: Buyer Consultation. Power Session 6 Slide 2 Buyer Consultation Introduction If you don’t know what your ultimate potential.

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Presentation on theme: "CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 6: Buyer Consultation. Power Session 6 Slide 2 Buyer Consultation Introduction If you don’t know what your ultimate potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 6: Buyer Consultation

2 Power Session 6 Slide 2 Buyer Consultation Introduction If you don’t know what your ultimate potential is, then how can you possibly judge what is realistic? Honestly, what good does it do us to talk about what is realistic when, in the end, we don’t even know what we’re truly capable of achieving? - Millionaire Real Estate Agent 14

3 Power Session 6 Slide 3 Buyer Consultation Introduction Objectives… 1)Review the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire 2)Practice conducting the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire 3)Identify how to present your benefits to buyers 14

4 Power Session 6 Slide 4 Buyer Consultation CAMP Map 15

5 Power Session 6 Slide 5 Buyer Consultation The Basics 16

6 Power Session 6 Slide 6 Buyer Consultation 4. The Buyer Consultation Questionnaire 17 How to Conduct the Questionnaire 1.Ask questions and dig deeper when necessary. 2.Listen and take notes.

7 Power Session 6 Slide 7 Buyer Consultation 4. The Buyer Consultation Questionnaire General Questions Current Home Household Lifestyle Location Exterior Features General Interior Features Room by Room Interior Features 18- 19

8 Power Session 6 Slide 8 Buyer Consultation 4. The Buyer Consultation Questionnaire Closing the Interview 19- 20 FACT According to the 2004 NAR Profile of Home Buyers& Sellers, 64 percent of buyers said they compromised to some extent in their most recent home purchase. The compromise most frequently made was the size of the home (19%). Other common compromises included distance from work/school (18%), condition of house (18%), and lot size (16%).

9 Power Session 6 Slide 9 Buyer Consultation Practice Role-Model Watch as your instructor role-models the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire. Discussion Questions What techniques did the instructor use for digging deeper? How did the instructor continue to build trust and rapport during the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire? 21

10 Power Session 6 Slide 10 Buyer Consultation Practice Exercise Directions: 1.Form groups of three. 2.Take turns conducting the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire. The “buyer” should give short answers, forcing the agent to dig deeper to discover his or her true wants, needs, and values. 3.The third group member will serve as the observer, taking notes and relaying them back after the consultation. Time: 20 minutes 22

11 Power Session 6 Slide 11 Buyer Consultation 5. Present Your Benefits to Buyers 57% of buyers want most for their real estate professional to help them find the right home to purchase. 42% of buyers choose an agent because of the agent’s reputation. 23- 24 Present your benefits to buyers and let them know who you are and what you can do for them. Your UVP for Buyers Keep in mind what is important to buyers…

12 Power Session 6 Slide 12 Buyer Consultation 5. Present Your Benefits to Buyers Exercise Directions: 1.Answer the two questions on the following page. 2.In the circles provided, write down the features of your service that apply to buyers. Then, write down the benefits of each feature in the circles provided (draw extra circles if needed). 3.Capture the information for the benefits of each feature in complete sentences. Organize the sentences into a sensible paragraph—this is your UVP for buyers! 4.Present your UVP for buyers to the class. Time: 30 minutes 25- 30

13 Power Session 6 Slide 13 Buyer Consultation Assignments Power Session Assignments 1.Finalize your UVP for buyers. 2.Using the scripts provided and your developed presentation, memorize and internalize the steps of the buyer consultation we have covered thus far. 31

14 Power Session 6 Slide 14 Buyer Consultation Assignments Ongoing Assignments 1.Complete 10:5:15:5 a)Collect 10 business cards. b)Make 5 phone calls. c)Send 15 notes or letters. d)Preview 5 homes. Record your progress on the Success Grid. 2.Schedule a one-hour role-play session with your CAMP Buddy. Practice the buyer consultation scripts. 3.Review the job aid Support Team Worksheet in your Tool Kit. Fill in any additional team members you have identified. 31

15 Power Session 6 Slide 15 Buyer Consultation Assignments Something to Think About… How might you conduct the buyer’s consultation differently for someone who is relationship vs. task-oriented? 31

16 Power Session 6 Slide 16 Buyer Consultation We have talked about… 1)The Buyer Consultation Questionnaire 2)How to conduct the Buyer Consultation Questionnaire 3)How to present your benefits to buyers sum

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