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Family and Youth Driven Mental Health Care What does it mean and what will it take? Presented by the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Family and Youth Driven Mental Health Care What does it mean and what will it take? Presented by the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family and Youth Driven Mental Health Care What does it mean and what will it take? Presented by the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development February 17, 2005

2 Participants Marisa Brown, Senior Policy Analyst for Family Engagement, National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (Call facilitator) Sandra Spencer, Executive Director, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, Alexandria, VA Cont.

3 Participants Shannon Crossbear, Co-Director, Evaluation & Training, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Deborah Van Dunk, United Advocates for Children of California, Sacramento, California Cathy Ciano, Executive Director, Parent Support Network, Warwick, Rhode Island

4 Outline of Call Welcome and Introductions Why the term “family driven” Framework for examining a variety of response to how individuals may approach the concept of family driven Interpreting family driven at the local, state and national levels Family driven within the structure of tribal organizations Supporting family members to assure that services are family driven Supporting youths to ensure authentic youth involvement Questions and comments

5 The President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America July 2003 Goal 2: Mental Health Care Is Consumer and Family Driven Report findings: Parents and guardians express the need to fully participate in their child’s treatment plan Consumers’ needs must drive care and services. Currently service are fragmented, driven by financing rules and regulations and restricted by bureaucratic boundaries In a consumer- and family- driven system, consumers choose their own programs and providers that will help them most. Their needs and preferences drive the policy and financing decisions that affect them Providers work in full partnership with consumers to develop individualized plans of care

6 Culture Culture is an integrated pattern of human behavior which includes but is not limited to: thought languages values beliefs customs practices courtesies rituals communication roles relationships expected behaviors … of a racial, ethnic, religious, social, or political group; the ability to transmit the above to succeeding generations; dynamic in nature. manners of interacting Slide Source: The National Center for Cultural Competence, 2005

7 Cultural determinants that affect how an individual will assume a role in their child’s service planning or policy development and advocacy Communication styles Family or professional roles Customs Manners of interacting Rules for social interaction Decision-making processes Approaches to problem solving Concept of justice Value of the individual vs. group Patterns of superior and subordinate roles in relation to status by age, gender, class and education

8 Influence of Bias and Discrimination Perceptions of behavior or communication style Assertive Aggressive

9 Influence of Bias and Discrimination Role expectations Team player Trouble maker

10 Influence of Bias and Discrimination Effects of micro-inequities less trusting of team process never invited to participate Reality of mental health disparities

11 National Alliance of Multi-Ethnic Behavioral Health Association (NAMBHA) First Nations Behavioral Health Association National Indian Child Welfare Association

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