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So, what exactly is phonics? GPCs Blending Segmenting.

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Presentation on theme: "So, what exactly is phonics? GPCs Blending Segmenting."— Presentation transcript:

1 So, what exactly is phonics? GPCs Blending Segmenting

2 What makes phonics tricky? 44 phonemes 120 graphemes 26 letters Digraphs: 2 letters that make 1 sound ch ng oa Trigraphs: 3 letters that make 1 sound igh air ear Alternative spellings: ai ay a-e

3 How is phonics taught? Phonics sessions are entirely made up from games, songs and actions and these sessions only last for 15-20 minutes per day. We follow a programme called Letters and Sounds. There a 6 phases.

4 Phase 1 Phase 1 develops children’s abilities to listen to, make, explore and talk about sounds. Rhyme, alliteration, identifying sounds in the environment These skills should continue to be developed throughout KS1 and KS2.



7 Phase 2 GPCs need to be introduced in systematic way. Set 1 - s a t p Set 2 - i n m d Set 3 - g o c k Set 4 - ck e u r Set 5 - h b f ff l ll s ss Sounds, actions, forming the letter Blending and segmenting


9 Always use pure sounds. s f n m

10 Phase 2 contd… Reading tricky words

11 Phase 3 By the end of Phase 3 the children will know one way of writing down each of the 44 phonemes. Set 6 - j v w x Set 7 - y z zz qu Consonant digraphs - ch sh th ng Vowel digraphs (and trigraphs) ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er


13 Phase 3 contd… CVC refers to words with a consonant phoneme, a vowel phoneme and then a consonant phoneme - it is not referring to letters. Therefore hot, bed and zip are all CVC words but cow and toy are not.

14 Writing tricky words

15 Reading tricky words

16 Phase 4 The main challenge in this phase is to help children to blend and segment words with adjacent consonants e.g. truck, help. Children with speech and language difficulties can find Phase 4 very tricky. If children struggle to hear all the sounds in a word encourage them to think about the movements that their mouths are making. Looking in mirrors can help with this.


18 Phase 4 contd… Reading tricky words

19 Writing tricky words

20 Phase 5 Split digraphs a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e E.g. the ch grapheme can be pronounced in each of these ways check, chef and school. some phonemes have more than one spelling Spelling rules eg adding – s and –es Compound words





25 Reading tricky words

26 Writing tricky words

27 Phase 6 Phase 6 reinforces much of the learning from Phase 5, helps children to develop greater automaticity in reading, and begins to explore spelling rules and conventions e.g. adding -ing and –ed as well as compound words.

28 Useful sites nt_data/file/190599/Letters_and_Sounds_-_DFES-00281-2007.pdf (this is the Letters and Sounds document) nt_data/file/190599/Letters_and_Sounds_-_DFES-00281-2007.pdf

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