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Art Year 1 Spring Term 1 Literacy 1. News reports – role play 2. Information texts 3. Posters Maths 1. Mass 2. Ordinal numbers Science 1. How do penguins.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Year 1 Spring Term 1 Literacy 1. News reports – role play 2. Information texts 3. Posters Maths 1. Mass 2. Ordinal numbers Science 1. How do penguins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Year 1 Spring Term 1 Literacy 1. News reports – role play 2. Information texts 3. Posters Maths 1. Mass 2. Ordinal numbers Science 1. How do penguins bears keep warm? 2. Sorting animals – where do they like to live hot or cold lands? 3. Light and dark Art 1. Hot / cold pictures 2. Powder paint mixing 3. Charcoal pictures 4. Clay penguins P.E Dance like a meerkat / polar bear Geography 1. Weather – questions, weather charts, 2. changes, clothing for different seasons 3. Maps, globes, atlases 4. Compare homes UK/Sweden 5. People living in hot and cold countries History 1. Chinese New year (events Commemorated through festivals Or anniversaries.) Dragons Dragon dancing Why can’t a penguin live in the Sahara desert? Would you rather be a meerkat or a penguin?

2 Art Year 2 Spring Term 1 Literacy 1. Non fiction reports 2. recounts / diaries Maths 1. Positional language 2. Identify, describe properties of 2D shapes and 3D shapes compare and sort them 3. Days of the week and months of the year Science 1. Find out about and escribe the Basic needs of animals, including humans for Survival (water, food and air) Art Design Technology Making a survival tent – 1. designing purposeful and appealing products 2.generating ideas 3. selecting and using a wide range of materials 4. build structures exploring how they can be made stronger Geography 1. Name 7 continents and 5 oceans 2. Use basic geographical vocabulary 3.Use maps atlases and globes 4. Identify the UK and its countries 5. Use simple compass directions and directional language 6. Devise a map and construct a basic key History 1. learn about Christopher Columbus, 2. Compare with bear Grylls and Steve Irwin (lives of significant individuals) and (compare aspects of life in different periods) 3. Chinese New Year What does it take to be an explorer?

3 Wht SpSs Literacy 1. I wonder why? Non chronological reports 2. Reporting disaster 3. Diary 4. Poetry Maths 1. Data Handling 2. Temperature – negative numbers 3) Measuring (capacity) Year 3 Spring 1 What makes the Earth angry? Trip to Magna Art/DT Photography- Real life landscapes. Colours associated with fire and water. Create a volcanoes Geography Continental drift- How mountains and volcanoes were formed. Droughts and floods- Weather patterns Name the seas and oceans Energy- Finding renewable resources- Tidal, wind. History Pompeii Science Forces Notice that some forces need contact between two objects Compare how things move on different surfaces Computing 1. Games in a New World 2. Handling data/ Multi- media

4 Art Year 4 Spring Term 1 Will I be exterminated? Trip to university Literacy 1. Persuasion (buy my robot) 2. Adventure stories 3. Poetry 4. Ironman Maths 1. Position, coordinates 2. translation 3. Symmetry 4. Angles 5. Telling the time Science Electricity – circuits, conductors Art 1. Sketch books 2. Drawing using a range of materials 3. Robot art work Design Technology 1.Pneumatic systems Computing 1. Light Bot – input commands 2. Scratch History 1. What were the first robots used for? 2. How have robots changed over time?

5 Art Year 5 Spring Term 1 Literacy 1. Discussion texts – should all school dinners be healthy? Should children in schools do P.E every day? 2. Adverts for healthy food, sweets t that are good for you 3. Explanation texts 4. Reports Maths 1. Compare and classify 2D and 3D shapes 2. Acute and obtuse angles 3. Lines of symmetry in 2 D shapes 4. Complete a symmetric figure Science 1. What is a balanced diet? recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function 2. Life cycles of animals including humans describe changes as humans mature and develop – link to PSHCE puberty Art 1. How do you become an artist? – Guiseppe Arcimboldo 2. Fruit art PSHCE Puberty – how I grow and change Computing 1. ? How can I be a lean, mean eating machine?

6 Art Year 6 Spring Term 1 Why was the Islamic civilisation around AD900 known as ‘The Golden Age? Literacy 1. Reports 2. Argument / persuasion 3. Discussion 4. Alive and Kicking – Gaiwan and The Green Knight - writing adventure stories Maths 1. Geometry – translate, reflect and rotate shapes 2. Positions in all 4 quadrants 3. Missing angles in triangles, quadrilaterals, Regular polygons, straight lines and around a point vertically opposite 4. Zero as a place holder 5. Algorithms Science 1. Describe how living things are classified into groups 2. Micro organisms 3. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals in groups Art 1. Baghdad c AD900 2. Winter landsacpes Computing 1. The world of Al Khawarizm 2. Algorithms History 1. Understand empire / civilisation 2. Chronology / timelines 3. Historical enquiry – looking at sources 4. Expansion and dissolution of empires 5. Achievement of empires Geography 1. Use of Atlases / maps – where is Baghdad? Include latitude and longitude 2. Diff and similarities to UK

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