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Unit 3: Lesson 13 “Antarctic Journal” Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

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1 Unit 3: Lesson 13 “Antarctic Journal” Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

2 Turn your Text Book to page 376.
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer



5 1 2

6 The author had a vision of herself going to Antarctica
The author had a vision of herself going to Antarctica. What vision do you have of yourself traveling? Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

7 Answer: I have a vision of myself traveling across the country.
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

8 What might happen if someone walked carelessly over moss-covered ground in Antarctica?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

9 Answer: Hundreds of years of moss growth could be destroyed in seconds. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

10 3 4

11 How long is the author planning on staying on Litchfield Island
How long is the author planning on staying on Litchfield Island? How do you know? Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

12 Answer: At least overnight.
She packed extra clothes, food, and two gallons of water. She says that as twilight falls, she crawls into her tent, unable to sleep. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

13 Based on what you know so far, what are three adjectives you would use to describe the author? Why?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

14 Answer: Brave, adventurous, curious, sensitive because she stays alone on an island. That is brave. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

15 5

16 What is the topic of the author’s December 3rd journal entry?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

17 Answer: a visit to a penguin rookery on Litchfield Island
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

18 6 7 8

19 Why might people huddle together?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

20 Answer: People huddle together to keep warm when the weather is cold.
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

21 How are the penguins and the author alike?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

22 Answer: They appear curious about each other. The author is there to learn about penguins; the penguins watch the author. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

23 Why does the author give a detailed description of the penguins building their nests?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

24 Answer: She wants her readers to see what she sees. She wants her readers to understand how hard-working and determined the penguins are. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

25 9 10

26 Summarize where krill fit into the Antarctic food chain.
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

27 Answer: Krill eat phytoplankton, Penguins, seals and whales eat krill.
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

28 Why do you think they added garlic and butter to the krill?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

29 Answer: To make it taste better
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

30 11 12

31 Find text details on page 335 that suggest that the author is both confident and careful.
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

32 Answer: She goes out alone early in the morning, but she stays on the flagged path so she won’t get lost. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

33 What causes the author to drop straight down?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

34 Answer: She walks on ice covering a crevasse and breaks through.
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

35 13 14 15

36 Why does the author decide to crawl on her hands and knees across the glacier?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

37 Answer: Because if she stands on the ice it is more likely to crack or fracture and endanger her life. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

38 Why do you think the author does not want to be rescued?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

39 Answer: She believes she can get out on her own. She doesn’t want anyone to know that she fell into a crevasse. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

40 Which is more likely to cause weariness- watching a beautiful sky or hiking on ice for hours?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

41 Answer: Hiking on ice for hours Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

42 16

43 Why does the author describe the green flash as “a rare, fleeting event” that “lasts less than a twentieth of a second”? Answer Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer

44 To emphasize its importance and how lucky she is to have seen it.
Answer: To emphasize its importance and how lucky she is to have seen it. Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer


46 Extension Activity with: Cause and Effect
Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer



49 Projectable 13.4 Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Thayer




53 How did you do?


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