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1 Pre-Programmed Thread Tool Recommendation Pre-Programmed Thread February 12, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pre-Programmed Thread Tool Recommendation Pre-Programmed Thread February 12, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pre-Programmed Thread Tool Recommendation Pre-Programmed Thread February 12, 2002

2 Pre-Programmed Reporting2 Project Organization Pre-Programmed Reporting Thread Focuses on the manipulation of pre-programmed (canned) reports that are currently generated in IMPAC II Ad – Hoc Reporting Thread Focuses on allowing the NIH user community to query the IMPAC II DB (OLTP & IRDB) to retrieve data on an ad hoc basis.

3 Pre-Programmed Reporting3 Pre – Programmed Team Sherry Zucker, Chief Andy Greenleaf, SWEG Krishna Collie, Analyst Vish Kaliappan, Developer Mark Parker, Developer Natasha Globus, Developer Irina Knyazeva., Developer

4 Pre-Programmed Reporting4 Executive Summary User requirement - Manipulation format of business area reports on-line, and download report to desktop tool for further manipulation. Analysis – evaluate COTS tools against stated requirements and test using IMPAC II report. Recommendation – Oracle Discoverer

5 Pre-Programmed Reporting5 Reporting Objectives To provide reporting alternatives On Line Manipulation of report Ability to download to spreadsheet Web publishing capability

6 Pre-Programmed Reporting6 Categories of Evaluation Criteria Used Go/No Go Criteria General Criteria – Must, Should, Could Support and Maintenance Criteria Security Criteria Performance Metrics Other Considerations

7 Pre-Programmed Reporting7 Commercial Off-The-Shelf System Selection and Evaluation Technique (COSSET) COSSET

8 Pre-Programmed Reporting8 Functional Requirements Ease of use by end user Allow users the ability to manipulate “canned” reports Export report to Excel Performance comparable to current report generation

9 Pre-Programmed Reporting9 Technical Requirements Must use Oracle stored Procedures – Go/No Go Decision point Ease of creating/maintaining meta- layer Scalability across the enterprise Integrates with IMPAC II applications

10 Pre-Programmed Reporting10 Vendor Survey Market Leaders* Hummingbird COGNOS Business Objects ORACLE *(Gartner Group Survey)

11 Pre-Programmed Reporting11 Product Evaluation Reports: Complex & Simple Complex  Voter Matrix Report  Meeting Roster Report Typical  Master List of Applications

12 Pre-Programmed Reporting12 Results of Evaluation Hummingbird – not compatible with Oracle stored functions Cognos – Meta Layer difficult; can’t self join a table > 1 time Business Objects – strong second place Discoverer – meets most of our criteria

13 Pre-Programmed Reporting13 Finalists Oracle Discoverer (client server c/s) Business Objects (c/s & web)

14 Pre-Programmed Reporting14 Benefits to User Community Reporting Flexibility Sort Order (ascending &descending) Configuration of columns & rows Ability to highlight text i.e., bold, italics, font color & size Business view hides underlying complexity (user doesn’t see complexity) List of pre-defined reports for end users Web publishing of reports

15 Pre-Programmed Reporting15 Benefits to Developers & Project Don’t have to develop as many reports user can reorder columns and change sort For simple to moderate reports, faster and easier to develop report in Discoverer than to use Oracle Reports

16 Pre-Programmed Reporting16 Output Choices for Users Canned report developed using Oracle Reports – traditional canned pdf; highly formatted. Canned report developed using Oracle Discoverer - can manipulate online and export to Excel. ICSTORe –document ordering (Merge, Zip, Central Print, books), export customized hitlist to Excel, no formatting (e.g., multi-line addresses), no calculated columns (e.g., scores). Ad Hoc Query Tool – to be discussed

17 Pre-Programmed Reporting17 Developer Options Oracle Reports – complex reports e.g. CM female/minority report; pre-printed forms Discoverer – simple to moderate reports e.g. Meeting Roster, Voter Matrix ICSTORe - complex reports e.g. ICO Workload report (customizable hit list)

18 Pre-Programmed Reporting18 Deciding which tool to use Collaboration between Users & Developers Define requirements for report Decide which tool can do the job What provides most benefit for user? What makes most business sense? Assist users in understanding trade – off between options e.g. online manipulation vs. robust development Developer can start build using Discoverer and switch to Oracle Reports without losing work.

19 Pre-Programmed Reporting19 Existing Reports Identify candidates to redo in Discoverer Verify candidates with user community examine reports by business area identify candidates for online manipulation and download capability to a spreadsheet

20 Pre-Programmed Reporting20 Architectural Issue Integration into IMPACII applications Launching Discoverer reports should be seamless to user. Integration of Discoverer into Architecture Will run-time be required on Users’ Desktops? Citrix Server? Web or Client/Server version? How will Discoverer be integrated into J2EE architecture? {has web based component}

21 Pre-Programmed Reporting21 TransitionPhase Pre Pilot/Pilot (select users; e.g. Users who have requested this capability) Integration into eRA enterprise applications Full Deployment to user community Documentation/Training/Outreach

22 22 Oracle Discoverer 4 Sample Reports Selected Features

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