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Regional Interim Assessment Project (DCA) Session #1 TRICIA PROFIC, ANDREA TAMARAZIO, KIM LOUTTIT & STEVE GRASER.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Interim Assessment Project (DCA) Session #1 TRICIA PROFIC, ANDREA TAMARAZIO, KIM LOUTTIT & STEVE GRASER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Interim Assessment Project (DCA) Session #1 TRICIA PROFIC, ANDREA TAMARAZIO, KIM LOUTTIT & STEVE GRASER

2 Math Warm-up  Solve 15 divided by 3 six different ways  Please use the graphic organizer to help guide your thoughts

3 Norms of Collaboration  Limit side conversations  Silence your devices  Actively participate  Help to quiet the room – raise hands

4 Objectives  Overview of assessment development process and DDI  Know the elements of a high-quality common core aligned mathematics assessment  Know how to create and choose assessment tasks that reflect a balance of rigor and give comprehensive information about students at all levels  Be able to describe what to look for when analyzing student work for a common core aligned assessment  Understand the importance of high leverage instructional strategies and the impact on implementation of common core curriculum  Update and revise Interims #1 and #2  Build Interim #3 scope and sequence and blueprint

5 Overview of Last Year – K-5  Created a process for assessment development  Scope and Sequence over a given period of instructional time Scope and Sequence  Blueprint Blueprint  Determining length and number of questions  Types of questions  Prioritized standards to create a focused assessment  Assessment creation based on blueprint Assessment  Answer key with annotations Answer key

6 Overview of Last Year – 6-9  Created a process for assessment development  Scope and Sequence over a given period of instructional time Scope and Sequence  Blueprint Blueprint  Determining length and number of questions  Types of questions  Prioritized standards to create a focused assessment  Assessment creation based on blueprint Assessment  Answer key with annotations Answer key

7 Interim Assessment #1 DDI Process  Step 1: Collect and Chart Data  Data reports (performance, item analysis, standards reports)  Step 2: Analyze Strengths and Weaknesses  Data reports  Deep analysis (going beyond right and wrong answers to infer misconceptions)

8 Interim Assessment #1  Step 3: Goals  Deep analysis  Planning  Engage students  Step 4: Instructional Strategies  Planning  Implementation  Step 5: Results Indicators  On-going assessments  Accountability

9 Share out Interim #1  Informally share out results, findings, and data process used at your building/grade level

10 Data Analysis vs. Data Informed Instruction DATA ANALYSISDATA INFORMED INSTRUCTION Data can tell us about students who are succeeding and those who are not Identify best practice in curriculum and instruction to remedy the gaps Data can tell us how our teachers are doing with common assessments Through collegial expertise a prescription is written for data diagnosis Data can tell us what items or standards students lacking proficiency in Analyzing student work to identify gaps in understanding and misconceptions Data can tell us what types of questions (MC, CR, etc.)

11 Math Article  Please complete the notice-think-wonder activity about the math warm up problem  Read the math article provided and respond to the prompts in the Interactive bookmark  3-2-1+1 to discuss article at your table

12 Item Writing  Balance of Rigor  Procedural Fluency  Conceptual Understanding  Application  From the Publishers’ Criteria:

13 Balance of Rigor  From the Assessment Evaluation Tool:

14 Balanced Assessments Procedural skill and fluency Conceptual understanding Application CCSSM-aligned assessments and sets of assessments will be balanced by distributing score points across the three aspects of rigor:

15 Procedural Fluency Are there items that ask or imply that students “do” math procedures?  Some good verbs : solve, add, subtract, divide, multiply, graph, compute, find Practice Connections  MP.7 Look for and make use of structure  MP.8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning *Note fluency expectations named at each grade level. While these are not named for HS level courses there should still be procedural assessment.

16 Procedural Fluency

17 Conceptual Understanding Are there items that ask students to explain their thinking?  Some good verbs: Explain, determine, prove, show, compare, justify Practice Connections  MP.3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  MP.6 Attend to precision. *More important in standards that begin with “understand.”

18 Conceptual Understanding

19 Application Does the item have a real-world context?  Some good examples : Single-step word problems, multi-step word problems, model-building Practice Connections  MP.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  MP.2 : Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  MP.4 : Model with mathematics. *Application Paradox: The more directed the task, the more we can be sure it aligns to the standard, but the less authentic it becomes.

20 Application

21 Activity




25 Practice  Practice coding the packet of questions, taken from the interim assessments, notating whether they are Procedural, Conceptual and/or Application  Affective Organizer

26 Data Analysis vs. Data Informed Instruction DATA ANALYSISDATA INFORMED INSTRUCTION Data can tell us about students who are succeeding and those who are not Identify best practice in curriculum and instruction to remedy the gaps Data can tell us how our teachers are doing with common assessments Through collegial expertise a prescription is written for data diagnosis Data can tell us what items or standards students lacking proficiency in Analyzing student work to identify gaps in understanding and misconceptions Data can tell us what types of questions (MC, CR, etc.)

27 Q#Standard% Correct ABCDGap to Boces 424NF260%3%7%30% 60% -5% Grade 4 – 4NF2

28 Q#Standard% Full Credit % 2 points % 1 point % 0 points Gap to Boces 504NF252% 27%21%-3% Grade 4 – 4 NF2

29 1 out of 2 points2 out of 2 points Student work

30 Grade 7 – 7EE4a Q#Standard% Correct ABCDGap to Boces 307EE4a60%3% 60% 30%7%-5%

31 Grade 7 – 7EE4a Q#Standard% Full Credit % 3 points % 2 points % 1 point % 0 points Gap to Boces 657EE4a40% 30%16%14%-5%

32 Student work 2 out of 3 points 1 out 3 points Analyze student work: What do they understand? What don’t they understand? What instructional strategies will you use?

33 Discussion  What can you conclude about the analysis of data and student work from multiple choice questions and constructed response questions  What types of questions best inform needed modifications to curriculum and instruction

34 Trend Data


36 Interim Assessment #2  Make necessary modifications to Interim Assessment #2

37 Interim Assessment #3  Build a Scope and Sequence for Interim Assessment #3  Build a Blueprint for Interim Assessment #3

38 Next Steps  DDI process for Interim Assessment #2  Create Interim Assessment #3

39 By the end of the day…  Interim #2 revised on paper copy turned into Trish  If no revisions needed, turn it in with “no revisions needed” on the top  Interim #1 revised on paper copy turned into Trish  If no revisions needed, turn it in with “no revisions needed” on the top  Interim #3 scope & sequence and blueprint sent to  Download interim #2 scope & sequence and blueprint from dropbox and revise for interim #3; save and send to Trish Please consider…  FORMAT  Do you want to change the amount of multiple choice and constructed response questions?  RIGOR  Do you need to change the style of questions to better align to the three prongs of rigor (procedural skill and fluency, conceptual understanding, application)?  DATA TRENDS  Do you want to modify blueprints based on data trends?

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